FitMitTuro Fitness Podcast

Dr. Davis' Secrets to Gaining Muscle and Youthful Skin Naturally

Turo Virta

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Join Turo Virta as he teams up with Dr. Davis to challenge the conventional wisdom of modern healthcare and explore groundbreaking alternatives for achieving optimal health. In this enlightening episode, Dr. Davis shares his personal experience of dramatically increasing muscle mass and enhancing skin health through diet and specific microbes, including his remarkable gain of 13 pounds of muscle in just three weeks. Discover the profound impact that diet, exercise, and microbes can have on restoring youthfulness and vigor. Dive into the discussion on the limitations of conventional medicine and learn how you can take control of your health by incorporating these revolutionary strategies into your life.

Links mentioned in episode: Dr. William Davis Website
Follow Dr. Davis in Instagram HERE
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welcome to fitmitturo fitness Podcast. Today. We have the honor of hosting Dr. William Davis, a renewed figure in the field of health and wellness. So, Dr. Davis is a cardiologist, the author of New York Best Times bestselling author, and peers advocate and best branch, best known for his groundbreaking work on the uncovering of hidden dangers of modern read and, and a lot more. So really, really excited to have you Dr. Davies in myself. So thank you, Gerald. Thanks for inviting me. i If you like I talked a little bit about you, but do you have something in your own words what you would like to add to tell a little bit about you from someone who doesn't know you so about your career, where you are living? Well, I spent about 30 years practicing conventional medicine, specifically cardiology doing procedures on people's hearts and became very disillusioned with how that was met especially after my mom died. of sudden cardiac death tomorrow, after her successful to vessel coronary angioplasty. So my mom died of the disease and the procedure that I was doing on other patients. And so it made me question the value of what I was doing what I spent 17 years of education training to do so it opened my eyes to the lack the the the failures of modern health care, and at least managing heart disease. And so I started to ask them better questions, I think, how do we identify the potential for those kinds of things that happened to my mom, a year two years five years ahead. The conventional answers look at your cholesterol values, which is so absurd. It's useless. The measures of cholesterol should have been abandoned decades ago, but they're still being used to predict potential for heart disease because it makes so much money for the pharmaceutical industry. But there are two or there are better ways to predict potential for heart attack sudden cardiac death need for art procedures. When it's being ignored. That's the real tragedy. What goes on in healthcare is the real answers are often ignored or overlooked. And that's true also, for I know you and your audience are interested mostly in weight loss muscle, what I call body composition. And so conventional health care's focusing on the most silly things like GLP one agonists, like we COVID ozempic Manjaro, those injectable drugs that make you nauseated and reduce your interest in food and destroy your health, yet they were approved least in the US by the FDA, and it's making its way around the world because people think they think it's magical. It's a it's a breakthrough and they're not they destroy house. They do not improve body composition. Oh yeah, yeah, it's those are the very like, obviously that marketing is, is it's I understand why they are doing so well. If you are somebody's you know, if you take a person who have let's say 50 pounds to lose and some other diet is promising you that you lose your appetite, you will get there within five weeks, or six weeks and other other ways telling that you know, you gotta train it's getting hard, you got to do some training and if everything is going well, it 350 pounds, it's like we're talking about like four to six months. So it's not a big surprise. Which solution is easier to sell for someone who is looking to lose 50 pounds, but can you explain a little bit about the relationship between that muscle loss and conventional weight loss methods like you mentioned? So we know with good evidence taro that when you lose weight by cutting calories, they say move more, eat less or push the plate away, or smaller portion sizes. So that's that's a very it's a version of reducing calories. Or it could be one of those drugs that reduce your interest in food and make you nauseated, so reducing calories, or a bariatric procedure like lap band or gastric bypass that reduces stomach volume, also reducing calories. So regardless of the method used, when you reduce calories to lose weight, you do lose weight, but as you point out, about 25% of the weight you lose is muscle. So lose 40 pounds, maybe maybe you paid $12,000 out of money to lose 40 pounds and one of those drugs or whether you paid$25,000 To have a gastric bypass surgery, so you lose 40 pounds of that 40 pounds lost 10 pounds is muscle to think about 10 pounds of beef on your kitchen table. So a lot of bustle. And of course, as you know when you lose that much muscle we know that your basal metabolic rate, the rate at which you burn calories to live to breathe, digest food, to manufacture skin and pancreas and intestines. your basal metabolic rate drops by about 25% for years. That means you stop the drug let's say you lost 40 pounds 10 pounds which is muscle you regained 32 to 34 pounds, almost all fat, not muscle. So you've lost that muscle, essentially irreversibly. your basal metabolic rate is lower. So even if you maintain, even if you maintain a low calorie diet and exercise program, you regain the weight, almost all fat. Now