FitMitTuro Fitness Podcast
Fitness industry is full of incorrect, even harmful information. I am NO BS Fitness and Weight Loss Coach and my goal is to give you science based information, told in a simple way. I love to share real people stories and interviews with fellow coaches or professionals. Follow me in IG @personaltrainer_turo
FitMitTuro Fitness Podcast
Eating More to Lose Weight: How Silvia Reversed Her Restrictive Mindset
In this rebroadcast episode, Silvia shares her transformative weight loss journey. After struggling with yo-yo dieting her whole life, Silvia finally found success by working with Turo.
Silvia reveals how she was unknowingly eating far too little, leading to negative health effects. With Turo's guidance, she gradually increased her calories, focusing on strength training over excessive cardio.
To Silvia's surprise, this approach led to steady fat loss and increased energy, without the constant food obsession. Silvia emphasizes the importance of patience, self-compassion, and seeking professional support when needed.
This conversation is a must-listen for anyone frustrated with traditional dieting methods. Silvia's story demonstrates how a sustainable, balanced approach can lead to lasting results and improved quality of life.
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Welcome to Fitbit Turo fitness podcast, and today's episode, I'm talking with Sylvia. Sylvia is one of my clients, and have actually pretty incredible story to share, and I'm excited to have you, Silvia here, Kristen, my my podcast, and thank you for your taking time to take this interview and and because I think this will help many, many, many people who are in same situation. So when we get started, tell a little bit about yourself, like who you are, how old are you? What you are doing for work, and just normal stuff first, and then let's move forward. Okay, hi everybody, and thank you, Turo, for giving me the chance to share my story. I hope this can be as a head for anybody else who's in the same situation. My name is Sylvia. I'm 42 years old, and well, I had no much to say about my story in general, but I think what's interesting is that I've been kind of overweight all my life, and I've been in dieting all my life. I've been losing weight many times, but I always gain all the weight back, maybe, probably more. And this has been always very frustrating. The main reason is that all of my friends are kind of skinny, so I always been the fatty one and and that always been something that put me in, you know, in kind of an embarrassing side of the story, because, you know, you cannot wear the same clothes, you cannot do the same things. And that's the weird part, and, and well, has started a couple of years ago, like many changes in my life, like real life changes, like world changes, I got separate and many things happened all in the same time, and I just started moving more I need less, probably because I had to release my stress, or because I had to take care of myself, starting from beginning, I don't know. I just started losing weight, and in a couple of years, I lost three sizes with no effort at all, because it was just natural. I just I changed the job. I started to do a very more active job. My life was more active so I didn't have to make an effort. I was like it to work, to run sometimes, so it wasn't, it wasn't something I have to push myself to do. And and then during this winter, I realized that that wasn't working any longer, and so I started to track my calories for the first time in my life, and I realized I was eating very little. I was making a lot of cardio, working over 10k steps every day and everything. But at the same time, I wasn't losing weight any longer, and at the same time, my body was looking not as good as it was in this few months earlier. And this is when I decided to get in touch with Turo to ask for help, because I knew I was doing something wrong, and I was doing something wrong, I was even too little and and this is what something that was really frustrating for me, because I'm a good cook, I always like it to eat, so it was good, actually, to turn it around. Yeah, no, if you mind, to share a little bit what, what you are like, how much you were eating like in that time when you, when you started to come to me, like, do you remember, how much was it like? I think it was like 1300, something like that, because you were not aware of it, if I remember, right. But then you were like that, holy shit that this is very little. Yeah, exactly I realized, because I was pretty sure that it was too much, and I took out a little, and I was ready to do it, but when I realized that that was so little, I was sure that it was too little, and I was sure that it was not safe to cut more than that. I was sure I was around like, I don't know, 1600 1700s something more. And when I realized it was that little for me was that, you know, when the light is getting on and it's telling you, okay, you have to stop, because that was it's not that you are not the. Really like, what happened in like, how was, how was in that time, how I started? I asked it this way, how was your energy levels at that time, when you were eating very little calories, how you were feeling? I'm a very stubborn person, so I was pushing myself to do everything, but at the same time, yes, I know that my energy was not was not right. I know that my body was not right because I was