FitMitTuro Fitness Podcast
Fitness industry is full of incorrect, even harmful information. I am NO BS Fitness and Weight Loss Coach and my goal is to give you science based information, told in a simple way. I love to share real people stories and interviews with fellow coaches or professionals. Follow me in IG @personaltrainer_turo
FitMitTuro Fitness Podcast
5 Foods to Avoid and Eat for Lasting Weight Loss
In today´s FitMitTuro Fitness Podcast we tackle the challenge of sustainable weight loss in a way that respects both your health and your love for food. In this episode, I'll share the same practical strategies that have helped over a thousand of my clients not just lose weight, but keep it off for good. We'll cut through the noise of common diet myths and focus on what really matters: creating a manageable calorie deficit, understanding the impact of what you drink—including alcohol—on your weight and sleep, and how to enjoy the foods you love without derailing your progress. If you’re tired of quick fixes and ready for lasting change, this episode will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to adjust your diet for long-term success. Tune in to start your journey toward a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.
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Recording in progress. Hey and welcome to fit me Turo fitness podcast in today's episode, I talk five foot to avoid and to eat more if you want to lose weight and keep it off. So this is kind of topic what is now often it's it's autumn, it's a time that schools are starting. For many people, especially those who have children that you are after some summer, you are getting back to routine after summer. And now for many people, it's time that that now it's time to do something. Maybe you have had an enjoyable summer and gained some unwanted weight, and now you want to get rid of it. But if you are, as have many of others, you have struggled with your weight for the past years. You are, you are kind of always in a same routine, that you are gaining losing weight, and it feels that it's never going to be sustainable. This episode is going to help us. I'm going to tell my best strategies, what I have helped with literally over 1000 people at this point in my within past decade being a coach. So hopefully this episode is helping, and this is, I'm not holding anything back. So this is all information. What I share also with my one on one clients, on my best, on my programs. It's what is the difference. This is information, and then with like kind of coaching, it's that you are kind of, I'm holding your hand for a short period of time, and then then we are, we are, depending on person how long you need, that kind of hand holding that you are actually doing those things, what you already know, because most likely, there is not going to be so much new information, What you wouldn't find or there is nothing in 2024 you will find all information for free, so there is no new information. It's just more about maybe thinking something little bit differently, maybe having something like that. You have heard something, but you were too scared to do something. So hopefully in this episode, you get clear clarity, what you actually be doing. And this is one of the best examples, is, is one of my clients said that we have been working now for a while together and and as she had that kind of mindset, that she had kind of list of foods she could never eat, and especially food, foods like a fruits, for some reason, watermelon, she didn't eat for over a decade because she thought that there is way too much sugar, and she was avoiding these foods. And that was that was so relief when she had us, she didn't have that list of foods what you should be avoiding. And even in this episode, I'm going to talk about foods you should be avoiding. But she felt so much relief when she had her numbers she knew exactly what to do. So there was kind of that, that overwhelm was taken away all that case work that should I do this? Should I do that? And you were focusing just on couple simple things at the at the same time, and didn't make it too complicated. And now she have finally gained confidence of doing it. She can do it alone, and she can, she can actually start taking action. So so this is, these are very, very important things, and hopefully you will learn from this episode, how to actually do it without feeling overwhelmed. So, so what is understanding? What is first rule, like, what I like to like losing weight is, is, it's, it's an outcome from being in a calorie deficit. So calorie deficit, as you probably know, it's, it means that being eating less calories than your body needs at the moment. So that is the way, how you are losing fat, how you're losing weight. But I like to call it fat loss, because it's, it's a energy balance, when once that is negative, you are losing some tissue from your body. And this is the most important to understand is that, if you are thinking like that, you want to lose that weight, it doesn't matter. You could be cutting out your arm. You could be losing 10 kilos of your muscle and very little fat, but you are and you are seeing the lower number on the scale. But that is not the same than losing fat. So you could be, for example, fat. You could be losing five kilos fat, gaining, same time, three kilos of muscle. So you don't see as big number on the scale, but you are seeing your body composition is changing, and even that progress is lower. So that is the kind of the difference between weight loss and fat loss. And your goal should be, always fat loss. Even I know that, especially for many women, you are focused, it's coming from the past. I don't know where it's coming from that, but goal is to get that scale rate