you're more at risk for type two diabetes, heart disease, dementia, Alzheimer's dementia, breast cancer, your risk is greater now you're worse off than you were at the start. Yet this is the method advocated by most of my colleagues. Or we could say bariatric surgery, drugs or just cutting calories. These are all recipes for disaster because your health to be worse. The good news that's the bad news right so whose is there are ways to not lose muscle but they can't involve diet No, it's this is this is like obviously to lose body fat. It's still like you gotta be Oh created calorie deficit. But if you only do that without aiming to maintain your muscle or doing fighting against that muscle most likely, like you said, it's that's when you end up you might end up despite losing a lot of significant amount of weight. You might be in a lot worse place. As in the beginning and like you mentioned that you make your work a lot harder like even you end up losing that 4050 pounds of weight. Then the question is that what most people see what they are not telling in those marketing stories that how you plan to maintain it like if you lose a lot of muscle. The only way to maintain it is by eating less what you earlier did so it's it's it's you have even less freedom even less. Less food what probably you were eating earlier already which made you gain weight and now you should be maintaining and it's often it's it's just a matter of willpower like and you maybe you can keep it for a while but I to be honest, I have barely never seen anyone who is able to maintain their healthy great healthy relationship with food while eating very little. So, what is what what is then what, what, what you like, what methods you would use you mentioned about well, we should we should point out to her that a lot of my colleagues say Well, I'm gonna have my patients use strength training, like go to the gym, use the machines so that they maintain muscle does that work? It does not work. So for instance, there was a very recent study at the National Institutes of Health here in the US, where people these are really heavy people BMI is at 50 or more really big people that were put on extreme low calorie diet and an incredible program two hours per day or two hours per day, six days. A week of aerobic exercise and strength training. So 12 hours a week of exercise. They lost 23 pounds of muscle over six months and their metabolic rate plummeted dropped drastically. Meaning they're guaranteed guaranteed to regain fat when they stopped the program. And even if they maintain a low calorie diet, so I stumbled on some of these things. I was doing a skin study because I formulated something that ladies love because they lose their wrinkles around their eyes and between the frown lines and their nasal labial fold and forehead. It reduces wrinkles. That has many other benefits also but the ladies all say you know we don't care about return of muscle or better immune system. We just want better skin so I said what so we did a little skin trial 25 Ladies and I said don't change your diet. Please don't change your exercise program. Just get these four things. A microbe that almost everybody is lost worldwide Lactobacillus reuteri almost everybody's lost because it's very susceptible to common antibiotics and then bring back some nutrients that most people this is much worse in the US than it is in Italy. But in the US we've been told silly advice or silly advice to cut your fat and cholesterol nonsense advice but when people cut their fat and cholesterol, they abandoned the consumption of Oregon meats like brain and heart and tongue. Well that means most people don't get big get very little collagen, and hyaluronic acid. Those are common components of organ meats. And those have major effects on skin as well as other parts of the body. And this kind of fast food diet that Americans engage in. It's getting worse than the rest of the world also. And when you're getting your food from a fast food restaurant or microwavable food or processed foods, you lost intake of carotenoids, like beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, but especially as the Xanthine. So I had these ladies take get Lactobacillus reuteri collagen peptides, hyaluronic acid and asked to send them orally as capsules. And their skin they loved it. They lost their skin wrinkles. They had increased skin moisture, and their waists shrunk by an average of seven and a half centimeters. And I just totally by surprise, some of the ladies lost almost 22 centimeters of their waists. Now even more interesting, they didn't lose weight. The How can you lose 22 centimeters off your waist and not lose weight, muscle. They increased muscle. And so I stumbled I accidentally found a way to increase muscle when I when I did this personally, I'm in my 60s. I did this personally about four years ago or so. I gained 13 pounds of muscle in three weeks. And my strength increased by 50%. i What am I totally by surprise people often don't believe when I tell them that. That's right. You know I will go to the gym 15 minutes Terrell 15 minutes once a week because I hate the gym hate it. I'm doing lat pull downs. 