FitMitTuro Fitness Podcast

Enjoy Your Holidays Guilt-Free with Proven Fitness Strategies

Turo Virta

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In this episode I talk about essential tips and strategies to stay fit and healthy during the holidays without feeling guilty. I share personal experiences and advices on how to balance holiday indulgences with maintaining your fitness goals. Learn practical ways to manage holiday eating, from choosing the right breakfasts to smart alcohol consumption and mindful eating techniques. Plus, discover how to incorporate effective exercises into your holiday routine, ensuring you enjoy the festive season to the fullest while keeping your health in check. Perfect for anyone looking to navigate the holiday season with confidence and joy, without compromising their fitness and wellbeing.

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Hey, and welcome to fit meter fitness podcast. In today's episode, I'm talking about holidays, and how to enjoy your holidays without the guilt. And so this is a topic as summer season is coming and, and I'm also one who wants to enjoy and, and without feeling guilty and from a little bit by background like I used to go for holidays and I was basically just staying active and feeling guilt. And often I gained a lot of weight. And that is still happening, to be honest, but I don't care. At this point I have learned that the holidays if it's a one week, if it's a two week, I usually go for maybe 10 days on or meet pastors haven't been good sorter and hopefully this week, this year, I get at least one week holiday. And if I gain weight during that time, I don't care because it's holidays are meant to be collecting for memories and one week of doing everything perfectly. Or even if you don't do anything and gain a lot of weight. It doesn't make any any. It's like any difference. It's like one drop in the ocean. And if you think that it's a holy or you work hard, and those holidays, they are meant to be that you are actually able to enjoy and get out of something, I tend to be a person who loves to stay active doing something and, and taking care of myself, even if I'm on holiday. But if you are someone who will like like to lay down, read a book, relax in some database, whatever you enjoy. That's totally fine as that aesthetic. That's only two weeks. But this episode, I'm sharing some strategies I'm using myself and and what, especially with my clients have been, within the past eight years, what I have been doing online coaching, how they have managed to do their holidays without feeling guilt. And for many of them. After holidays, they say that it was the first time after years when they didn't feel guilt, even they might gain some weight, or most of them, they didn't even gain weight. So these tips are going to be something what you probably want to consider at least and thinking like ghosts, there's going to be many, many dips. But then you don't need to do everything. But just pick something what you actually feel like that you could be doing. And this could be something that you probably want to try. So when holiday season is when you're going to holiday, you can implement this sureties. But don't try to get overwhelmed. As I said holidays are meant to be for relaxing, getting out of that your routine or daily life to get back relaxed, collect memories, and not to make or lose progress because it doesn't happen in a week. So it's kind of ascending. If you if you are sick for some reason or counterpart for a week, often we feel guilty that we have lost all progress. And especially if weight loss is your goal. And when you jump on the scale, you see scale is moving up. And you think now you have ruined all progress. And what's the point and you are kind of coming back with that. Fuck, it doesn't matter anymore. I ruined everything card, and then you don't get back on track and you keep staying in your holiday mode for the next month. And that's the reason why you have been struggling with this. So hopefully this episode we help will be helpful. And if it does help, I would really appreciate those five star reviews as they are helping so much me to get this podcast out for many new people. So for me, for me, I must say that I used to struggle with alcohol so so especially on holidays, now it's a bit less but I still for sure drink a lot and I drink on normal life or normal situations but in holidays, it's kind of when you go out of out of your normal situation it's something you want to be a little bit relaxed. And if we start with that, one thing I learned from actually from other codes, we were in refereeing in Road Championships and and as was couple years ago and we had there also some drinks and I used to always feel so sick next days if I because I don't drink so much during the like a normal winter it's only likely often couple of times in a row, maybe occasional 123 beers sometimes maybe more, but it's maybe one time two times a week at most. and some weeks I don't drink at all. So when I, when it's when you are in a situation that you didn't even even, it's not a lot, but that it's more than usual, I, I feel for sure right away in my sleep. So my sleep is not going to be it's never going to be saying it's still. And often that's the reason why when you go for holiday, you drink some alcohol, you don't sleep. And then when you are back, you're like, how that that should be resting holiday, but