going down. And often, often there is some kind of reminder from your past what you have had like, maybe you are now in your 40s and and you were weighing certain amount in your 20s or 20 in in your 30s, and you felt good at the time. And now you still think that that's the weight, what I need to be, but you are actually not. It doesn't matter what number that scale is showing. It's all about that feeling, feeling confident, and finally getting there, what makes you feel the same way? And it doesn't need to be that exact number on the scale. It can be in a higher, it can be in a lower, but it's all about the confidence and and hopefully in this episode helps you to get it and to understanding like that barley life from diets. Calorie deficit is not a diet. It's just an energy balance, which should be most of if your goal is to lose weight, it should be negative or otherwise that you are not going to lose fat or weight. So and the idea it's not a diet. So what I what is, for many people, it's so eye opening when I tell that all is not in a calorie to be in a calorie deficit, you should not be. You should not have a list of foods, what you can't eat so you can, you can have literally everything. And the goal should be always to eat as much as possible within the limits, or within your calorie goals, or within your calorie limit. So you have some kind of boundary, some kind of goal, what you try to hit, and the goal is to eat as much as possible. So it makes it so much easier when when you your goal is to eat as much as possible. And that's the that's the whole idea, what, what, what I'm doing with my coaching is to find yourself to find a ways how to eat foods you actually enjoy eating and eating as much as possible. But it doesn't feel that you are dieting. Because if you tell yourself, like, for example, what is very popular nowadays is to like, let's say that eat or diet, or low carb diet, so you cut carbs out, so you have a rules that you can't eat carbs. And then it might, you might feel good for a short period of time, and then when you start to at some point, you start to eat. And include those carbs. Again, you are what, is going to happen? How you are going to feel about yourself like so you have your rules. You broke your rules. And then if you are, if you are even a little bit perfectionist, that you are kind of all in or nothing mindset, and then you are thinking that now I already broke it. So what is the matter? I get back on track, maybe next week, or in two weeks, or next month, whatever. So it doesn't matter anymore. I broke those shoes already, already, but within a calorie deficit, it's a little bit different. So the goal is always to have a weekly budget. Right with your money. It's the same like, let's say that your number is 2000 calories per day, and if it's multiply that with seven, it's a, it's a 14,000 calories. So, so that is, that is your weekly parts. Then how you divide it between the days? You would be like most people, if you're if you are, you want to have a kind of more freedom on the weekends. You would be having a higher number on the weekends, lower number during the week. You could have your workout days a little bit higher number and lower number, or you would have every single day that 2000 so basically, how you end up, how you are getting into your weekly budget or weekly calorie goal, it doesn't matter. It's up to you. And there are so many ways, as we are, everyone individual. So that is first clearly or quick explanation about calorie diets and diets, what you probably have heard and what is, what it what it tends me, what it tends means, like, if you are what is the best way to know it like, if you have never tracked like that is something. What I always recommend to start at some point, the goal is, it's is to track your nutrition. So it's not that the goal should be, for most people, is that you track for a while, but you should not be tracking the rest of your life. So it doesn't mean that you have to do it. There are just the people that they found it so valuable, especially in those moments when you are trying to either change your body composition, so either gaining muscle mass or losing body fat. It's the tracking is the most effective way, because that is, that is to be more more accurate if your goal is to maintain your weight for that like you should be in a maintenance most of the times, like, it's only like calorie deficit and building muscle. They are phases which are usually they should not never be longer than three, four months at the time, like you could if you have a lot of weight to lose, you could be longer in a deficit, but at some point you have to take some kind of diet breaks because it's mental. It's going to be so challenging if you are all the time trying to lose weight and you never learn how to maintain it. So how you think if you are going to maintain lost weight if you have never practiced it? So this is, this is not even you are not in your calorie deficit or in your weight goal, yet you should practice doing it and and the goal is always, as I said, is to eat as much as possible. So there is a there is foods, what I'm going to tell later like, what are like, kind of low in calories, high in volumes. And that is called like, kind of volume meeting. And if you have like, there are some other foods which are, like very, very low in density, like they are, they are very small amount of foods, but with high amount of calories. And obviously those foods, it's not, I'm not saying that you can't have them, because, literally, you can eat a whatever you want until you hit your numbers, but it just makes to hit those numbers so much harder, because being in a calorie deficit, it's, it's hard anyways, and if you are all the time like eating