130 pounds for 10 repetitions. By doing this. I was pulling down 200 pounds so my strength increased by 50%. So I stumbled on a way to restore youthful muscle lose abdominal fat, the opposite. And you know when people take those drugs, those GLP one drugs, they have somebody called ozempic face they look 10 to 20 years older because they lose subcutaneous fat in the face and they lose muscle. We're seeing the opposite. People look 10 to 20 years younger, and they're stronger and have more muscle. So it's a it's a combination of restoring things. That have been lost by modern people and microbe components of diet because of the silly advice to cut fat and cholesterol and carotenoids because of reliance on ultra processed foods. So what is what is this method like? How you because I'm obviously I'm a fitness coach and I'm I'm curious to know what kind of training program you used or what did you do to gain so much muscle in so short period of time? Carol? Embarrassingly, I did almost nothing. I got truly I go maybe 15 minutes, do a few to circuits through lat pulldown benchpress leg press and then get the hell out because I can't stand goes you're a fitness buff. I don't like going to the gym. Outside. I don't like it either. To be honest, but I still I still do go because I know that it's what I need for my health in the future and what makes me actually feel the best after I do some work out but I would be lying if I would say that I enjoy doing it. Here's something interesting. I see the people who had more muscle when they were younger. Those the people who gain back more muscles when I was 18 years old. I would do a lot of bodybuilding and weightlifting, that kind of stuff. I lost it of course as I got older, but it comes back. So I see I see people who were weightlifters or track played ran track or anything that built muscle, they get more muscle but even people who didn't have a lot of muscle like those ladies gained some like seven to eight pounds of muscle. So it's it's a restaurant. So I remind people that as we age, we lose about a third of our muscle. So you see it and old men and ladies, they have skinny arms and skinny legs. You lose muscle as you age, compared to when you were 25 years old. It comes back and that means your basal metabolic rate is higher. You have better control over weight and fat and you're more flexible. You're more agile. You have better blood sugar blood pressure, you're more likely to remain independent for a long time not have to go to the nursing home or assisted living center or rely on a wheelchair or crutches, you're more likely to be independent and strong. So I think by accident tour, I stumbled on a way to maintain youthfulness. So could you tell me then how it is related with with the food like obviously you have you have books available, but what is what is what are those spected qualities in what you just mentioned? Well, so that this all happens. So in my clinical trial, nobody's diet was changed. They're just following their average diet. But all this works even better in the context of a better diet. So that what I tried to do is convince people that the diet that our ancestors followed for the first 3 million years that we walked this planet. That's the diet. In other words, that's the diet that's programmed into our genetic code. If you saw a lion and it killed an animal and it opened its abdomen ate its stomach and its intestines. It's hard. You say That's disgusting. So you put the lion in a cage and you make it eat kale and broccoli. What's gonna happen to the lion it's gonna be dead within a few weeks, right because it has a very specific way of eating programmed into its genetic code. That's true for turtles, fish and frogs and deer. We all have a style of eating programmed into our genetics. Humans are the same, but we forgot and we think that going to a fast food restaurant, eating bread and ultra processed foods like corn chips and soft drinks. We think that it's not okay. It destroys health. You know, it's worse here in the US than it is Italy but obesity, of course, a huge problem type two diabetes, autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, dementia, cancers, all skyrocketing because it was made worse incredibly terrible, because we have our federal government telling us things like cut fat and cholesterol eat healthy, whole grains, everything in moderation, all that nonsense. That is absolutely not true. If you look at diet in the context of what humans ate for the first 99.6% of our time on this planet, is the incorporation of grains and sugar of horses into the diet was a very recent phenomenon. Here's a question what happened to the first humans who consumed wild grains? This happened about 12,000 years ago in the Middle East, what is now Israel and Syria. What happened to the humans who were desperately hungry? Because maybe it was drought, maybe was war, whatever, something caused food to fall in short supply. So they look at these wild grasses like einkorn wheat, and they learned that if they took the plant isolate the seed from the husk, ground it with stones, put it in a bowl added water and heated over fire. You could have a porridge kind of like an oatmeal. That was the first way that humans consumed what happened to those humans who went from killing animals. Digging into dirt for roots, gathering berries, leaves wild but what happened was first humans who ate wild einkorn wheat were incredibly thorough. Before the incorporation of grains there was almost no tooth decay. One to 3% of all teeth recovered prior to the age of consuming grains showed evidence of decay, tooth loss, abscess, infection and misalignment with the incorporation of wild einkorn wheat into the human diet 16 To 49% 16 to 49% of all teeth recovered, showed cavities decay, abscess formation, misalignment now, so think about that before we ate grains. There was no toothbrushes. There was no dental floss, there is no fluoride toothpaste. There's no dentists. And there's almost no tooth decay, which makes sense, right? If wild living humans who are killing animals and digging the dirt for roots, tubers, you have to have a full mouth of teeth to eat. And so of course, human history is filled with stories of struggles with tooth decay, having use fake teeth, reaching the age of 20 with no teeth, and of course in the modern world, we compensate for this with dental hygiene. Florida toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental floss, going to the dentist fake teeth, Dentures donut, so but we forgot that people who don't eat grains and sugars have almost no tooth decay. We forgot, but it's a great illustration of how inappropriate the