you are actually more tired than you were when you cut into holiday, especially if you're a person who doesn't drink a lot you're not used to it. And as alcohol affects a lot for your sleep. But the strategies for for alcohol is what I what I like to keep in mind is that I have a great tool for myself that to drink a glass of water after every single beverage. So I know it makes you go to toilet more often. But that's ultimately it's a good thing as alcohol is dehydrating you. So even if you are drinking some liquid stuff, put it into your mouth, but it actually takes water away from your body and with this water, you are you are actually going to help it makes you feel better next day, you don't feel it that much then if you don't drink at all, any water or barely any water and a lot of alcohol. So water is really really helpful in for the next day. Now obviously, it doesn't help, you probably need to go to toilet more often. But that is it's not a bad thing. So you are running into a toilet more often than that. And maybe if that is the reason that you drink a little bit less, it's only a good thing. So staying hydrated while you're drinking and then obviously if you are if your goal is to you are like even in the holidays, I would never consider to count calories because that is something which takes usually away from from enjoyment. But if you are thinking like if you don't mind what kind of drinks you are drinking, obviously like lower calorie intake like if you drink some vodka or whatever with some like Coke or soda or something that is obviously a lot lower calorie options then something with the with the full Coke or some other things which has some calories. And then other thing what I tried to keep in mind, it's easier said than done is to set some kind of limits so if it's going to be one to three drinks per night, and then sticking with those so because often situation is especially in the holidays you go you have a one then you there is a need especially if you are with some friends or in situation that there is like kind of all the time somebody's offering something drink. It's very beneficial do make those decisions already before so what is the limit to how much you are going to drink that night and then trying to stick with that plan. As it's but like I said those are always easier said than done. It doesn't mean that it's going to work every time. But if you are setting those limits before there is at least you have thought thought about it and then if it's not going in a place where you are planning, that's totally fine too as it's a holiday but that at least in it because it's even if it's working one out of 10 It's still progress, it's still one i one night less than it would be normal cases so so don't feel guilty if it's not working every time and that's also totally fine. Then other things what I what I like to focus on is my breakfast. So breakfast Iris is especially in the holidays if I'm sleeping in hotels, there is a buffet like a breakfast to what i i I'm a person who loves to eat the breakfast but my breakfast is when I'm at home, it's every single day the same so I have my regular breakfast is a lot of fruits, berries, or some kind of maybe in sometimes I put some spin it's also if I if there's possibility but most of the times like I would say 99% of the dime, it says some fruits or berries and I mix them in a smoothie together with a scoop of natural protein powder and the cream do good so I am I love to eat a lot in the morning. Get my protein already early in the morning. So I try to get 50 grams of protein. So that is my protein goal is around 160 grams. So 1/3 of protein goal. I try to get it already early in the morning. So 1/3 of my pro Doing goal early in the morning so if your goal is to get 100 grams of protein then probably like something like 30s grand protein for your breakfast would be a great goal so so for me, I get it with 250 grams of Greek yogurt and then that scoop of protein powder which both are giving me around 25 grams of protein so that is my 50 grams of protein when when I'm in holiday, I call this feed the break was perfect as I'm I don't know where that mindset is coming from, but I always like it's a great breakfast, I love to eat a lot in the morning. So I tend to kind of overeat on breakfast. And I would love all especially all those reads, what is there but and I've never told myself that I can't have them but I have these rules what I started what I created that I have to eat for something else before so how I go for breakfast buffet is that I eat first my province or see so I made sure it doesn't matter what it is sometimes some days it's going to be scrambled eggs sometimes it's boiled egg, sometimes it's some yogurt often if there is a Greek yogurt pass possible which is kind of high in protein. Some days it's going to be maybe some piece maybe it's going to be some chicken or some other hand like low fat hand whatever there is available and then and I'm trying to have some kind of fluid so one to two pieces of fluid like what I'm having also at home and then I don't enjoy eating bread that is something like I don't I rather get my carbohydrates from some natural or other sources like fruits so bread is something that I used to eat a lot but now I don't enjoy eating it I feel a lot better when I don't do it so when I don't need it so I assume I have some kind of indirect indirect land lands against the way soy or