wrong kind of, wrong type of foods, you make your effort so hard, and it's, it's going To be almost impossible if you don't follow these principles, what I'm what I'm talking so let's get started with foods. If I call one food to avoid one food, what you should be eating. So it's kind of that I'm not telling you if you are waiting or at least what you should be avoiding, as you probably have heard or seen in social media that these are foods, what you shouldn't be eating, or they are dangerous, or you might die. Honestly, we are all going to die. And those foods what you see, especially in social media, like, of course, if you, if you're every if you are eating every single day, something, it probably it's not the best idea for your health, but if it's every once in a while, or in a moderate usually those portions, like, if you hear, like, now, what are like seed oils or something, what you have probably heard or or something that they might be dangerous, or, or diet, course, or something. There are so many studies that that until if you are having them in a moderation, like, for example, Diet Cokes or diet sodas, you drink one tube per day, that is totally okay. It's not probably, I still probably wouldn't do it. But studies are showing that you should the amounts that they start to become dangerous for your health. They are like that you have to eat and or you have to drink, like 50 bottles of soda to that. It's, it's, you are getting that kind of portion. What is? What is getting healthy? So just think, usually, often. Now in social media, it's just that kind of information. They get attention, and that's why you probably have seen a lot of that kind of content, so force to avoid and then how it's impacting us. You see it more often. You are starting to think that that might be a true you start to be scared. You have fear, and then it makes you confused. So often, just think, learn to think like that, what is actually important, what is not? So often, this kind of things that both dangerous foods or food types or single foods, it's they are just made to get attention in social media, and that is kind of sad thing for me, if you have a good information, but be those kind of posts are not getting in viral in any social media because they are kind of boring. And what is actually working, those are boring things so but let's get started with foods to avoid. And first on my list this kind of beverages which have some calories. So why is this for especially for weight loss? And like I said, I'm not telling that you can't have these things. It says that less you have these things better, you repeat. So all kind of beverages like this is like explaining like, for example, so does all Sweden teas or choices or or some special coffees where you put, like Starbucks, with all kind of sugary coffees, where, where you have lot of calories. So why is this that something you should be avoiding or being very careful? Because this is something like, if you if your goal is, let's say I use that number, what I said earlier, 2000 calories. So if your goal is to eat 2000 calories, and you are drinking every single day like three, 400 calories from liquids. It's not this. That amount of calories is is not going to make you feel fuller. It says that you are drinking, but you don't feel anything. You don't have any more in your stomach. It doesn't make you feel fuller. It says that you are, you are just getting those calories in, but you don't basically feel them or they doesn't they are not possible within the make it that doesn't make your diet easier. So, and it's the same thing with the alcohol. And alcohol is, if you think like that one beer that is a good reminder of myself too, especially after summer 0.3 beer is around 140 calories. If you drink half liter of beer, it's 200 calories each. So if you think like all calories what you are drinking, so even you can still be in a calorie deficit while you are drinking alcohol or you are drinking sugar beverages, it just makes it so much harder. And with with alcohol, how it's, it's not only about calories, it's, it's the biggest thing for me is with the alcohol, is that, okay, there is, there's many ways how it's impacting to your weight loss. So first of all, that it's it's often when you drink alcohol, you are also eating something more. You have some kind of chips or snacks or or you are starting to feel hungry, and you are eating more. And that the second thing, what is actually even more important, is that how it's impacting to your sleep? So you might think I have heard it so many times that I don't feel any difference if I drink one or two or three, I don't feel any difference in my sleep. You might not feel it. But if you look, if you track your sleep, how it's impacting for especially for weight loss, is that, because there is something called ethanol, and when you treated ethanol, and that is the first thing for your body, is that if you are trying to lose weight and you have ethanol in your body, your body works to remove that ethanol, first in your from your body, before it start to remove that or or any other source of energy, energy. So this is the first thing, what it what your body is removing, and it's how it's impacting to your sleep. While you are sleeping, you are your body is trying to remove the tether. It's your resting heartbeat is going to be a lot higher. Your recovery is getting. It's uh, slows down your recovery. And then after how it's impacting on next day, even you don't, you might not feel that I have less energy or something, but if you look like all kind of facial impact, in in presence, your step amount. There are even studies that if for people who are sleeping five or six hours, compared to full seven eight hour nights. It's at around 300 