consumption of grains is for our species. So what is that is this but this there is there are some studies supporting this case this is a this is a huge claim. Like obviously whole grains like especially because that is something like if I didn't think I'm originally coming from Finland, like it's always also here in Italy like whole grains they are kind of like they are considered healthy food. And that people you know, it's, it's something that you should be aiming for to eat. So there's actually a lot of evidence, but it's often misinterpreted. So for instance, a lot of the arguments in favor of whole grains came from the Harvard School of Public Health. Frank Sacks Frank Hughes, Walter Willett, and they, they this is how they do their research. I say, okay, Taro, what did you eat for breakfast on Monday? You say I had a bowl of oatmeal, organic oatmeal in skim milk with a banana. What did you have for lunch? Oh, I had a rice in which bologna sandwich with mayonnaise and some cottage cheese. Would you have for dinner? All right. We do that for about five days that I call you in 10 years. I say Taro, Has anything happened to you in health. Had did you have colon cancer, heart disease? Did you have diabetes? Right? Well, and then we try to relate what happened to you with your diet over those five days. 10 years earlier. Now wait a minute. over the 10 years. You got divorced. You drank too much alcohol. You went on several vacations in the Mediterranean. You fasted for a week. You had trouble at work, you change jobs, you binge ate, you went to in other words, in that span of 10 years, you did all kinds of crazy things. But that's what how humans are and yet they're going to try to predict your health from five days of asking you what you ate 10 years. It's ridiculous. But this is the basis for dietary guidelines, and most dietary thinking. Admittedly, it's very difficult to say to somebody Okay, we're gonna provide your diet for the next 10 years. And we're not going to tell you what's in today. It's it's impossible, right? So they rely on this kind of, but this is the basis from almost all dietary thinking it's absolute nonsense. Actually, most of the dietary wisdom comes from an unexpected place. It comes from anthropologists, people who've been studying what human health looked like all through the ages in different settings, tropical settings, ancient settings, more recent setting. These are the people who've known for decades, that incorporation of grains into the human diet was detrimental had a devastating effect on human health. But it's not often talked about. We also have this problem in the modern world, where the most popular topics, especially among my colleagues, the doctors are the ones that make the most money health care industry pharmaceutical industry and the medical device industry. Oh, it was this is obviously it's a nutrition like giving that kind of advice is like what I what I tried to prevent or try to avoid telling like which is the base like it was for me I have a feeling it's so individual which works for you might not work for me and like what I can say from my own experience, like it's often like what, what people are are having like, it's better like if you try to live without, we try to live without old brains and see what happens. But like here, like in Italy, like it's it's totally different. Like, probably like they're in in, in America, like I feel it every time I'm there. I have a I'm eating bread or something, or just American food. I don't I gotta say that. I don't feel that well. I don't I if I eat an apple, apple, it's not tasting the same if I eat it here in Italy. So obviously there is something like food industry is such a big thing. And it's that quality vote matters. Like obviously it's easy for me to say that you know it let's suppose I have my own car and where I can go to pick my tomatoes. I know I get my salads from somewhere like recently, which is like, you know, I know what I'm getting. And same thing with meat or something like that if I if I know most like mostly bear that meat is coming from i i have it's just a luxury wood obviously, all people don't have and but while it they have food. It makes such a big, big difference. Absolutely. But one of the things I've been doing with people is that microbe so we did that clinical study of a combination of black mussels Reuter I marine source, by the way, collagen peptides, hyaluronic and SS in the current Noid but we also I have people make yogurt. It's not yogurt that looks and smells like yogurt. With that microbe lactobacillus Reuter. It makes a fine yogurt. By the way, many many microbes make a fine yogurt when you buy yogurt at the store. It's got two microbes that are kind of boring, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. Not very interesting. That's why you eat yogurt from the store. Nothing happens. It tastes good, but that's about it. Maybe it's got sugar and high fructose corn syrup and other things added and emulsifying agents, but we make it and we use my method of extended fermentation. So microbes don't have sex, right? There's no male and female bacteria. They just double themselves. One becomes two, two becomes four like that. Well Lactobacillus reuteri by the way, are au te ri I named after the German microbiologist who discovered this microbe in the breast milk of a German breastfeeding mother in 1962. He by the way, found it everywhere and 1960s it was everywhere in breast milk and and bowel movements everywhere. As his 40 year career progressed, he had a heart harder and harder time finding anymore disappeared. And but when we get this microbe, we ferment it. So like the muscles rotor it doubles every three hours. At human body temperature. So we keep it at human body temperature for 36 hours without double around 12 times. I performed a method called Flow cytometry to count the microbes and we get about 300 billion for 120 