FitMitTuro Fitness Podcast
Fitness industry is full of incorrect, even harmful information. I am NO BS Fitness and Weight Loss Coach and my goal is to give you science based information, told in a simple way. I love to share real people stories and interviews with fellow coaches or professionals. Follow me in IG @personaltrainer_turo
FitMitTuro Fitness Podcast
Low-Impact, High Reward: Uncovering the Health Benefits of Trampoline Training with Steve Carver
Dive into the exhilarating world of trampoline training with fitness veterans Steve Carver and Turo Virta on this episode of FitMitTuro Fitness Podcast. With over 30 years of personal training experience, including extensive expertise in trampoline workouts, Steve unpacks the multitude of benefits that this unique form of exercise can offer. From revolutionizing low-impact workouts for older individuals to kick-starting the release of 'happy hormones,' trampolines may just be the missing piece in your fitness puzzle.
Discover how trampoline training impacts not just physical health but mental well-being too. Learn about the NASA study that backs up its efficiency, the potential for core muscle development, and its accessibility to various age groups and fitness levels. Plus, get the lowdown on how trampolines are being incorporated into sports training. Whether you're looking for a fun new workout, need low-impact options, or just want to jump into something new—this episode is for you!
Links we talked about in episode:
ACE (American Council of Exercise) study done related to Fitness trampolines
NASA study
Benefits of Rebounding
I mean, I figured we would, I would have enough time to do whatever you need to do. And if we need to, like break it up or do different segments or however you wanted to do it, I'm good to talk for as long or as little as you feel is necessary. So if you do me a favor, though, as we're going along, if once I cover a certain topic topic, if you have some idea of something that you want explained, or there's information that you think is pertinent to this whole process for you, that your that your subscribers will be interested in. They just kind of be like, Okay, well, that was really interesting. Can you tell me a little bit more about X, Y and Z and then I'll run with it and then we'll get to a point and you'll see they'll kind of get there will be some endings to it. I can give you pauses where you can be like, Well, that was really great or whatever, or can you tell me a little bit more or, and just kind of push me along and I'm happy to talk and I don't think you're gonna have to like drag me through anything. I'm pretty good at talking. Makes this perfect. So let's start with recording and let's do this recording in progress. So welcome back to Fit Metro fitness Podcast where we explore the fascinating world of health, fitness and wellbeing. I'm your host, Turo Virta and today we are going to bounce into a very special topic, trampoline training and its relationship with mental health. So, we are privileged to have here as Steve kava, who's a personal trainer with over 30 years of experience and the dosa over decades experience with trembling training. Obviously, no need to mention that Steve is a specialist with when it comes to trembling training. So welcome to the show, Steve. Well, thank you for having me. I really appreciate it. Awesome. So first, I wanted to talk a little bit about trembling training like I did in the past myself, I was still I was doing group coaching sessions with trembling and I was I was loving those workouts myself and and obviously my clients loved them. So but can you tell us a little bit to get to know you a little bit so how did you get started in this field? Well, I got started in fitness by accident. Not really, technically. I mean, I was a youth athlete started doing sports when I was very young. I always loved the gym. There was a certain point in my life where I was in my one career was kind of came to an end and I was in between jobs and by a weird chance I went to the gym every day, because I had lots of time and you know, doesn't seem best thing to do when you're got free time. And the gym owner said, Hey, do you need a job and I'm like, oh, no, no, I'm looking for one it goes but in the interim you want to come work at the gym. And so by a funny quirk of circumstances because I went to the gym at five o'clock in the morning that I ended up working at a gym and then I became a trainer for trainer and not knowing what I was doing then I wouldn't got certified and thing and the next thing I know you know, 20 years later, I run into being a trainer to the stars and I was traveling around the country and as a result of that I was on a TV show and JumpSport was the sponsor. Now I had seen trampolines my grandma had a trampoline I love big trampolines. I did gymnastics and love trampoline training when I was at the gym. And they gave me this, this, this trampoline and I looked at it I thought oh, it's just a trampoline. Right. Okay, cool. No, no, no, they don't. We don't use springs anymore. I'm like, well, that's great because the sound of springs is really noisy and annoying. And weight, you know that squeaking and and I said and they go and it's way more forgiving. I'm like, so you said it's more like a big trampoline. So I got on it and I'm like, Oh my gosh, it really is. It's It's amazing. It's quiet. It's adjustable. I can make it harder for me and softer. For somebody who's a little lighter. So it gave variability to the user I could do and the same programming and I could curtail it to somebody's fitness level. So if you were deconditioned or really conditioned, I could adjust some of the tensions to be able to accommodate different athletes. Long story short, I fell in love with it because I realized that it was way way more than a trampoline. So because of the design of this product has curved legs, it has very stable platform. Okay. And one of the things I noticed is that I had a lot of people that were you know, little older, their knees hurt, their back hurt, whatever, but I would train them on the trampoline. And they'd be like, Wow, I got a really great workout and my body didn't hurt my back didn't hurt. My knees weren't sore about it at all. Come find out that using an accelerometer we have proven that using a chord based program that JumpSport trampolines versus a spring based trampoline you're going to reduce ground or split the impact of the two units by 50%. So you can naturally develop device