losing to more hair than usual. I wasn't sleeping well. I was actually waking up hungry at night. And I mean not not all things that will tell you you're not feeling well, because I was well. I was carrying on my life. Everything was fine. But at the same time, when I started talking to you, I realized that there they were all little sign that was telling me that I had to stop eating so little because, I mean, I'm tall and, you know, I'm my big girl, so I knew I said that that was not right. Yeah, how much, how much, how much you wait like it that it keeps, like, some like, like, little bit realistic, like a thing, like rose for somebody, 1300 calories. It might be still okay, but with your like, how, how you are tall, like, 100 gates. And I used to wait, when I got in contact with you, I used to wait 76 kilos and a very active job, like doing lot of 10,000 shapes, like I said, and like, what, what we when we were looking like, I think it was your maintenance calorie should be 2400 somewhere there and and that. Then you know, when you are cutting you are eating over 1000 calories less, and that it's not that you are not making any progress, like how long, how long you were eating around that little calories or, or, do you remember how long you have been in this situation, I'm not able to say it because, you know, in winter, I'm not really able to control this much because you you just need more than usual. But for sure, I've been eating that level for two or three months. Yeah, it's not, it's not. It's still very short, but it was, it was still enough to for you to realize that this is it's not, it's not. You can't continue this way that you have to change something. And what was it? What was that like? Then before? Like, what do you have now? Okay, you can, you can tell, like, if you were not tracking calories, but if you now, you have got learned that skill. Do you have any estimate what it could be, what you had earlier? Like, when I was getting good results, I was eating about 17 seven, yeah, 1700s 1800s maybe one someday, a bit less, but it was that range, but you should, yeah, but you were, you should be for sure in the calorie deficit and eating less than your body needs. But obviously you can never be sure. Like about those gallery calculators, they are like you now have learned they are only estimates and that you what really happens to you. They don't know your dieting history. They don't know what kind of background like, how your body is and it's, it's and blast. It's really, really hard to estimate your activity levels, like, if it's but it's not that, then you access the number after, after you stay consistent, pick just one number and like you did and and like, what we we started, you started to, first step was tracking calories. Was that hard for you to get to start to track your calories? Actually, it wasn't because I always, I always added that a bit to read nutritional values on the food they buy. So just, you know, entering somewhere, because you know where of what I buy and what I eat. So it wasn't a big effort. What was the biggest surprise when you started to do this? Or how did it help you when you started to crack your calories? Well, mainly it was actually I was surprised, because I was pretty sure I was eating a lot, a lot, a lot. But I. Yeah, I mean, a lot less fat, and I've actually realized that I was eating less carbs than I thought, and more fat than I thought. And also I just, you know, started to be aware of what actually I was doing, because I didn't really have many surprises, because I was, I was pretty in control, but I was, I started to really analyze, aware of what I was eating. Yeah, no. Studies, that is the biggest skill like, to become more aware what you are actually eating. It's not, it's a, it's a, it's a, one skill. What is like? I don't, I don't think that you should use it, or it depends on person if it, if you feel that it's helping you, but I don't think that its ultimate goal is to track your every single calorie for rest of your life. But I think it's helping, especially in the beginning, if you are struggling to find out to be, to become more aware why what you are actually eating, and then when you see it like you have that vision, and then you are starting, starting to make you see it, what you are doing, what you maybe should be doing, eating something more or less. Then you know, it's, it's lot more effective and and you actually start to take those actions. So that is, that's what I love with that calorie tracking, especially at some point to use it like you did it. So what? Then we started to, obviously, add more calories to your diet, and we use it. What, what I love to use, like, it basically, you we could call up for, like, let's say, ratio calories for 1000 overnight. I think it wouldn't. It would be the same thing. But usually, if I say that, we start to be you double your food intake. You are saying, doctoro, are you crazy? So we started to use kind of little bit faster approach of reverse dieting, adding calories week after week. So I think Bucha around 150 calories per week. How you how you felt when you or what happened in the beginning when you started to add more calories? Well, I must say that my first feeling, it was actually it was relief, because, because I knew I wasn't able to carry on eating that little so I was actually relieved, but at the same time I was scared because, I mean, I trusted