CC's. 120 milliliters of half cup serving. So we get these huge numbers. And when you consume this, this yogurt, you get all the effects we talked about the increase in muscle decrease in appetite, decrease in skin wrinkles. Because a lot of the effects are exerted by provoking the release of the hormone oxytocin from your brain. You get an increase in the intensity of love and affection for other people. You get an increase in generosity, an increase in the acceptance of other people's opinions. That's my favorite. There's an increase in libido. Men older men get a 50% increase in growth hormone, ladies get an increase in vaginal moisture. And in other words, we see this transformation smoother skin youthful muscle, greater intensity of affection for other people, generosity, it changes human life. That's just the microbe by the way. Turo, we can add those other things for improved body composition changes, but we've stumbled on a way to change body composition and to turn the clock back 10 or 20 years Wow, that's that's a an amazing and big promise. So what what is what what dietary like and is there any like a dietary or exercise recommendations that you would recommend or what you would say that this is absolutely no go and this is something what you need to eat or what you need to do. You're talking about exercise? Yeah, yeah. Let's start with exercise. Yeah. You know, I I'm not an exercise expert. You probably know more than I do. But I tell people just to do common things, go for walks, ride your bike, go for a swim, plant flowers and vegetables in your garden. I'm not a big fan of these in high intensity exercise. And it's always becoming clear that people who engage in very extreme exercise, one of the things we're seeing, for instance, people who run marathons or do triathlons and also do carb loading. They'll have to pass the night before they'll have energy bars and those sugary drinks when they're having diarrhea along the way, that's why they have those toilets along the way, but carb loading and then we know with good evidence that the 24 hours after that event, there's a marked increase in intestinal permeability. And we know that means that bacterial breakdown products in the gastrointestinal tract will enter the bloodstream that's called endotoxemia, which is extremely inflammatory. And we're seeing people develop neurodegenerative diseases from that experience, I believe, people who engage in long distance exercise, carb load experience an increase in intestinal permeability and then 15 years either have Parkinson's disease. It's a hard thing to prove because if I said duro we're going to have your people either run a marathon and not carb load or carb load. It's hard to prove in humans, it's like cancer. It's hard to prove causation and cancer because if I give you something that causes cancer, would you take it versus placebo? No, you're not gonna take it. So it's very tough, but that's what we're seeing. So I think it's a bad idea to advocate these extremes of exercise. I think just doing common everyday things that involve activity and a little sweat is all people have to do. Notice this, that's, that's very, very surprising like I never heard about it, actually that the Parkinson Boustead there is like so many people but they are like obviously you can you can itself regulate it's almost impossible to prove like apples you can get Parkinson's doesn't mean that but it would be interesting to see is that this decline from like, extreme athletes who have got Parkinson more developed Parkinson at some point of their life and if there is some kind of relationship relationship secret with extreme sports. You know, one of the great things about the things we're talking about restoring lost factors like collagen and hyaluronic acid. I've set out to do this for skin purposes. But we also know that good evidence that collagen ingesting orally collagen rebuilds joint cartilage and so it's a wonderful way to preserve the health of your joints. We know that hyaluronic acid increases collagen also it stimulates collagen production in the skin and in joints, and also increases dermal moisture so it makes your skin smoother and it also increases the synovial fluid in your joints the lubricating fluid in your joints. By the way, hyaluronic acid was the most underappreciated things. It's a fiber. You know most fibers we get from plants, but hyaluronic acid is a rare exception. It's a fiber we get from animals. It's rich in brain, it's rich in skin and tongue. But most I know most Americans, they say Yuck, I'm not gonna eat that. But it's very important hyaluronic acid very important for for many aspects of health, but it's a fiber, it also nourishes the microbes in your gastrointestinal tract. So it causes hyaluronic acid when ingested orally, ladies put it on topically not recognizing that it's real magic is taken orally. That's how you get better skin not just around the eyes, but a neck, abdomen, thighs elsewhere, better joint health, better arterial health because your arteries are lined with something called a glyco calyx. It's a signaling molecule and maintains the health of your arteries and it's made of hyaluronic acid. When you take out like acid orally, it nourishes microbes in your gastrointestinal tract that in turn, produce a fatty acid called butyric acid that exerts all kinds of beneficial effects, better sleep, lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar, and better skin because ladies always want to know about the skin because it's very acid, the butyric acid caused cause acidic skin healthy skin is acidic, a pH of about 4.5 unhealthy skin, someone with acne psoriasis rosacea. Other rashes, they have less acidic skin about a pH about 5.5. So remember that the pH scale is logarithmic difference between 4.5 and 5.5 is 10 fold. So healthy skin is 10 fold more acidic than unhealthy skin. Well getting hyaluronic acid that converts