sorry about the dog and devise that if you jump on the ground ground based exercises, you're gonna get more relief from that. So anywhere for, you know, up to 80% ground reduction in impact due to ground based exercises, right. And then the second benefit I saw with people is that they were always very happy on the trampoline. And I could never figure that out and so I go to a friend of mine and who deals with special needs children and in at UCLA, and they said, Well, we love to use the trampolines for kids with auditory issues because it stimulates ox oxytocin, serotonin, and a bunch of other happy hormones that your body is instrumental in keeping you happy or joyful in whatever you're doing. So now I found that not only will clients be happier while they're exercising because you're releasing all these hormones into their system, you're reducing the amount of impact their body is experiencing while doing the same exercises they would be doing on the ground. And the best part of this is that you recruit more muscle tissue while on this platform because you have to stabilize every movement so anywhere to 20 to 30% more muscle recruitment doing the exact same exercises. So there was a study done that shows that 12 minutes on the JumpSport trampoline was equivalent of 20 minutes of running on a treadmill. Right so you got into your target zone quicker. You recovered faster. So I don't know about you but time is of the essence for me. In general, if I can find something that's much more efficient and giving me a result in something I'm doing, I'm happy to do it. So I figured if I had 20 minutes to get that I'd get basically, you know 40 minutes of exercise benefit using this platform over some traditional methods like Stairmasters and and and treadmills etc etc. And and I'm reducing impact based on all of that. You know, it's funny, like all of those benefits what you see like when I was doing like I was I was actually we were doing it in a trampoline park, kind of like we pick trampolines, not with those smaller ones, but exactly the same benefits like it's, it's, it looks like easy workout, but it's a lot harder than you actually most people can even imagine. And then they were like when people were coming after workout that you are just something I said that it's it's kind of same thing that you are something but you are because you don't have basically your wrist is you are still chomping you are still doing something if you are going for a run. You take a rest you walk or you don't do nothing and that in an on a trampoline you are all the time you keep moving. And it's it's goes it's and it's possible to do because it's like you said it's low impact for your all your joints. It's a lot of fun. It's totally different because you are able to actually jump a lot higher than 10 doing in a same workout on on a hard floor or something. So, so I love to hear like that. It's coming. I get you have actually there's some studies supporting those. Like what I what I saw also in my workouts so what are two basic principles of trampoline training? Like how if somebody who is new who have never tried a trampoline? What do you would say what are basic principles? Well, well, let's just start with something very simple. Most everybody wants to improve their health when they exercise, right. That's one of the main things I've heard for 30 years. People say, Yeah, I want to be more healthy. And that means something different to everybody. But if you look at from an internal standpoint and let's talk about some science, so your lymphatic system, which is you know, the basically the garbage man in your body that takes all the toxins out and it flushes it through your system and takes it to where it needs to go to be to be taken out of your body, right. So the trampoline creates gravity, exponential gravity, and there's two forces that move your lymphatic system through your body, right there's there's movement, and then there's gravity. So you're walking around with one atmosphere, otherwise you would float away into space, right? So Earth has its own gravity. So there's a natural gravity, but if we can increase gravity, and I don't know if too many things that can do that unless you're a jet fighter pilot and you're, you know pulling G's and turns and dives and some of that's negative force and positive force. But truthfully, there was a study done by NASA that shows that increasing gravity is going to move your lymph system and one of the beautiful things about using the JumpSport traveling is that it creates a similar effect as to that study. So it's not exactly the same because that was done on a big trampoline. And this is a smaller one. That big, competitive trampoline or the trampolines that they use can generate up to seven G's of force at the bottom of a stroke, which is why you compress and then you go to zero gravity and that creates a natural pump. That pumping action is instrumental in moving lymph through your system so that you can remove toxins from your body. Okay, the beautiful thing about the JumpSport trampoline is we can create up to about four G's of force because it's a very similar process. And if you bounce on one of our trampolines for just 10 minutes a day in some capacity, you are you will have moved your limb 15 times more effectively through your system. So 10 minutes on this trampoline will give you 15 times more benefit for lymphatic flow. Wow. Okay, so there's that. Secondly, by doing what we call the health bounce, where you never ever leave the surface of the trampoline at all right so your feet never leave it you just press down you come up you come about where you feel weightless for just a moment and then you push again right so you're never leaving the surface of the tram and that's called a health bounce. And you're basically just push push push gently on the trampling the result of that is that you engage your pelvic floor, which is really important for men and women. What women probably more so than men, but men as well because your pelvic floor is what holds your bladder and your prostate and a bunch of other things in place. So for women, that's why sometimes after having babies or or some other issues that may go on and live we're just getting older, their floor starts to become weak. The trampoline will be instrumental in rebuilding the strength of that pelvic floor to help them be less prone to incontinence or other issues based around that. And on the man side. That's what holds your prostate