something with the bread I have recognized that that doesn't do good for me or at least not too much of it so little bit is okay but not too much. And then after I have eaten everything else I have made sure I have good I've got my birthday I have got my fiber which is which could be some whole grains like some oats or or whatever what is all fruits which are great sources of fiber so those two things are the most important and I have been cursed then trying to kind of eat as low as I can then after that if I still want then I can go I can eat cake I can eat muffins whatever there is if I still want but the thing is that there have been I eat protein or when you eat protein and fiber first try to delay wait a little bit toasts are the most feeling macronutrients and that that makes me at least they're so full that I barely never want something even or or if I want then it's not going to be like five of them it's going to be maybe half slice or just a little piece so that's that's really helpful staying full while trying to eat and and this is this is also the way how you should be thinking how I'm thinking that I'm never telling myself that I can't have something sometimes obviously I've tried to stick with the plans but I've never say that I can't have this something because then what happens often when you do eat something what is kind of not allowed for yourself Would you say that this is absolutely no go and you anyway end up eating and then you feel guilt and saying man that why I did it now I break my rule it doesn't matter anymore. So fuck it and and you're gonna eat everything. So this is kind of for breakfast breakfast What the What is what I'm doing and what could be an idea to get trying like to eat first with the broken Piper. And so you are already actually feeling fuller. And then obviously I don't eat or drink any like kind of sugary beverages. I don't eat any orange juicers as I as I see most of them they exist. They're not real like fresh pressed orange. So so they as a son with added sugar or a lot of calories. So I rather if I want to have some my vitamins or something I eat accent or an orange or some other fluids and then I drink coffee and only water so I stay away with the scattered calorie beverages because they don't make you feel fuller. You are going to feel it gives you told me anything calories without actually eating something. But if you insert there's nothing wrong if you want to have in your vacation class or Foreign Service, there's nothing wrong. Nothing wrong with it. But just an idea that says the water basically goes Hi, I am a person who loves to eat a lot, I eat. I, I hate a lot, if my wife is listening, I'm sure she's not listening to this. But if she's CC me said, you get it so much that I, I love to eat, I love to eat and a lot, but I try to look what I'm eating. So it's not always say how much you are eating. It's more about like how you are eating and what you are eating. So if you are able to make those decisions based on what actually makes you feel fuller, you can have a big amount of food, what, without having too many galleries. So those artists that Brexit practical examples, what you would be doing, then are there other times like I know, maybe you want to have your lunch is going to be a couple of cocktails. And that's it. But I recommend to have like that, especially okay, I'm a person who I love to eat in a breakfast, maybe in holidays, I'm not even that hungry during the lunch. So I might have a lighter lunch, or just some small salad or or toast or bread or whatever, just some really loud lunch because I tend to overeat on on breakfast, but which is probably not the best possible strategy. But for some people that is working, and I'm definitely one of those. So those, but that team is that how you're eating, I was talking a little bit about it earlier. So how you are eating matters as much as what you're actually eating. So basically, in especially in situations like holidays, it's it's not about like that you should tell that I can't have if you want to have your dessert, you want to have your cake, go for it, have it without feeling any guilt. Because like I said, week, if you are, of course, this is often kind of the Gildan same, what we are having is that you are thinking that I can't have it, or then I will gain weight or, or get fat or whatever. But it doesn't happen in a week. So think the top aside, if you have a perfect week, you hit your nutrition perfectly, you eat healthy meals, you hit your calories, you do your workouts, how much progress you're going to actually make. So you might see some difference, but it's not going to be amazing progress, you might be losing a little bit fat, but it's not going to change the world, you know, one week, and it's exactly the same thing also opposite. So one week, you don't make you don't grow in progress. So never forget that. So even it's a big, what matters to most is that after that holiday, you don't stay in that holiday vacation mode and keep acting like that. Now I can five kilos of weight or whatever. So what is the point even trying, because I will need so much longer. So what matters is your ability to get back on it your normal routine and keep going like an act like nothing happened. So the way of how you are eating and that is called something called mindful eating. So I say don't focus on what you can't have, eat whatever you want, if you have possibility. Try to