by microbes in your gastrointestinal tract to butyric acid goes to the skin acidifies the skin discourages redness, skin rashes, etc. So restoring things that modern people have lost is spectacularly effective. not treating things not treating your skin with hyaluronic acid. We're not treating your guests intestinal tract with like muscles, right right. We're restoring things that you should have had all along in your in your lifestyle. So what are those things like? Let's say now for for better skin, maintaining muscle mass. What is what you nutrition wise what you would say that include these foods most of the days or everyday into your diet and avoid or try to avoid eating as much as possible some foods which which you personal start to add the the elimination of wheat grains and all sugars is extremely powerful for improving skin texture. When people do that for the first time, by the way, they lose that around the eye puffiness, they lose a lot of seborrhea the skin redness, the rash so that's a great start. We also address nutrients that are deficient in modern life. So modern people don't get magnesium because we have to filter our water you have to because water in the rivers has sewage and pesticides so we have to filter our water but water filtration removes all magnesium we submit vitamin D because most people work indoors like you and I are doing right now. We were close when we go outside and public. So we are shielded from the sun and we lose the capacity to activate vitamin D in the skin with sun exposure as we get older, especially over age 40 So we replaced nutrients like magnesium, vitamin D, iodine and omega three fatty acids. The primary principal source of omega three fatty acids is consumption of brain and no one eats brain anymore. Please join us. Very problem here either and of course we can't eat all the fish we want because it's filled with mercury now or shellfish filled with cadmium. So we got these modern problems. So we use these supplements to work around our inability to get it the natural way. And then we restore lost microbes like that Lactobacillus reuteri so I we talked about how that muscles rotary sends a signal to your brain to release the hormone oxytocin that has huge effects, thicker dermal layer of skin, you lose wrinkles, return of youthful muscle, increased libido increased testosterone, increased vaginal moisture, but there's another aspect of like muscles rotaries behavior. It's really interesting. It's one of the few microbes that most microbes live in the colon. Lac muscles rotary it lives in the small intestine and colon the 24 feet of small intestine, stomach duodenum, jejunum and ileum where it takes up residence and produces what are called bacteria since these are natural antibiotics effective against fecal microbes, what's happened in the US and I believe in Italy and other parts of the world also, it's about half the population because of our exposure to antibiotics. pesticides, herbicides, glyphosate, that's the active ingredient in the herbicide Roundup, stomach acid blocking drugs, non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs, emulsifying agents, add foods like ice cream or salad dress, all these things have screwed up our gastrointestinal microbiome. And one of the bad consequences is that fecal microbes that are supposed to be in the colon have been allowed to ascend into the 24 feet of small intestine we call that small intestinal bacterial overgrowth si Bo SIBO. Well, when you restore Ron array, and it takes up residence in the small intestine and produces bacteria sins effective against fecal microbes, you reduced the population of fecal microbes in the small intestine, you reduce that endotoxemia and that adds to the effects. increased muscle, reduced blood pressure, reduced blood sugar, reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, less bloating and diarrhea, less anxiety, less depression. In other words, you see this whole transformation of health simply start just by restoring things lost from the human experience. Oh, thank you. That's it. That's it. You mentioned about the bloating leg and I saw your your book supercut. What is like, I often get the question like, the people are feeling app loaded or it obviously it, it's related. Sometimes it's mostly for women at a certain time of the month but it comes from for food. What are the most what is the most common reasons for bloating or having like unhealthy gut wheat consumption? As breads, bagels, focaccia all that stuff is extremely disruptive to the human gastrointestinal tract, because it's a gastrointestinal poison. There are toxic compounds in modern wheat such wheat germ agglutinin, not gluten, wheat germ agglutinin a gluten and means it makes blood clot agglutination. But because that's true, when blood is exposed to wheat germ agglutinin in wheat, it causes blood clotting, but it's also a very potent bowel toxin. That Gliadin protein of modern wheat people say gluten but it's really the glidin protein within gluten is extremely toxic to the human gastrointestinal tract. So that adds the bloating effect. So consumption of modern wheat I say modern wheat because while wild, we was a problem. It's been made much worse by agribusiness and genetics research. And that's why if you try to find a wheat field today, you'll see it's not what we thought it's not the two meters high plant. It's I have to convert a metric. It's more like a 30 centimeter tall plant, thick stock, big seeds, big seed head. It's very very different from what we thought we used to be so elimination of wheat big step. But that other problem the SIBO problem caused by all the things that modern people are exposed to like antibiotics. That's a major cause for bloating and makes people say things like this term. They say things like I can't eat tomatoes. I can't eat eggplant. I can't eat beans. I can't eat fruit. All these food intolerances that are