you, and that's the reason why I started this journey. But at the same time, I was really scared that I would put it in some ways on and that was, and that's that was scary, because I knew that it could happen, and if it will happen, it will be in a healthy way. But I was scared as well, and this didn't happen. So, you know, carrying on like adding and then adding and then adding again established actually started to feel safe. Like, yes, I'm doing tribes. I'm getting, you know, the results that they wanted, so I can carry on and and that was and then what I must say, started to get easier about in a month, because the first month I was in doubt. I was a bit scared. But after the first month, honestly, it was just easy. Just let's, yeah, no, but that is, that, is that? What is the thing that, first of all, thank you, that you trusted me. And that is the for many people, like, if you are, you are so focused on that, like you have been doing, like you have been, that you're your Dieter your whole life. And then, you know you kind of you know how diets are working you or what you have been doing before. You restrict your calories, you eat less, you move more, you start to lose weight. But then what happens is that you, if you are not able to maintain that lost weight, you are doing. It's not, it's not you are repeating, basically, say mistakes over and over again. So this time was a little bit different. So tell me the like, what, what do you you started from 1300 calories and how, how you went up, like, where you are now, and how, like, we started to add 150 calories, around 101 50 calories per week more, and how, a little bit with your words, how, how it felt, and what, how far you were going. Sorry. Is that connection? Are you hearing me? Sylvia, are you hearing me now, I hear you again. Hey, yes, now, now, okay, I'm sorry. Okay, no, no problem. It was just that there was some problems with the connection, but so till little bit, when we started to add those calories, like how it was around 150 calories and pravik and and how you started to feel, and what happened? Well, at the beginning, actually, I started to lose weight because, of course, together with adding the calories, I had to add lot of strength training, and I started to add more protein to my meals. So the research for the first couple of weeks was to lose couple of kilos, and then I realized that I started very slowly, to feel more energy and to feel to actually feel better. But I think the biggest thing that I felt is that I just started to kind of stop obsessing about what would what I would have to put in my meals, like not thinking like I started to actually plan, because I was entering everything the day before, and so I started to plan my meal at least one day earlier, but at the same time, once that plan was doing that's it. I mean, plan it done prepared, I wasn't thinking any longer, all my day about food like, shall I eat this? Shall I add that? Shelly cook this way, I think that that has been the biggest change, like totally freeing up my mind about planning meals outside the actual plan. No, I love it. That is like. That is so freeing. Like those. Are also signs that you are eating, actually too little. If you have you are thinking food all the time, and to get rid of like those things, it's, it's, it's a huge, huge thing that you don't have to actually think about it look so you, you didn't gain any when you started, because that is actually usually it happens that you are gaining little bit. Obviously, when you start to eat, you are eating very little. You start to eat more food, even you are in calorie deficit. But when you add more food, you eat more carbs, your sodium, your body holds more water, plus you have just food in your stomach. But it was that was not your case exactly. I didn't put any any weights at all. Actually, I've lost, as per today, three kilos because I'm, I'm 73 now, and stable for a couple of months. Yeah. And that is how it's that it's, it's, I like, up four months now, or how long it is, almost four, yeah. So three kilos and how much, how many calories you're eating now? Well, actually, now we started the mini cats. So now it's 1700 but until a week ago, when we agreed to do this trial, it was 203 2300 or Yeah, so 1000 calories, 1000 calories more, and you lost three kilos within four months. Wow, see, sounds pretty or too much, too good to be true, but it's, it is it is not that you know, goes to there is a physical reason why it's happening. If you are eating little, you are losing like there is no starvation mode or anything. But like you said that without realizing it, when you are eating very little calories, your sleep is bad, your energy levels are lower. You are not even you know steps, steps are good indicator, but you are not how active like because you are living in Italy, like Italian people, they used to when they use a lot of hands, when they talk and and everything like this. So your non exercise activity, it's a lot higher, and you are actually probably burning more calories. Plus there is that when you started strength training at the same time you were were you doing strength training before or or not? I've done it few times in my life, but never, never for longer than a few months. So very little. I never had the habits, honestly. Yeah, I. Never, never had a program, exactly. I always done it like, you know, going to the gym and just