calories less what you are consuming so or or what you are eating more. So it's it's even you don't feel it. You might think that I'm okay. I didn't, there's a there, I'm still okay. I'm doing fine. I don't feel any difference. Is that good, but if you track your sleep, it's impacting a lot more than you believe, and even especially like for me, I can, I can tell from myself, I track my sleep now for a couple of years, it's, it's for drinks. It's not always the same thing, but the if I have more than one alcoholic beverage, and even, even if it's only one, but if it's close to bedtime, it's impacting my sleep. I'm more tired, more likely that I'm going to eat more the day after, more likely that I'm going to move less. And you know, even if you are getting your steps in but your facial impressions, that kind of that your energy, what your body needs, is going to be lower on the next day. And then this is kind of cycle, what repeats. And that's why I highly recommend to limit your alcohol intake. And if you are drinking like that, you are kind of trying to that, you know, you think that you deserve beer or you need there is a lot of stress. You are kind of using it to suppress your emotions. I highly recommend to find some other ways if you have never tried, because that is not it makes it actually all this kind of a gullible hole. It thinks that you It helps you to relax, but actually it makes things only worse. It helps for the short moment, but then in the long run, it makes things only worse. So that is just the opinion and and, but I know it's easier said than done, if you are someone who likes to drink alcohol a lot. So that is food number one, to avoid. Then, what is something number one? What you should be eating is, is to eat more is always protein. So that is something, what I'm sure you have heard, but protein is the most feeling macronutrient, and we, I don't know almost anyone like I would say that over 90% of people are struggling to eat enough protein. So how much protein you should be eating? Is that, if you take your coal body weight, if you use kilograms, and multiply that with 1.6 or 1.5 that is a minimum amount. Ideally, it would be more. But if you have never tracked like let's say that I'm waiting at the moment 90 kilos. I multiply that with 1.5 that's 140 grams. Around 135 minimum, my goal is I try to hit 150 grams protein every single day. So that is my kind of bare minimum. Ideally, I would get somewhere 180 but I feel like that that is already kind of too much at the moment, as I don't enjoy eating so much meat and and I'm not enjoying to have too many supplements. So so that is I'm good with 150 grams, and that is already pretty hard task. I feel pretty good about it myself, and that is what I'm aiming for, aiming for every single day. And that's something what you should be aiming to. So then foods to avoid is kind of number two, is all kind of processed snacks. So think, think, what is a process that snacks, they are all kind of chips, cookies, what is? What is because they they are obviously food industry is making them delicious. They are usually very, very high in calories, low in density, like food density that you are, or high in density, also that, but you are, you are not feeling fuller. They are just tasting and when you are eating that kind of snacks, it's very easy, like you might be someone that who is saying that I'm not eating a much or lunch or dinner, you skip the meals, but then you are snacking kind of all the time. And in the end, those amount of calories, if you would have a bigger meal, you would have a luckiest calories than you are eating like small snacks throughout the day. And as those snacks often, they are high in unhealthy fats, sucker salts, and that is something, what I personally would avoid, and and again, as I said, you can have but look, take a week time to track your food and see what you are actually eating. So that is always the one way or the best way, what I recommend? I don't I never tell someone that what you should be doing. But if you are just someone who is starting track your food for seven days, we can include it and see what you are currently eating, and then after that, start to look at where you would be doing some kind of changes. So foods to eat more is then second my list is vegetables. So vegetables, they are something like that, what I call kind of zero calorie foods. So even Okay, technically vegetables have some calories, but for me, they have so little calories, and with so many so much fiber, so much vitamins, that you can more you are able to eat. There it is. So if you, if you daily recommendations, they are like half kilo or kilo vegetables per day. And I think that there are not many people who are getting it but, but the goal is just that more you are able to eat better, you will be and if you are worried about your calories, if you look like all vegetables, they are so low in calories, so more you are able to eat better, you will be easier. Your calorie deficit is going to be the only thing where you have to pay attention is dressings and what you are putting on top of them and how you are making them so, so what I what I love. I love always to mix it like I'm not I even I'm that kind of weird person. I enjoy eating vegetables even how they are I don't need. I maybe I access the little bit salt, just a little bit of leaf oil. Sometimes, if I have some broccoli or something, just I put on top of that, and some cheese. And this is something, what I what I enjoy eating. But basically I'm, I'm a weirdo. I enjoy eating vegetables even as they are, I don't need too many kind of sources or or any dressings on top of that, but just trying to find a ways how to include more vegetables. So then foods to avoid is, I would say, I