in the US it's really bad. People say I can only eat 10 foods. Everything else makes me bloated or sick or gives me joint pain. This is very unnatural. The problem is not the food. The problem is your gastrointestinal microbiome, because you've allowed fecal microbes to invade the 24 feet of small intestine. And while there's many things you can do to correct that getting Lactobacillus reuteri back in your body is a big first step because of those unique properties, colonizing small intestine producing bacteria sins that kill fecal microbes. So how do you get it back? What is the what are the ways to get it back? Well, the first product they played with was a commercial product. So what happened was there was a series of very elegant studies in mice from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT. This was a cancer group and they're looking for the anti cancer effects of this micro black muscles. Rotary select muscles rotor has been shown to have very potent cancer preventing effects it actually kills colon cancer and prevents polyps at least in experimental animals. So they were doing some studies on the anti cancer effects of Lactobacillus reuteri. They gave it to their mice, and they noticed something odd within a week there for, they said was rich and luxuriant so they started to study this. They found that if you gave a wound to the skin to this mouse, its healing time was cut in half. They found that the thickness of the dermis so what we see on the surface, of course is epidermis. That's dead skin, but below the epidermis is the dermis. That's where skin health is determined skin health and appearance is dependent on the dermis, and they saw an explosion in dermal thickness and dermal collagen. They also saw a marked a three fold increase in testosterone. They also saw that if you fed the mice a terrible diet, mice without the microbe would get fat and old and lose their hair mice that got the rotor I stayed slender and young guide as young mice. In other words, they lived their full lives but died looking like they were young mice who didn't get the rotor I got old fat and dyed his old mice. There was also an increase in dramatic increase in muscle if you give an old mouse with atrophied muscle, Lactobacillus reuteri you get a marked increase in the volume of muscle cells, such that it's indistinguishable from a young mouse. And that's what we're seeing in humans, of course, anyway, so a very elegant series of studies from MIT, a restoration of youthful immune response, acceleration of healing. So I got this microbe and it turned out was available commercially from Sweden. There's a company called Bio Gaia, and they had a product back then it's back a few years called gastrous GA S T R Us babies, because when babies get this microbe, they have less regurgitation of breast milk or formula. They have little less diarrhea after antibiotic. Okay, not very interesting, right? But that was the microbe study by the MIT group. So I got the microbe commercially. And but the dose was so small because it was for infants. So I thought how do we get it? Well, we could you could take you know, big bunch of tablets, which is stupid, expensive and impractical. So I fermented it as something that looks like yogurt. And that's how we got the 300,000,000,420 CC's serving up. And that's when I saw all the effects you know, most of the time Terrell, if you see something happen in mice, it often doesn't translate into humans. Yeah, in this case, everything seen in mice. I'm seeing in humans, muscle increase, improved acceleration of healing, increased libido all those effects seen in mice we're seeing in humans preservation of of slenderness reduction of abdominal fat. So that's what led to this whole experience with so now you don't have to buy the gastrous you can buy us for this. It's a newer product, because there was a study conducted that showed that Lactobacillus reuteri preserves bone density in older ladies. So we get as gastrous. Now we're also conducting studies to show so one of the things you have to play it pay attention to with microbes is strain, not just species, so Lactobacillus reuteri that's the species but the strain. In this case, the gastrous, or the OS for this product, is the ATCC 6475. And I'm sorry about this, I don't make this stuff up. It's ATCC 6475 strain, but there are 200 other strains or so of of overdrive. So to illustrate, if so, you have eCola. I have eCola your listeners have E Coli in your in your guts, what have you ate less contaminated by cow manure and a different strain of reuteri you can die that strain. So same species, E. coli, different strains, so you have to pay attention to strain to some degree. So we've been conducting studies to see if there are strains that are as good or better. We've only gotten so far with that. And and this is an animals so we're it's it's all limited by budget. I'm not a pharmaceutical industry. I don't have billions and billions of dollars to fund my studies. So but I hope over time, I'll say hey, Carol, here's a strain of rotary that's as good or better than this other than the original striper. Right now, the original strain is the BioGaia gastrous or us for the strains we make because the dose they provide is so low microbes are very expensive. If you buy it from the manufacturer, you pay a lot of money. That's why when you buy a commercial probiotic, the doses are really low, often a billion sometimes few million. The product improving but they typically have because microbes are very expensive. So here's way at very low cost, very low cost to ferment the microbe and get superduper high counts by the way. It doesn't have to be rotor, right. It could be other interesting microbes, it could be Lactobacillus gasseri that shrinks your waste. It could be bacillus coagulants. That preserves muscle reduces muscle injury during strenuous exercise. So I asked my daughter to do bacillus