in place. So if you get old enough you know as a man eventually you will get prostate cancer if you live long enough. The point of this is that if we can hold your prostate in place more effectively, it won't get beat around and won't get all swollen. And for the most part, you're going to live a longer life without having any kind of prostate issues. So there's two more benefits when it comes to just basic health. And like I said to get started on this, you can start with a basic health bounce 10 minutes a day, not only is it gonna improve your pelvic floor, you're gonna get core engagement, but you're also going to move a lot of lymphatics live through your lymphatic system and be able to be a much more healthy person because if you don't have all those toxins in your body, your immune system is more effective. And so all of these things will benefit you in the long run and just having a better day. Now, that being said, I told you earlier that if you're on there, on the trampoline for 10 minutes, you're going to release a bunch of hormones that are gonna make you more joyful. So oxytocin and serotonin are really important in terms of you maintaining a happy, upbeat, you know, kind of a mindset and just on that level, 10 minutes is going to do all of those things for you. And that's a great place to start. So, so that it just makes it really easy. We do have accessories that allow somebody who doesn't feel very comfortable, we have a handlebar, you get on there, it's very stable, and gives you an environment where you feel safe, and you be able to experience this whole process from the very beginning from the very most deconditioned person can start on the trampoline by just walking. They don't even have to bounce they can just walk right and they don't even have to leave the trembling surface they could just lift their heels and alternate back and forth. So it can be a very simple exercise or movement that will allow them to get their fitness journey started. No, it was thesis thesis it's I can only agree all those benefits. Like it's it's when you see those faces after workout. It's it's like there's so many mental benefits and and it makes it something like what is it's it's actually it's a very hard workout, but most people don't feel it that hard that it feels that that goes it makes you kind of happy when you are jumping and bouncing. And while you're having fun, you just kind of reach your limits without actually even noticing it. Well, you know, let's talk about a little bit about that. So we talked about the beginner athlete right and so a lot of people are a little put off they're like oh, that's just you know, for cardio or that's for whatever and sometimes even men especially men will be like that's that's not you know, I lift weights and I do this and I say okay, I'll tell you what, why don't you stand on that platform because that's what it is. It's a very stable platform that creates an unstable environment. I said, I want you to take your same weights that you do on the ground where you don't have to engage your core and you don't have to do anything really, and you can be very lazy and lift weights on the ground because I've done it I've been paying attention to the watching the game and lifting weights and not focused on your workout. The problem is on the trampoline, you cannot do that. So I encourage people to go ahead and do their traditional programming on top of this platform, and it will exponentially increase the amount of muscle tissue that you're recruiting and you will see a much more effective workout. Because you have to focus or you will fall off of it. If you don't stabilize yourself, that platform is going to force you to focus on traditional exercises that you would normally do and on the ground. You can like I said be fairly lazy when it comes to certainly I'm not saying that everybody is I'm saying that. As a result, most people operate in thirds, right? A third of the time they do an average workout. It's normal. It's average, a third of the time they do an amazing workout. They feel great and a third of the time. Let's be truthful. We have a crappy workout. We did and there's no such thing as a crappy workout, but it's less than average. It wasn't your best you'd kind of got through it. You didn't weren't really focused, you were concentrating on 20 Other things, but that's how people actually operate a rule of thirds when it comes to pretty much anything but mostly when you're working now. Yeah, so the traveling doesn't allow you to fall into that average below. Average category because it forces you to focus and that's an incredible tool to have at your disposal to make sure that you stay on track when you're with your fitness journey. So yeah, it's it's so true. It's just how what is what do you build to someone who is not familiar? Like how does the typical trampoline workout look like? Well, you know I literally, you talked about the strength. You talked about, like little bit of that jumping bouncing thing. Like but how you if you do a typical workout, what kinds of failable now it looks like, look you can you can here's the beautiful thing about this. This is more if you look at the trampoline as more of a platform, at least the JumpSport as a platform. You can do pretty much any type of workout. So if you like say you like to do cardio, and you're like you really like to do dancey kind of movement, put on some music, put your headphones on, it can be done in a class situation. It can be done at home, you don't need to have any kind of structure to it. You just move right you put on your headphones and you just move and dance and bounce and thing on the trampoline for you know, 3040 minutes get your cardio in. It can be low, medium, moderate, high intensity, whatever works for you. They could do a traditional you know, cardiovascular workout instead of a treadmill or like I told you, you're gonna it's gonna be a more effective cardiovascular workout. So whatever you decide to do and it can be like I said, can be aerobics to be anaerobic. It can be hit training, it can be any of those modalities can be done on this platform, which makes it very convenient for just about anybody so that you don't get bored and you can always do something new and creative. So that's your cardiovascular and that allows you a lot of different options to do cardio. Right. Secondly, we talked a little bit about strength training so you can do any kind of traditional strength training on the platform. It's