would say that the third one is kind of high fat dairy products. And this is something, what is, what is like, all what I this is a reminder for myself too. Like, if you like, I love eating Greek you put but if you compare the difference with the high fat version and low fat version. Amount of calories is a huge obviously, it's a tasty thing. Also, like it's it doesn't matter, you could be having a higher fat, but it says that if you can't eat like low fatty, or it's not you don't enjoy eating it, then go for a higher fat option. But remember, always that it makes, makes such a big difference how much fat is in those products. And other thing is, like a high fat dairy products are cheeses. So there are some cheeses, especially low fat cheeses, which are very high in protein. But if you are looking protein sources that are fatty cheeses, cheese, that's not the smartest idea as a, as a, okay, they are delicious, delicious, but, and they have some protein, but it's the tracer between what, how much protein you are getting versus how many calories there is. It's not very good in a fat. It's easy, so be careful what kind of disease you are eating. So that is, that is for number three. Number three to eat more is, I would say that it's a fiber. So fiber is something, what I see that so many people don't even really know what it is and and it's something like that, if you it, it's first of all, vegetables, it's whole grain products, like they are often, they are high in fiber. And I highly recommend if you have, if you have a tracking app, or even you could be using chat, CBD or something, just put list of foods, what you have been eating, and check out how much fiber you are you have been eating. So it's for your cut health, and also it's it makes you feel fuller. So all fruits, vegetables, whole grains, they are the best way to get enough fiber. So fiber like this is just that like I don't track personally. I don't track it every single day. I have just built my own habits in a way that I get even in my worst day without tracking it. I have I'm pretty close to my fiber cold. So how much fiber you should be eating? So it's a 14 grams per 1000 calories you are eating. So with this example, if you are eating 2000 calories, your goal is to eat 2000 it should be 28 grams. If it's a more like for me, I eat around 3000 calories per day. So that is my maintenance where I'm currently at, on levels, as I have been that in there, like, most of the time for the past years. And for that, I will, I'm, I'm aiming for 42 grams. And for me, how I get there, like, I make sure that I have two three pieces of fruit every single day, I have a one big salad every single day. I try to have when possible, when I'm eating some, for example, rice or or pasta, I try to have kind of the whole brain version to increase that fiber intake. But sometimes, like especially for pasta, for example, I'm not enjoying the taste of whole grain so much, so I rather sacrifice little bit of my health and fiber for tasting or taste. So that is up to it's very, very individual. And you can, you can always check, look what is what you prefer doing. But that should be cool, and it's not, you know, it's not even you don't hit your number perfectly. It's you don't do any huge harm. It just make things again easier. Then number four on list of foods, what you should be avoiding is all kind of fried food. So this is, this is just, it's again, like you can have it, but if you look amount of, how it's increasing calories, amount of, if you are frying your food, how much increasing your calories, and it obviously it involves unhealthy fats, so that have some other impacts as calories, but also so all kind of fried food that is, for me, it's it's an something what I would avoid, and again, as any other on This list of foods, what you should be avoiding. You can you can always have, but just be sure, make sure to check it out. Look how many calories you are actually eating. Then for number four foods to eat, and I would say that this is, this is now something. It's not something to eat, but it's, it's a water like, what do you be adding water, more water you are able to drink better you will be so obviously, there is a only harm, so you can't really overdo it. So was, our body is very good at telling you when you have enough so it's color of your pee. So until when your pee is light colored, you are doing it correctly. If you never call the toilet, or when you go there is coming some black urine, then it's time to you are doing it way too little. And now I see it myself here now, especially in Italy, in the summertime, when I'm a person who sweats a lot, and even I try to drink a very lot, there are some days that I recognize that I haven't been in toilet whole day, or when I go there is barely nothing coming out. And that's why the drinking water, it makes everything so much easier. It makes you feel fuller. So how I like to use this and what I like? There are a couple of good tricks how to act like. But first of all, to start your day, first thing in the morning, drink big glass of water. And that is what I try to like before having a coffee, before anything in speed, glass of water, then trying to have a glass of water before your before my meal, after my meal, basically all the time, having bottle of water, bottle visible. So now, when I'm recording this podcast episode, I have a bottle of water visible. I'm drinking, having a sip every once in a while. And good way to what my favorite way to keep on track on water intake is that if I have my bottle is 0.6 liters. So if my goal is to have a three liters per day, I would have a five rubber bands or make sure that I refill that bottle five times per day. So that is, that is kind of my personal goal, what I try to aim