trying, yeah, no, that is amazing. Like, those are, those are things which are actually, when you start to beat more muscle mass, you lose fat. At the same time, your body understands that, where to put that energy. If you are because it's, it's, it's really, there is no like, really studies. All studies are not that telling it how it actually works. It's, it's an, I can't show you any studies why it's happening, but if you think logically, like that you are what signals you you are sending to your body, like if you what you were doing, like many people who are doing, they do excessive amount of cardio, like that was you also before that, you were just focusing on burning calories, eating very little calories, and You are telling to your body to become more effective by burning calories. Because cardio how to it's a differences with cardio, like when you go to run, you are you have, if you have never been running, you run 30 minutes. It's the best exercise ever. But once you do it, if you run same 30 minutes with same pace, you don't go any or you have to always go, either you have to go faster or you have to run run longer. And that is if that is because your body is trying to become more effective. And if that is where you teach your body. So it's only you have to you are very dependent on those calories, what you burn. And that if you, if you keep doing that, eating very little, burning more calories through cardio, you energy levels are going to be very, very low. And that then at some point you will say that, fuck it, I can't take it anymore. And then it's that happens that you start eating more and gaining all weight back. And that is that cycle, what is, what is then, for many people, unfortunately, for whole their whole life. And now, when you put that focus on strength training like that is, there are so many actually benefits. I don't say that you should not do cardio at all, but that main focus should be still on strength training. It's not when you get stronger, you have more muscle mass, you build that metabolism higher, plus that effect, like when you are what signals you are telling with strength training, you are telling that burn more or build more muscle mass. And and building more muscle mass your that in that process, your body needs energy. So when you you need to feed your body to be your body to be able to do it. So it takes that energy. Coach also on building that muscle mass, and when you are getting stronger and and once you have that built that muscle mass, it's, it's like, in your case, you are now in a lot better place already after a couple months. And think that if it, if you keep going and building that muscle mass, your metabolism, it will be a lot higher and, and you are not dependent on those calories. If you like, like, it happens in a life. Usually happens something that you miss your workouts for a week or two, and then it's not that you have built, that your body is kind of already machine. What? What is burning calories when you are resting, when you are laying on couch and watching TV? So you don't, you don't need to, like now, in this example, you, you said 1000 calories more. That's, that's, you can run along before you have burnt those 1000 calories. I'm not saying that it's, it's, you have raised everything through that, but, but it's still, it's a big, number. How was it like in your workouts? Have you you have got stronger? How it makes that strength training? How you are feeling? Right? I'm not making I'm making the effort to to do it. I can't hear you now. I think we have an issue with connection. Now, yeah, so, so now I hear you again. So tell little bit how. How is that? How that strength training, how you feel when you have started strength training, how it makes you feel. I. At the beginning? Well, it was the hands, probably, so I started very, very strongly believing on pushing myself. And so this is how I felt straight away, stronger, and this is how I started to see results. And now that I that I had to carry on, like changing exercises, increasing weight, increasing reps and exercises, of course, now it's taking more time and more effort to carry on, but at the same time, I have so much energy to to finish it, to do it, so despite the fact that is very hot, and so it's hard to do any kind of movement at the same time I can carry on, because I know that I have the right energy to do it. And so mentally, I'm pushing myself to finish and to actually, you know, not go into failure, but close. That's exactly how you should do, and that is, that is, you can be really, actually proud of yourself, because so many women are struggling to go close to failure. It's hard to hard to say that, because I see, I see it with with in my courses, and people with who I work on one on one, that they are like, soon as it starts to feel heavy, most women are like, no, no, no, no, it's already heavy. I do already enough and when, when you can actually, I use that example, that if I would put some knife on your throat and ask that, if you can do, could you be doing two more reps, or I will hit you or something. And if the answer is that, no, I can't, you have to hit me, then you are okay. But if you, if you would say that, okay, I can do five more, then you should actually add more weight. So that is, that is, it's just an in men's usually men are totally different. They use, probably, like, I'm guilty myself too that using too much weight. And