a great way to increase your body's awareness of stability and balance while doing strength training. exercises, whether it be bands, kettlebells, dumbbells, barbells, can all be done on that on that platform. If as long as can be done in the same space on the ground can be done on here. It's going to be far more challenging and it's going to recruit way more muscle tissue during this process. So you're going to get more benefits out of the process. Plus it will keep you more focused in it. Lastly, it's a great platform for balance stretching. It's a very forgiving thing. It's easy to lay on. All of your prone exercises are easy to do. So if you're a big fan of doing core exercises or rotation stuff, Russian Twist crunches leg whips any of that kind of stuff that people is very popular in, in in fitness because you know you got to work your abs right but really, it's your core is really instrumental in all this and this platform allows you to get so much more benefit from any traditional core workout that you do. Yeah, that is exactly what I what I what I recognized also when you do even though it's the same exercise like probably I would not recommend starting to do like a heavy squats on a trampoline. That's probably something what I wouldn't do but if you do like kind of endurance form of exercises and doing it a different platform like for example some traditional app exercises or or using some pants or something, it gives such a different element when you like you said that you kind of stabilize your core and you use it basically on a trampoline when you are bouncing you need to stabilize your pelvic and your apps all the time to be able to jump right so one of the things he talked about not doing heavy squats and I agree with you, you wouldn't want to jump up there with like, you know, 300 pounds on your back because you have to step up on the platform to start but here's what I would do it I don't know if you believe in Super setting or like combining leg exercise movements. So you do your heavy squats on the ground and you go from a very stable platform to you put them into an unstable environment where they now have to stabilize after pre exhausting that muscle and have them do say you know sumo golf goblet squats with kettlebells to to supplement the heavy squats that you did on the thing. So it gives you an option to increase the intensity of people's work traditional workouts by incorporating this platform. Yeah, and what is what is what is your thoughts on like, let's say gosh, I'm with some kind of athletes like who won't. Let's say that they are doing some heavy squats and then to keep that strength kind of fast. They are doing like you can could be doing some fast jumps right after your heavy squats. If you do them instead of on a hard platform on a trampoline. Well, again, you're gonna get into your target zone quicker you're going to they're going to work much harder. Think about this. It's it's the only thing I can equate it to is like running in sand. So let's say they do their heavy squats and then you have them do sprints or squat jumps or some other plyometric exercise that goes from from basic strength training to an anaerobic all out kind of expenditure to challenge them to that to dig deep into like muscle recruitment. Like a lot of times you won't recruit certain muscle tissue because you never get to a point where your body needs it. But when your pre exhausting muscle like using doing heavy squats and then taking you into a secondary exercise, the trampoline is going to be more effective at getting you there quicker, having less impact on your body. Remember, you just loaded your whole body under compression with a heavy squat load the last thing I want to do is now beat beat those same joints on the ground. So doing it on this platform is going to be very forgiving in terms of the impact on your body but yet just as challenging, because you're gonna have to decelerate all of that energy that you're putting into while you compress that trampling that energy has to go somewhere and you're the person that has to stop it. So that's the beauty of it. You get all the muscular benefits and very little of the impact that you would experience on the ground. So the other question what I got pretty often was that like like you mentioned earlier about the benefits of pelvic floor and strengthening that muscle with this. It's both but especially for women. Like for women who are let's say that you have just given birth, when it's safe to exercise on the trampoline. Okay, so I'm always going to err on the side of shortly as soon as your doctor releases you to do light to moderate exercise is when you can start doing any kind of workouts, as long as they release you to do exercise in general, that trampoline is is a safe and effective platform to be able to do any exercise. Like I said, it's going to be far more beneficial in terms of helping you recover from that because it's very specific to your pelvic floor. Right. So I had it explained to me once that when you're born your pelvic floor is like a trampoline so it's nice and flat and taut. Right? And whether it's childbirth or sitting in a chair or inactivity or whatever the reason that you have some your your pelvic floor starts to become weak it becomes more like a hammock so it becomes this like kind of us scupi little hammock II thing and being on the trampoline and doing those presses down into it in a health health bounce is going to help return that pelvic floor to its original taut, tight tap trampoline type of existence. And so like I said, when you can start after something like this, whether it be an injury or pregnancy or whatever it really depends on when your doctor says it's okay for you to return to exercise. And at that point, trampoline workouts are a very safe and effective platform to actually do your workouts because like I said, they're far more forgiving on on the impact which is going to be better on somebody's body who is slightly deconditioned or has just gone through, you know, a pregnancy or in a birth. So it's it's far far more forgiving in the in the short term, but it's also recruiting more muscle tissue and helping you recover much quicker from this process. And on the opposite side, is there someone who you would not recommend like a pregnant women who would say that okay, it's it's better to stay away from trembling at this point. Well, here's what I tell people. Um, first of all, you never want to start an exercise program