for every single day. Some days, of course, it's not, I'm not some machine who is doing everything perfectly. I forgot to do it. But this is not about being perfect all the time, but it's, it's more like kind of trying to be as consistent and as possible. So this is then number five foods to kind of avoid. I would say that this is, this is, it's not a food, but it's a thing. What used to be avoiding that do not go too low in a calories. So this is, this is very, very common problem and and this is, this is what, what I mean if you try to go too low on your calories and to eat too little, it's, it's how it's impacting us. So you you might be if you think that you are eating 1200 calories, you don't see any results, and now you have to go lower. What happens for those people, by far, almost all that they think that they eat 1200 calories. But the reality is that there are some snacks maybe going eating or drinking a little bit more calories on vegans, and you are eating and drinking lot more, 10,200 calories. So don't go too low, because, and if you go too low and try to kind of speed up your weight loss, what happens is that your body, if that calorie deficit is stupid, you don't have you don't eat enough protein, you don't do any resistance training. Your body doesn't care where it takes that missing energy. And unfortunately, if we are trying to get there as quickly as possible, and you are eating eating very little calories. The fastest way to compensate that missing energy is from your muscles and not from your fat. Obviously, you would like that your body is taking all energy from fat, but that's not what what is going to happen and so. So for fat loss and to change your body composition, feel more confident. It's, it's the most important thing is to have have it, not in a tup deficit, eat enough protein as we talked, and do some kind of resistance training to kind of minimize that muscle loss while losing and maximize that fat loss at the same time. So that's why those, those things are the most important, then lasting foods. What you should be eating more. I would say that this is, this is not a single, single food. But obviously I would be telling like having a I already touched little bit having a fruits, couple of fruits, vegetables, salty fruits, whole grains and fiber, proteins, healthy fats. Of course, they are important too. But I will say that the last thing is to find like that last food or what to eat more is to find kind of to think that what is what you enjoy eating, and finding a way to hit your numbers with the foods you actually enjoy eating, so and to also include kind of your favorite foods. So what I what I love to say that is that this would be a food, what you enjoy the most, but to have it in moderation. So this might be different for every person. But what I love to say that if you have a problem, like, let's say that you are, you think that you are super addict or something, that you can't have a piece of chocolate because if you have one piece, you might have you eat. You can't stop eating it. So for that, for that kind of person, I would probably say that, okay, you don't need it. You don't. It's better that, at least for a while, you don't eat at all. But even the ultimate goal should be always to bring back those foods in moderation. But for some person, for some other person, who have like, kind of cheat day per week, and it's only one day per week, and how often I see that those cheat days are going is that you end up overeating. You end up like you eat more than you should. Actually you should be eating because you think that I have to eat today because tomorrow I'm not allowed anymore, and you have these kind of rules, and the best way is how to change that thinking is to actually make yourself to eat those foods every single day, but to have it, like I said, to have some kind of budget, like it's good, would be that have been for my, some of my clients who have been struggling with that kind of overeating on vegans, or having that seed place and going forward and that is causing that you are not actually seeing The progress. But if you go for for example, alcohol is again 202,000 calories per day. And let's say that it's called 8020 rule. So 20% of your calories should be food from you, what you are actually enjoying, and that would be 400 calories. So let's say that you eat 400 calories from foods you actually enjoy. So it could be chocolate, it could be fried foods or toast foods. What I said that you should be avoiding, but if you stay, if you follow that 8020, rule, it's, it's more more sustainable than actually trying to hit perfectly and hit only 100% healthy foods, because that is, honestly, that is, for me, that is more like a prison, and it's not that is not the best way to do it. So rather have a little bit flexibility, Freedom doing it, and that 28 rule, and if you divide those numbers within your calorie budgets, that's probably the best way how to do it, or how I would do it. So these, these were my top five foods be avoid. I hope it makes sense top five foods to eat more if your goal is to find a sustainable way for Fatal loss. And I would love to hear from you. So let me know. Email me Turo at fitme, turo.com or send me DM in my Instagram. I would love to hear from you what you thought about this episode, what was your biggest takeaway, and if you have ever some topics, what you think that I should cover, what you would like by talk. I'm always open to hear your questions, answering those in this kind of long form. content. So, thank you for listening, and especially for those that big. Thank you, who have left the five star review and iTunes or Spotify. Those are helping massively. With that, reaching more people. So, have a good day and talk to you soon.