eat some source of protein. So if you have option you enjoy eating something like that there is going to be me there is going to be fees, what is your source of protein, that there's at least some source of protein on your meals, and then try to eat as low as you can. So basically, just slowing things down and eating as low as you can. And this is something what is really helping like there are strategies like that you can see water after every bite you put after every mouthful, you couldn't you can put your fork down have a conversation. I'm trying to count like your tools like that you are counting 2530 times you are chewing the food. So really enjoying the moment enjoying the food, what you are doing and this is this is if you are able to slow things down there are several studies that you actually end up eating less. So what is for the most people and that I gotta say I struggled with that myself too. Is that eating too fast? So it's an easy to do a even a no it I still forget it. But next meal is always your next chance to practice it. Get it do it better. So even and it's it's it's the good thing is with this eating thing you If you miss one opportunity, one meal, next meal is coming soon. So it's, it's, it's still possible. It's not, it doesn't take too long if you are getting back on it so, so there is chances are coming and like I said, progress is not to eat every single meal perfectly. But like I said, progress is even you it one of out of 10 a little bit better than earlier. That's the progress then and it's not, it's not the perfect band, but this is not about perfection. So and then obviously in holidays, eating without distractions, so sitting, not going in front of television or phones or whatever, just have a conversation sit down and take your time. And often if you have places which are offering like kind of buffet meals, don't take everything in at the same time. So using smaller blades, getting tested a little bit delay, then having a sitting down, taking as long time as possible, if you still want to go to get more. So it's not about how much you can get one at one sitting. It's it's just basically just slowing things down. So don't rush things as what what you are eating or hard how you are eating, that how you are in often matters even more and especially in holidays, that's probably the easier part to control than what you are eating. So those are those are kind of the nutrition parts. If you are traveling you are flying. Also there like a planning issue, you probably know how those situations are going to go often like airports they are not all planes are not the probably the best places to eat. So an airport you nowadays you might find something where it's reasonable, but the best way is always when you plan things ahead, you have something with you, you can have some protein bars, some healthier meals through its with us. So you know what at least what you are going to get. If even if you have some source of protein, some source of fiber with you. So you have those kinds of two most important things already on under your control, you are prepared. And then if something happens, you still are hungry, then you can still always turn out into other options. But this is kind of like the same thing as a planning planning with everything like holiday you don't want to you you want to blend things a little bit like you don't want to just put get you out of somewhere in a big city without any map without any plan what you're going to do so for sure you're not going to get most out of it or you're not going to get the best possible experience if you haven't planned anything and it's the same thing is going to be with your nutrition. So it's all about planning being prepared. And this way you get you get those small kind of actionable things done what you can affect without feeling that it's ruining or is something away from your enjoyment from your vacation. Then activity tips. This is something that I'm a person who loves to do something. I don't necessarily need to lift some weights but if I had a hotel various a team available. I'm Breezer I'm going to go there at least once a day or not sessions are not going to be long. They have maybe 15 minutes maximum 30 minutes in my holidays. It says more about feeling of doing something because I naturally I really enjoy doing it just doing it a little bit but it's nothing about perfection. If you are someone who says things like that holidays no way I'm going to work out that's totally fine too. It's as to why and but what is the single most beneficial thing is staying active. So basically walking so if you are sightseeing, walking, trying to walk as much as possible as that activity levels if you are getting you're getting your steps and getting some activities done even it's it's only walking with not taking a taxi not taking a bus or so it's trying to walk as much as possible. That is the most single most beneficial thing in your activity part what you can do, especially on holidays and as that is that is something what you don't often count as an exercise, but it's just a way of moving and it helps you also with relaxing if you especially if you're not walking a lot, you get the fresh air usually better to that. You have you are active until you burn actually like more calories when you're just laying so staying active. is the great thing and if you enjoy doing some kind of workouts in your hotel room, Bodyweight