that you if you weren't doing it before you got pregnant, it's not a good idea to do it regardless of what kind of program it is doesn't matter if it's strength training or cardio, trampoline, any of that. If you haven't already been doing it. It's probably not a good idea to just start it because you got pregnant and you don't want to gain weight or whatever the deal is. So that's, that's really important to understand. As far as trampolines go. I've had people who were trampoline instructors who exercise on their trampoline into their third trimester Now me personally, I would not recommend any kind of bouncing on somebody who's pregnant as a professional in the third trimester because your body's releasing a lot of hormones that allow it to be very elastic so that the baby the birth canal can open your hips can spread, the baby can come out and and in that time period, you would put a lot of pressure on your pelvic area in general because your connective tissue is supposed to be elastic for a reason. So having a big heavy weight pounding down on your pelvic area while that's going on is not I wouldn't recommend that to my clients. Now I have seen people do it into their third trimester. No problem, but you know, they had been doing it for years already. They were very conditioned human beings to start with. So again, this is a one of those, consult your physician but I would say trampoline exercise for pregnant women, you know, into your third trimester would be where I would draw the line as far as that goes. No makes totally sense and I totally agree. With you. What about the people who would benefit like who are particularly benefiting of doing trembling training? I've worried what is your take on on that kind of group like what you would recommend that that is a great kind of photo that kind of people so I'm not sure that I completely notice that if there is some like a group of people who you would say that who would particularly benefit of trampoline training. Okay, so me personally, I think people children from two to 102 can benefit from traveling training. So I think there's something for everybody I have we have kids programming, I mean, I've trained people from you know, kids as young as I want to say middle school, we have programs for kids in middle school. Now I've had kids younger than that, obviously on there but nothing structured. It's just more of a fun thing that they don't really realize they're exercising. And I've used this product, this product for people like weekend warriors. Housewives trying to recover, post post injury. I've seniors, they love the handlebar and it's soft and it's easy on their body. It doesn't hurt their joints and so they've feel very good. So there is no real sweet spot. I know that a lot of people say like 25 to 50 is really where the vast majority of our people that we see using the product regularly are. So I would say that, you know, depending on your needs, this platform is really instrumental in helping you as a tool, right? If you think of every tool you have at the gym, whether it be a dumbbell or a rubber band or a loop band, or jump rope, there's all just tools now how versatile those tools are is really the really the question what I find with the JumpSport is it is a multifunctional exercise platform that allows you to do all kinds of exercises in all kinds of situations. So there isn't one demographic that really benefits more than the others. I think that if you just like to exercise and you like having fun, then this is the kind of product that you would want to be on. I know you and I agree on this. trampolines are something that just when I get done working out on my trampoline, I feel like I got a great workout but I don't feel that I feel like I could do it again tomorrow, right? I had so much fun and I'm tired, but I'm like hey, my body feels so good. I want to I want to work out tomorrow and the beautiful beautiful thing about this is that you can because you're not beating yourself up Yeah. And this is goes it's I love to use billet later. Obviously it's not that but what I what I recognized that what was the most benefits like obviously there is like, like those who are still kind of kids obviously benefit but what I saw when I was doing work is like the most people who I got like most like that. Obviously most of the benefits were positive. There were some people who said something it was nothing for me but for most who I got positive feedback was over with overweight people. And that the reason the reason was for that that because they said that they were able to do things that they were never ever been able to do and that is it was not hurting their knees. It was for joints was a lot easier on their joints. And they actually had a really hard workout while having fun. And they felt like that this I can be doing more often. Obviously they were exhausted, especially not during the workout. Then evening after or day after they were lot hungrier than usually obviously they burned probably a lot more calories than they could even imagine. But it was something that it was what I got from feedback that it was not exhausting like that they have tried to go for running or or doing some other exercises but that it was just sticking with consistently It was first of all it was not hard. It was not easy to do. Then everything was joints were hurting, and with the trembling, all those things were not there and it was something that you were always you wanted to do they wanted to do but they were not never able to do it. And now, this platform trampoline gave them the possibility to do actually jump and be like to that kind of workout. Well you know to touch on that a little bit I found the same the exact same thing with some my clients but remember, because they're they're over fat or overweight on some level. They're increasing the amount of impact that happens to their joints when they do ground based exercises. So that's why you're getting that feedback in general to start about that. And again, that lends to the non impact of nature of the of the platform. Secondly, there's a fun factor in this so somebody who is overthink probably doesn't feel really good about themselves and their body, you know their body's self image and seeing and so if you're increasing their happy hormones, it's going to make them more apt to want to continue to do this. And if they can do it consistently as you know, consistency is a real key to all of this. They're going to see results. And