it should be better to focus on first, on proper form. And even it's usually a bit opposition. So do you have any any questions like this is, I love this story, like you have any any questions to me, like, what? How can I help you? Or things now it's all clear carrying on with this mini cat for their THREE, FOUR DAY maximum. And then a usual, 2300 calories, yeah, no, it was that, was that, was that we, we talk, talk with you. So let's talk little bit like now. We cut you from 1300 to 2300 and then you were like that, what? What is next? And the little bit what, what you decided on, what we what we decided to do with you. Like, because you were, like, like, little bit digging that should I go back to like, should I start to reduce again? Like, if I want to do, I want to lose fat or, or, should I keep going? Because you've obviously, you felt probably better than for a long, long time, eating a bit more, having a stronger and what, a little bit what, what was going on in your mind when you got yourself to you added 1000 calories more, lost three kilos. And just is a very good place to be. And actually, I realized that I didn't focus any longer in the last few weeks on losing weight at all. I mean, I'm really happy when I'm taking my weight and my measurement and they don't change, and I'm pretty happy about the fact that I look better. And that's something that, I mean, I cannot deny it, so I just decided I'm gonna carry on in this way for a while, maybe another month or two, and then I will decide if I want to cut again. But if I want to cut again, it will be very little, like 2000 no less. No, I love it, because that was and like, what we we were talking like, that was the like, biggest thing, I think, for you, like, because you, you have had that dieting mindset your whole life, and it's all about losing weight, losing weight and and this when you learn and allowed yourself to actually eat more. All other benefits, like, like you said that you are not thinking consistent, consistently about food. Your energy levels are a lot better. Your sleep have improved, and life is just good. And then you're like that, do I do I really need to lose weight? And for that was, I think I. I told it to you. I asked you this question, and you said that actually, I don't know. I know that I want to lose weight. I want to drop another size, probably, and get to 70, but at the same time, I don't want to do it now. I mean, I don't have to rush it. I know that. I know what, what it takes to do it. I'm just, you know, in a very good place now, and this is how I want to keep living for a while. And then let's see, yeah, no, yeah, that was that is, that is I like, and that's why I, what I recommended to you, and what you did now is, like, some mini cut, like that. It's keeping it like. If you are going to lose like now, obviously you are in a lot better place, like, like, without you, everybody understands that from going from 1300 to 2300 that's a lot more food. And now what we decided to do with you is to go 10 days cut 2700 it's keeping it really, really short, and then going back, regardless what happens, going back, raising your calories. Because the thing is that it's still you have, still that mindset, you know, we all get greedy. If it's if you like, you start to lose probably, you start to see some results, you start to lose weight. And then, you know, we want more. And then it's you are repeating that same cycle, what you did before. And and that is not the goal. And so if you then it's going to be really short those phases, and then you go back to your your or close to your maintenance. It don't have to be 2300 but keeping it like really, really moderate deficit. So it's first of all giving you a lot more freedom with your food choices, plus guarantees energy to your workouts, to your life, PC life and and demanding jobs. So so there are so many benefits of doing it and at the same time like that, is that really, that secret of losing actually fat and getting those esthetic goals, is that it's not only it's not that number on the scale what makes you like now, what you said, how much you you lost three kilos, but you lost some pant sizes already, or I didn't lose any size, but my pants looks better. Okay, yeah, I don't feel you know that that little rolls of belly that are going around. So, I mean, it's not something that you can actually see like, Oh, wow. How much did you change? Because three kilo is nothing. I didn't lose guys, whatever, but my back changed. Yeah, no. And that was that would be unrealistic, like, that was the we, you were building, that foundation that if in some point you want to start, you know you can now, if you start to from 2300 you start to restrict and reduce your calories with the with the strength training, you are now with 1700 I'm sure you will see results and and that is that that is the thing, that It's not that it's not that it's not some magical if you would now be another person while eating more, that would be, that would be too good to be true, but, but just to understand and, and, and that you were, you were still even adding, or it's, it's still calorie deficit, it's, it's a law of, there is no starvation more or insulin. It's just that it says that you were still why, even you were eating more, you were still in a calorie deficit. So it was not that there was that you did something against every like energy law of energy so, or energy