Workouts, it doesn't those don't need To be long ones, but it says kind of reminder for your buddy what you're trying to do. So then 15 quick workouts as you are not, if you even if you get one, two things done, you are maintaining everything. And it's more in these kind of situations like in holidays, it's not about hitting perfectly your workout plan, or making some progress. But it's often it says that maintaining that habit and keeping those promises that you made to yourself, so especially if you are someone who have just recently started working out and struggling with that workout consistency, I highly recommend to do like, it doesn't really, it doesn't matter if it's five minutes, you could send minutes, even if it's a minute, but just keeping that promise that I'm going to work out also in my holiday. And putting in couple assistants during your holiday sort ones is a great way to keep promises what you make what you keep to yourself, and then it's so much easier when you are back from holiday, maintaining the protein and then probably doing a little bit more than normally or during your holiday. So those we are all different and there is no right approach, what is the right thing to do, and what is the best thing to do. But naturally, basically that what you are inserting, for me personally, I like I said, I love to do it. And in most of my holidays, I do something, it's not going to look like my workout routine when I'm back home. But I like to keep the tablet up. And often I I love to date like even I struggle, it's, it's like when you are so consistent you I'm used to doing my workouts and sometimes my body needs rest. And it's not it's only a good thing to be able to rest even it's only for one or two days. So is reading a book. So last year, that was we had an only four day holiday, and that there was so hot in Greece, where we were that it was impossible to do anything. And I was like that, that's exactly what I needed four days not doing anything. So, it was for me it was kind of the mental break also for my buddy program to do do not do anything. So it really depends on what kind of thing what your goals are, what is what point you are in your fitness journey, what is beneficial, what is not, but there is no like I said, there is no right and wrong thing, what you can do, what matters mostly is that you are getting good back on that track. And and this is something whatever happens even it's now you have listened to that 30 minutes of me talking some kind of tips and then you go that you might think that okay, I have no, there was one two things, what I tried to implement on my next holiday, when we are going it there's a big chance that you forget doing this, you don't want to do it when you aren't there. And that's totally fine. So the biggest thing is just that. Just that that be kind for yourself and think like what you tell your best friend, if everything didn't go as planned, you gain weight. And then you are coming back and you are most of us we are so hard on ourselves, we start ours started we are starting our shatter holiday. If you see the scale is going up, you are not going to eat for the next couple of weeks. Anything goes now you have to punish yourself to meet the workouts. No, stop doing that the inputs and what kind of advice you would give to your best friend, would you say that? No, you fucking idiot, you gotta stop doing this. You can't eat anything, you got to punish yourself with the robots. Probably even tell that to your best friend. So don't tell that to yourself, do and use the advice you would give to your best friend. So I don't need to repeat it. I'm pretty sure you know you wouldn't talk to your best friend like that. So stop talking to yourself in that way. Now that in those kinds of situations when it happens, use some kind of support system. So if you are part of some fitness community system, like I have my membership coaching all my one on one clients, that's those check ins. If somebody else is telling you when you feel like that those are so valuable, so that you don't go back to your that kind of punishment mindset. Feeling depressed and not making or losing progress. So those kinds of things that use that support system, what do you have, if you don't have I highly recommend to get the one kind of thing goes You are not alone. There are so many people struggling with exactly the same problems and I don't want that you are alone. So your support system, whatever you have, and if you want to get support from Michael, my amazing membership group. Feel free to join my members baby Buddha Link to my shownotes I'll be running probably in the month of June next eight weeks and is not sure yet about dates but I will keep you posted. So don't forget to follow my Instagram get signed to my email newsletter you can use my free calorie calculator where you find that link from my website so you up then you are getting all informed when I do it. I don't image you often, but some valuable things what I have been doing free content and pre guides what I'm creating and obviously then if I have some plans going on Genesis starting or something like that. There's two quick messages but no presser to join for them. If you're able to do it by yourself, go for it. My only goal is to help you to feel better. Now if you have any questions. My DMS are always opening Instagram so I hope to connect you with there. So thank you for listening and dedication