as a result of that they're going to be more determined, and they're going to be more apt to want to continue to do this. So yeah, special needs groups. Also rehab rehabilitation, somebody coming back from an injury who gained a little weight because they can't work out at all. Love this because now you're giving them a vehicle by which they can actually exercise. So I agree with you 100% That that demographic in general, I don't know if it benefits them more, but it certainly seems to be more beneficial to them overall because of all of the things that we've talked about before. So on it, that's a little bit about mental health. Is there any studies or research that are telling about those mental health benefits of trampling exercises that you are aware? Well, I would love to say that there's big studies out there the you know, they're the only thing that was out there was NASA did some studies about bone density. I know that there was a doctor in Germany that actually tested the effectiveness of trampolines on the pelvic floor. So there is information to pertaining to all of that. All I'm going to tell you is when the director of their special needs program at UCLA Medical Center in California, uses the product because it brings joy to all of her auditory challenged clients. I don't need much more like I don't need science to tell me when you get on the trampoline. I see you smile. I challenge anybody to do a workout on the trampoline and not smile. So that's the only like, I can't give you any science because nobody wants to go out and study like the release of serotonin and oxytocin. I think there is probably a couple of that talk about oxytocin and maybe a little serotonin. I would have to do some digging to find it for you. But they're very rare. There's not a lot of science that wants to get put into a fitness trampling. The only science that really is out there is done on a big trampoline. And it was done because NASA was looking for a way to figure out if they could rehab their astronauts after being in space and get better bone density without a lot of impact because you're in a very fragile state when you start to lose bone density, right. But now how do I build it back up? How do I put them under load without then causing stress fractures and all kinds of other problems? So that's the real science. I think that was out there. And I'll provide you with some some links that you can go and read those studies yourself and understand that there's an extrapolate extrapolate story component to this because it wasn't done specifically on the JumpSport trembling. It was done on a backyard trampoline, but it does crossover to some extent. So people get a better understanding of the science behind it. Look, we tested with an accelerometer that shows that the impact of nature of a chord based program over a spring base was 50% reduction in impact. So it's greater on the ground. I don't have any science I didn't test it to the ground, but based on a spring based trampoline compared to the JumpSport trampoline, it reduces impact by 50%. And so that is science. And I do know that that is the case. And again, there's lots of science that has to do with lymphatic flow so you can look up anything and there's like I said there's two reasons that your lymph moved through your system, gravity and movement and jumps for trampoline can increase gravity up to four times, which allows you with just 10 minutes a day to increase your lymphatic flow by 15 times. And I'll see if I can't make sure that I find that study that gives you that information as well and how they how they came about that but look, there's lots of information about lymphatic flow and I don't want to get into that about this but the trampoline is a great vehicle by which to detoxify your body. And that's for sure what I know scientifically that exists out there for you. I can tell you from years of experience of watching people turn their life around testimonials people who write me and call me every day to say you changed my life. I had postpartum depression I used your trampoline it turned my life around. I was overweight, couldn't lose weight was very sad and depressed. I started using the trampoline it turned my life around. So I hear it on a daily if you know, weekly, monthly basis where people come to me and send me messages letting me know and thanking me for bringing to them this this magical tool that allowed them to recapture their life. Yeah, know what this is. It's something like that. This is just a template is such a great tool to use especially for someone like at least try it give it a shot and see like because obviously all people probably you have if you have some kind of balance issues or or you don't like in general, bouncing or having some kind of workout probably isn't the right tool, but try it before you tell it that it's it's nothing for me because I was I gotta say I was personally surprised and most of the people like I would say that over 90% Now even 95 who came to trampoline to try it, they absolutely loved it. And obviously there is always you can do everything. It's not for everyone. But for most people it was just that they couldn't believe it how effective and how much fun it was actually doing it then once you find something what makes fun, this effective and helps you to stay consistent. You probably have found the key for for your health and exercise routine what you would be doing Oh absolutely. I agree with you. And again, I just want to speak a little bit about people think of the trampoline as a very specific tool for a very specific thing what cardio or whatever with the JumpSport product. It's actually you can stack it and it's usable stacked. So if you have multiple trampolines, you can stack them and they become a jump box. We have accessories that turn it into a rebounder where you can throw things at it, you can jump on and off of it. So there's a myriad of different ways to use this product as a training tool outside of what people traditionally think of a trampoline which is just bounced up and down, right. Like you said, it's a great balance tool, never leaving the surface just standing there and holding your balance. Lifting one knee reaching out to the side. bending forward like just trying to hold your balance without falling off on that on in that dynamic unstable situation is really imperative and then knowing that the platform itself is very stable because it's got a curved leg design which keeps it it the