expenditure, expenditure so that is, that is something. So this is, I hope this story is helping somebody who is on it's like, Do you have any, any tips for somebody who is in in same situation than you were, like, having dieting your basically whole life. Over 40, when you come like that, is usually age when, especially women, start to be close, like menopause, things are coming close. You know, it's a dream, or perimenopause, and it's everything start to get harder. Do you have any any tips always who have been dieting? Because I know I I have helped so many people in the same situation, but it's always better when somebody else is telling using own words. So what kind of tips you have for somebody who is in the same situation? Know, the only thing that I will say is just because I'm, I'm a woman, and I'm that kind of person, or hates for Ask for help looking weak, or whatever, you know that puts you in that side of the story, when you are the one who needs help. But when you're in this, in this situation, you really need help. You really need to ask for help to anybody you trust doesn't matter, but it's not something you can do it on your own, because you will just get damaged. You will just keep in having efforts and damage and efforts and damage and frustration. And so this is not something that you have to be stubborn on. You have just to be stubborn on getting the results every single day, keeping going, even if one day you don't feel like just, you know, doing half. You don't want to do all the exercises, fine, do health and maybe do the other half in the evening, or adding the day the day after or in another day. But just keep going and keep that stubbornness and that pride to carry on to getting your results and not just trying to do it by yourself. Yeah, no, I I can relate. I'm exactly same, like that. Those when you it's really hard to ask, like many people like you, I don't know what made you make the decision to ask help. Because I, I'm, I'm exactly the same. It's, it's so hard. Like I'm, I'm, personally, I It's hard to ask help for me. I I'm like, you probably it's really stop born like you rather do it by yourself, then have some help, because you said, you know you can do it by yourself also. And what was the for you? What was the thing? What made you to take that like a scary step, to ask actually help? Just the fact that I realized that I was not doing things right any longer, and I didn't know what was the right step to take, and so I just realized that I had to ask to someone who knew what was the step to take. That's it. Yeah, no, I love it, and you can be so proud of yourself like you are, that first of all, to face your fear and and that you, first of all, that you took action, asked help, and the most important thing is that you actually you trusted the process. Because if somebody is asking you to eat more. It's not, it's not, it's that was probably the hardest thing ever to do for you, because if, if you have been you know how fatalus is working at eat less, move more, and then somebody is telling you that you actually should start to eat more you are like that, what? What is that? And then follow that process, trust the process, and, and, of course, it's not that it's really scary. It's scary and, and then, like the most proud of like you said that that stop corners that you are actually, because it's not easy. There will be days like you live in Italy, you have, we have here now it's a summer time like 40 degrees, or how much you have? Yeah, 41 today. Yeah, 41 degrees. So it's like 100 I don't know Fauci, but that's like, it's impossible to work out and, or you have to be really early or do something like a really slow down, like it's, it's almost impossible, like going for a walk, you know, you are, you can't do a lot of any activity so, or have to Be at in somewhere where it's air conditioning, and that to be actually, to believe that what is, it's possible, and then taking that action, that's even it's not going to be perfect, but at least something. And like you said, that you do sometimes you start in the morning, if you don't have time, you finish then that evening or or next day, but just somehow getting it done, what you what those those promises, what you make to yourself, correct? So how, how it, how it felt for you when you have that plan or like, how was it to work with me? I'm, was I'm curious, I'm I want to improve always and and provide the best possible way. So how, what was there something, what you what you wanted, that I keep doing what I should do, more or less well. I. Actually, I have to say that, and this is one of the I was following you even before. So this is one of the reason that make me point you. You. You usually make it very simple, like not just putting rules, but explaining the process. So you always let me the freedom to choose what I eat, what to do and whatever. So for me, it's very this is very important, because I really hate rules and people telling me what to do in life. So this is, this was something that was the base to work together for me, like, I mean, putting the point like, you have to eat this amount of calories and this amount of protein and the rest, I have to organize myself. That, for me, is a bit, bit plus, at the same time, on the days where maybe I was not actually eating my my goals, you were not, like, punishing me, or were just, you know, pointing it out, like, how do you plan