coagulant. She's a professional tennis player, and she had a concussion, and she had to not play for a year because she was getting migraine headaches and panic attacks when she tried to practice. So she took a year off. A comes back. Well, she lost her ranking. She says it's 26 in the world, but she lost her ranking. And now she has to qualify when she's at Wimbledon or French Open or Italian open. She has to play in the qualifying round which are brutal because you have to play every day. The main draw you play every other day. Usually, in the qualifying round you're playing every day. So if you're playing in Rome, for instance, you played three hours in a hot sun. You win got to do it again tomorrow. You will do it again next day. You get to the main drunk you're sure as heck right? Well, Bacillus coagulants reduces muscle injury by half so you're more likely to recover faster. So some like my daughter, not as sore, she'll still be sore, but not bad, sore and better for the main drop. So that's that's bacillus coagulants. In other words, tomorrow we can take microbes and take them for very specific purposes. improved immune response, improve libido, increased muscle, loss of abdominal fat, and these microbes for the most part most of us have lost no invasive disease is this is such a such a new information like obviously all these names they are not familiar for me to like you know I'm in the end I'm a fitness coach and, and this way it's such a fascinating to learn from you. All these are all these new kinds of approaches. Take a look low cheese foods are available. So where to where to get those supplements, what you mentioned those microbes and all all what you miss, and that sure you get them in Italy, but the primary source is from that company in Sweden. In the US. There's a distributor called The Veritas Evie, Evie our IDs. There's also source Amazon though I'm losing faith and Amazon 20 fake products on Amazon but you can get them in North America. I'm not sure exactly in Italy but I know you can get it from Sweden from the BioGaia company BioGaia is bi O G AIA. It's inexpensive. The great thing about this job is once you buy the product by once you make the yogurt, it doesn't have to be by the way dairy you can use other things. You can use coconut milk, you can use salsa, hummus, all kinds of things. You can ferment all kinds of things. But let's say yogurt, you make the yogurt once you make future batches from a little of the prior batch, so you only have to get the microbe once. It's like It's like growing tomatoes you only have to buy seeds the first year. At the end of the growing season. You save some of the seeds from a tomato and you use that to grow your next year's tomatoes. Same thing with microbes buy it once. Yeah, no that's that's such a great advice. I gotta take it out if it's usually this kind of stuff like if it's available in Sweden. It should be in Italy today. So European Union all regulations should be pretty much the same but that it's something What do you better check check out so after sets, sets the eye opening conversation so where people can find you where you you have amazing books, if you don't mind telling a little bit about your books, where to find you. Where to follow your work. Please I tried to summarize as much as I could in this the most recent Super gut book that tells you how to make these yogurts or other ways to ferment foods as well as the diet and some of the nutrients. I will have a book coming out next year that will detail more about body composition. I can't talk about that one right now. But that will talk about how to shift body composition in the day and age. Of this awful GLP one agonist drugs and other silly things like bariatric procedures. There are ways for people to gain control over body composition that have nothing to do with procedures or drugs. That'll be in the next book. I also have a kind of an umbrella website called Dr. Davis infinite I know that's awkward, but Dr. Dave has infinite There's several 1000 blog posts. There's several 100,000 discussion forum posts, and then I have a weekly to a zoom like you and I are doing about 100 people typically on Wednesday evening or in your time midnight. We do that once a week. We record them to and we talk about these things to say I don't understand why you fermenting bacillus coagulants or I tried to make Lactobacillus gasseri yogurt didn't turn out smelled funny. So we have all those conversations that two ways. Oh, that's Dave's internet website. All right. Thank you. I will add those links to show notes. So thank you so much for your time. Thank you, Jeremy. I really, really appreciate it perfect. Hey, we covered a lot of territory. Hey, you ever hear of a comedian? I really really enjoyed the conversation. Oh, sure. No, no. Brah Yeah. Yeah. Les Paul is Well you heard him yeah, he's a Finnish guy so famous in Finland for sure. Yeah, he's a funny guy. Oh, yeah. Yeah. No, no, he's is a great I love watching his stand up comedies and is he's is he shooting us right or getting pretty huge. She's been on national TV. Yeah, yeah. He's just great. His insights into language. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, no, it's very Finnish people we all like like not all but most of us. We some kind of shamans. It's our dialect. It's well I'm envious. guy living in Northern Italy sounds like heaven Yeah, oh, it's here. We we do speak German we do speak Italian so it's you know my language CCI. I talk fluently four languages, but it still like nothing. Nothing very good, but that kind of littered with everything. So that's great. That's I love that about people in Europe. Yeah, no, it's it's having a lot of a lot of languages and all right, Jarrell. Well, thanks for your time and I will I think maybe next week, or week after next week, I will publish this episode. Okay, great. Let me let me know. Thanks. Take care. Have a great Day. Bye Bye.