usability so that you can work not only on the surface, the jumping surface, but actually the frame is actually usable as part of your program. So if you want something a little bit more stable, but you're gonna want to decrease gravity a little bit because you're a foot off the ground, you can use the frame of the trampoline to do other exercises, dips, push ups, calisthenic type of things step ups, and you're not going to have to worry that the trampoline is going to tip over on you. And that's very specific to the JumpSport trampoline. So what is what kind of trampoline equipment would you recommend for beginners? Well look if you just start with a trampoline and if you don't feel comfortable being either a handlebar which will allow you to have like a little bit of a stability, safety thing that you feel comfortable, very light hand weights, rubber band, like any kind of elastic bands that you can hook to the frame of the trampoline and do basic strength training exercises. That's more than enough combined with full bodyweight exercises to be able to give you a great full body workout where you can hit all the components of your program. Stretching, balance, strength training, cardiovascular can all be done on the platform. with very minimal equipment. Just a trampoline a handlebar and maybe some light resistance of any kind. And is there any like? Like obviously those are all kind of exercises? Is there any like specific exercises or beginner friendly exercises to work with you could get started or like earlier any minute workout if there is you have some kind of to go video exercise tutorials or something where to get started. Well the good news is there are literally 1000s of workouts available. On the trampoline now it's a very popular method to exercise. So we just threw us if you go to to our YouTube channel at JumpSport fitness, there are a lot of beginner workouts there's balanced work, there's 10 minute workouts, there's cardiovascular their strength training with him without the handlebar. So there's lots of free options to be able to go ahead and be able to figure out what to do. So if you get a trampoline, and you're not really sure how to start. There's lots of stuff available online for you to be able to do. One of the things we do is we include 60 days of free programming with every purchase of a trampoline. So if you get one you're gonna get access to about 200 Different kinds of workouts that are at your fingertips so that you can kind of explore and find out the things you like or don't like because, like you said, not every workout is for everybody. Right? And so some people may just want to use the trampoline as a place to stretch. They may not even use it to work out on it. They might think it's just really great uncomfortable to be able to do all their stretching exercises. So it really serves a purpose for a wide variety of people. And like I said there are 1000s of workouts available for no charge on the Internet that will give you a place to start. But if you go to our JumpSport fitness YouTube channel, there's there's a great library of free workouts to get you started. So is there anything else where people can find like internet, anything you want to share where people can get their first trampoline broadcast you said you mentioned about the YouTube channel. Anything else you want to share before we wrap up this episode? Well look I'm gonna try to get you guys all the links so that you can put this in your show notes but you know if you go to jumpsport.com backslash fitness, there will and we have links in there as well that will give you information about all the benefits of trampolines. Whether it be for health or for fitness or for cardio or for strength training. Like there's a plethora of information that's available there. And like I said, I'm going to provide you with more links so that people can do their own research. And I hope they whatever they decide to do that they find their way to healthy fit lifestyle. And I pray that the trampoline is part of that experience. I hope to or at least give it a shot. It's not. If it's not if it's not something for you, but that if you are someone who is struggling to find something to stay consistent, while having some fun in their fitness trembling was a game changer for me even unfortunately, at the moment they had to stop doing those courses. I haven't I have been missing them. But it was a game changer and I would love to have opportunity to do it again in the near future. So thank you, Steve, for being in the show. And thank you for listening and I hope to talk to you soon. I will put all links to show notes and talk to you soon. Thank you very much for having me. Hope to see you again. Record recording stopped. But that was I think I enjoyed it was a lot of information. And I really hope that listeners that they find some value to get them at least to get started. I hope so too. So do you have our product? No, no. Would you like to have our product bear? I'm located in Italy are you delivering to Europe as well? Well, I have a distributor in Germany that she can ship to Italy that's not a problem. I don't think I kind of believe that you guys can she can ship to you right? Yeah, from Germany. Yeah, it is not fun. Yeah, well, I I would love to like I haven't been like doing workouts for a while. And I would love to try it again and see how things are going. Well, I would love to bring trampolines to Italy. So we'll figure out how we can get one to you so you can start bouncing and then if you'd like to have me back, certainly reach out. I'm happy to come visit again and we can talk about other things and or we could just talk about your journey and that you got to trampoline and we can talk about how how it started and how you felt about our product specifically and all the different ways that you're using it. And I think once you get on the JumpSport product, it's very different. It's it's going to open your eyes to the fact that it's it's like the Swiss Army knife of a platform so it hasn't trampling on it. Obviously that's a great thing. It's like the knife right. Everybody has the knife on the knife, but it's also like the scissors the saw the spoon the fork, because there's so many other things you can do with the JumpSport rambling which is like I told you, you can tilt it. You can add accessories. We have string training kits. We have we have a new product coming out. It's a sled it's a 360 degree sled so I've attached feet to the bottom of