to eat this evening? Because I don't need I don't see your source of protein. And I was like, shit. I got out. But at this time, I wasn't feeling guilty. I wasn't feeling leads. You know, you were leading me to make the right choice without actually constricting me or pushing me to do anything I didn't want to do. So this, for me, was very a good point, and also something that I really appreciated to to have inside all the journey, because it's already an effort. So having someone that doesn't really push your pushing you without really making you, make it look as it's, you know, yeah, it's making it easier. Yeah, no, but that is no. I thank you. I really, really, really appreciate it. And that is actually what is, what is my goal? I don't, I don't want to. I want to less I have to tell you better it is I give you guidelines. That is my goal and and ultimately, I give you options, because we are all different. Like, if somebody is telling you exactly if you are not, because I believe that if you are not, some like a competitor, like, who is basically eating just out of from plastic boxes to prepare like having every counted, every gram of each macro nutrient and but that is not it's that life like for them, it is, but probably like for normal people who have a life and and want to enjoy also life and foods. It's not the way, but and, and we have all our personal preferences. So So to give you strategies, options, like what you could be eating, but ultimately, like, hit your protein and if that, if you, if you decide to eat chicken, if you decide to eat fish, if you decide to eat some diet products, it it doesn't work big and it doesn't know protein powder, it doesn't doesn't matter. It's, it's still protein and whatever you enjoy eating, and that is, that is what I that's, I thank you. I appreciate it, and that is my goal. Is like lead you, give you options, and but that ultimately, that that it's because it's sticking lot more, it's taking into you like a lot better when you are the one who's making the decisions. And it's not that somebody else is telling you exactly that. Now you have to eat 200 grams of rice and 200 grams of chicken. If you said, No, I can't. I can't have properly 50 in a row. But if there is a plan and I have to do it, no, yeah, because this is something that will lead you to stop someday, and then what you want to do, you're going to go back you were while you were doing before. And so you're going to get back to your life while. Actually, I believe that if you really want to get this goal, not just to lose weight, just, you know, to be healthier, to have a better body. Whatever is your goal, it takes a naturally change of your of your life, of your habits or mindset, not just eating more protein that yeah, no, not enough. Yeah. And it takes time. It takes time. It's not, it's not. We tend to think that it's nutrition that you have to use, right? It starts now on Monday that then I will change everything, but it's there is never. You should never, ever try to change everything at once. So one thing at the time, and then so small things that it's never actually feeling being on diet, anything, anything else I'm curious to know, like, what, what else you What should I do more? Or what? What else you I did well, or I'm I'm doing well? What do you enjoy? Sorry. I think this is more than enough. Thank you. So I don't want to push you too much, but that's that it's always I'm I love to hear, hear those always to get honest, honest feedback, and trying also to improve and and giving experience and ultimately, results and and really, really like you, what you have done, changing your life and and, and never needing to go back on that old you, where you have been. And so it's already now after, after a couple months, you are in in a very, very good place, and you can be so proud of yourself, because that's, it's not you work so hard that it's, it's, then it would, I would have to watch the mural if you wouldn't get the results. Thank you. So I think that was if you have any questions, anything you want to say, feel free to use her. If you want to share your social media, anything, feel free to do everything now and and if you have anything to say, no nothing else. I mean, we are Instagram, but I'm quite I'm a quiet person. I mean, I think I'm really happy to help other people, because I realized that there is no enough awareness of fitness, fitness or healthy eating, or all this that was our topic today. And so I'm very happy I've done this with you. So I really hope I can get other people to actually think about it. Yeah, thank you. I hope, I hope exactly same thing, and that is my ultimate goal, that you, you start actually facing that fear and getting action. And if this is these are kind of best stories when somebody who have done it is now kind of on the upper better side, that that hearing it from them how it is, and you can probably relate better, because those are these are, for me, a lot more powerful things than sharing some before after pictures. What you could be actually fake everything, if you want nowadays, it's it wouldn't be, it would be simple to do. So these kind of stories, they are the best, best example and best giving some, best motivation to get started. So thank you so much, Sylvia for your time sharing your incredible story and and we stay in touch. So thank you for listening and talk to you soon. Thank you. See you soon. Bye.