the trampoline. And now you can drive you're traveling through cones. And it becomes a whole different animal. You can push it you can pull it you can load it up with 300 pounds on it. So now you turn your trampoline into a sled. So it's really a very instrumental product and like I told you a little bit you can use it stacked. So let's say I have five trampolines, but I don't have a jump box, but I want to do some jump box work. Right. So I want to do some explosive movement and jump up on something. Well, I can jump up on the trampoline stacked. Wow. They're built and designed to be able to use while they're stacked. So that gives you the ability to use them and then you could you could let's say somebody wants to do dips, right? So I have three of them. So I stack three of them up and then they turn around and they just do some seated dips, right? They can do push ups on the frame. They can do all kinds of extra other exercises. You can have them walk around the frame, you know like yeah, go in a circle and then go back. You can do mountain climbers you can use it for all kinds of fun stuff. And like I said it, it really incorporates itself well with other products. So let's say you're doing a circuit and you've got, let's say in one station, they're doing squats, and the next station they're doing I don't know burpees or whatever. And then the third one you're like well, I need you to do like some cardio. Like I need you to do some running like we're gonna run as fast as you can. So we get your heart rate, keep your heart rate up to the next thing right. And then you take them back to a ground based exercises and you keep moving through those kind of scenarios. The trembling can be a great station one of them could be a box jumps. One of them could be med ball throw like you have one tilted on. There's so many possibilities. Very versatile, very very versatile. I would love to have like I do still group coaching and I know that I those my clients would love to dry that equipment and obviously not only my clients myself to to see how everything is going so I'll tell you what one of my my football you know, European football, soccer players they love to do their dribble drills, where they bounce on the trampoline and dribble the ball on their foot and off their knee and on their knee and off bound to their foot while bouncing on the trampoline. Now tell it tell me that it's not like rubbing your head and patting your tummy or whatever the heck but you can do that on the trampoline on the ground becomes like a no brainer. It's crazy how much more proficient they become when they transfer back to the ground. It's incredible. Yeah, I bet I bet there's so many I gotta find a way to get me one and that and then I would love to theory experiences how it is going and maybe we can have another podcast episode or you never know. Maybe we can talk about how it works specifically for sports and why use it as a training tool for to improve your athletic performance. Yeah, that that would be very interesting. Like Like to exactly for athletic performance, not just Yeah, perspective. But if you could bring like, You're like an athlete that you use it on and you know, and he can talk about his experience and why he felt like he saw so much more. It was so much more effective in terms of his training. As that's one of the biggest problems is people like well, why can't I just do it on the ground? Well, I gave you a whole bunch of reasons why not to do it on the ground. But what I can't explain to people is the dynamic of trying to to navigate that that unstable environment while doing a true a standard exercise that you do every day on the ground. Whether it be dribbling the ball or knee taps, or aside you know dribble the ball from needing, you know, tap tap tap with the knee or, or sometimes I take a med ball and I have them just do knee drives into the med ball so that they become more proficient at doing a nice strike or for martial arts or for soccer or for any other sport that you're in. Remember, if you're just creating movements, that's that is similar to what they're doing in their sport and then you put them in a very dynamic, unstable environment and have them navigate both of those things at the same time. It exponentially increases their ability to do it on the ground. Yeah, I know I know here like where I live I live area like it's a northern Italy. It's we have a lot of mountains here. And obviously are you close to LaGuardia logging? Yeah, one hour away? Yeah. And here I know that there is a lot of alpine skiers, they are using a lot of trampoline as this is it's kind of simulating what they are doing like on a trampoline. Because obviously when they ski they it's that bouncing movement and for that kind of sports I they probably love it. Well wait till I show you how we put too tilted traveling side by side and they go so that in Canada we had some Canadian skiers that practiced Yeah, a lot of that side to side and you can also transition with two flat trampolines and bounce from trampoline to traveling. Now mind you, we don't recommend that necessarily unless you're a very skilled athlete under supervision. But obviously those people are very, you know, highly skilled and highly fit. You know, they're already fit people. So you have less opportunity for that but again, there's still some risks to it. But we do the all those kinds of drills where we have multiple units where they transition across, they do a lot of lateral work up and over. So the possibilities are endless when it comes to training specifically for a sport. Awesome. We will figure out how we can move forward with this. You will stay in contact via email. Yeah, yeah, sounds great. Sounds good. So is that please let me know i think i will probably pop place this episode. Either this week, Thursday or latest next week Thursday. Yes, I don't have no way to search it. I don't know if you how it looks with your marketing team. Can you get already doing this Thursday by Yeah, yeah, I shouldn't be able to do it. I'm gonna try to get to them today and make sure that they get you with whatever we have. Yeah, no, just for if you let's say that if you if they can get it. Today or tomorrow, I will put it to show notes for this week. And if not, then it's going to be next week. Okay, great. It was a pleasure. Thank you. It was a pleasure. Thank you, Steve. Really enjoyed investing. That's with that. Amen. Okay, have a great day. Bye. Okay, have a great day too. Bye bye.