FitMitTuro Fitness Podcast

Breaking Through Barriers: How Beth Transformed Fear into Strength

Turo Virta

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Beth won three months of free coaching in December and in today´s FitMitTuro Fitness Podcast we talked how past 3 months have been. She had some worries and fears, but she decided to give it a try. Listen to Beth's amazing adventure as she tells us how she faced her fears and found her strength. She'll share how she beat doubts, worries, and even being too busy to exercise. With the help of coaching, she turned those challenges into chances to get stronger and happier. Beth's story reminds us that no matter what, we can always find a way to reach our goals!
Thank you Beth for working so hard for the past 3 months because without work, it wouldn´t be possible to make these significant changes.
If you are interested to work with me, check out coaching options HERE
Thank you for listening and especially those who left 5-star rating as they help a lot. 

So welcome to fitmitturo fitness podcast. And today's episode is I have a guest bid or actually won in early December three months of free Coaching and today we are catching up how everything happened and what have how these three past few months have broken what have happened. So thank you so much for taking your time and willing to do this quick review how everything has changed. So before we get started, just introduce yourself shortly who you are, like, where you live? How old are you? And then let's have a chat. Yeah, Hi, I'm Beth. I live in California. And I'm 46 years old, almost 47. See, I live in the United States, born and raised here and I love living in Southern California. So what about your family do you have? What kind of work? Do you have that always horrible to add a family you have? Yeah, so I have a twin sister, I don't have an identical twin sister and I married. So I've been with my husband for about 12 years. And then we have a little dog, no children. And yeah, and then my mother is still here, we all live very close to each other. I live in the childhood home. And I live really close to both my mom and my sister. So I get to see them all the time, which is great. My husband is from the East Coast. So we get to see his family a few times a year. Nice. Nice. So now if you think back that can you reflect like on overall, that experience of the past three months, working with me, as your coach today get how you feel about the progress you have made like both physically and mentally. Yeah, so I remember it all very, very clearly. So this all started, actually when I was on a trip in Argentina with my husband. And even though we're very active, I tend to find that whenever I go on vacation, when I'm out of my usual eating routine, you know, even though we do a lot of walking and exercising, I'll sometimes end up feeling like I'm getting a little chubby on the trips or that type of thing. And so I was in Argentina, feeling a little bit frustrated and looking at Instagram. And there had been somebody that I had been following that I had, you know, been curious about their program, and I looked at it and I was thinking maybe it would be a good fit. And when I looked more, I realized it wasn't going to be a good fit. And then I think it was maybe two days later, I saw your post and I had been following you for a little bit. And the stories about other people that had won seemed very compelling and more extreme. And so I didn't ever imagine that I would get selected, but I decided to just apply, because I was so frustrated with how much mental space and energy, food and body had taken up for years. And so I said, I'm just going to apply, if I get selected, it means you know that there's something for me to do here. If I don't get selected, I'm just going to let it go. And I'm going to stop worrying about this and just trust that I'm doing the right, right things. And I don't need to worry about this anymore. And then I think it was two days later, I found out that I was selected. And it just felt as soon as I started working with you, it just I think it was like even your opening messages. It was like, Oh my gosh, this is the exact person that I'm supposed to be working with. Because I worked with nutritionists in the past and that kind of thing. But there was everything about your style where as somebody that likes to do things perfectly. It was like right off the bat, you gave me permission to do things imperfectly, with like the workouts and with the eating. And so I liked like with your your program, it's great because it's like three different things with like the videos. So there's a lot of information that then there's the focus on nutrition, but I distinctly remember you saying that you weren't going to tell me how to eat that it was, you know, for that it needed to be things that I liked, because if I was doing something that I didn't like that it wasn't going to be sustainable, and everything that I wanted was sustainability. So I was like okay, that's really cool. And then with the workouts. I remember thinking that that I was already doing Pilates and I wanted to figure out how to blend things in. And you were very gentle and kind of insisted that I not try to take on too much. Because, again, you wanted it to be sustainable. So I think I kept thinking, even though I knew I wanted it to be something I could maintain, I also had this pressure on myself to do things, like a certain way. And then yeah, just through the checking in, it's like, you've always been so supportive, I tend to be quite hard on myself. So even like in getting to share with you through email, with work pressures, or different things, like you're always like a very nice mirror that says, like, Oh, it sounds like you're very caring, or Oh, it sounds like you're very hard working and these things that I try to be that I don't think I always give myself credit for. And so it's been pretty amazing that for somebody I've never met in person, you seem to see things in me that maybe I don't always see in myself. So yeah, so month one was like very exciting, everything was new. Month, two, things became a little bit more real, because like, my food cravings, and everything had gone away. And then I was left a little bit more with like, my own emotions, because usually I used food to cope with my emotions. So some things bubbled up a little bit more in month, two, and then in month three, it's felt more like, Oh, this is kind of the new, normal. And I find myself thinking, Well, what, what nets, like I have taken a class that I've always wanted to take, and like doing new things that I didn't really have, like, the mental space or energy to do before that now I find myself like, looking around, like, Okay, now what I want to do, because I'm not spending that time and energy on, like, worrying about the food and body stuff like that just feels more like I have a system now so I don't have to worry about that as much. Now those are those are very, like, because it's, it's it's literally like, you know, even there's so much information it's sometimes like you said you are you have been in the past so hard on yourself. And sometimes it's even you probably know if you think like it's it was nothing like mad seemed like maybe a couple small shifts, what you have been doing and then then like for eating for emotions, like we mentioned that it's it's really like it feels probably like a very silencing like that if you if that is if that have been like, you know, you have been doing only the loudest you have been gaining or doing certain things in vacations reacting certain situations, like emotions for eating food. And now when you try and maybe something different. And it's it leaves like that kind of empty space where everything like that would what is now how I'm like, and it's I'm not going to I don't know if that is you, but usually this extending, you know, you have, you're making some kind of progress. And then next thing is like that you're going to have public fear of losing that property. So to have made like, that is very, very common. I don't know, have you ever Are you currently having like, kind of fear of losing progress? Or? Or? Oh, yeah, that's like, well, I've definitely had that along the way. So yeah, it's interesting that you say that, because I know that there have been different points where, like, when I hit a weight that's lower than I've been in a long time, it's almost like yeah, that will end up kind of scaring me a little bit. I remember, and now then end up eating more doing things because yeah, it's like, I'm scared of the progress. And I know one time when I was writing to you or something, I ended up saying like, Oh, it's, it's almost like it so can feel a little bit out of control to be making that progress. And so it's like, I take control back over by eating. And then I just have to catch myself but then I hear your voice in my head like that. That's okay. Or like not to dwell on it because I think that's, that's the problem. That's when the problem could really start. It's like, one day isn't really a problem or one meal really isn't a problem. But it's like if, if I keep doing that, then that would erode my I progress. But like, yeah, and I think, even recently, like, part of me is I'm missing some of the sweets or something. So then I, I have like healthier recipes. And instead of me beating myself up for, oh, I shouldn't be having the chicken. But instead I'm having, you know this other thing. But it's like this other thing, it's still way better than what I used to do, which was candy, or, you know, something like that that would really make me feel terrible. And then I would get headaches and had all of these consequences. And the other time I was scared about making losing progress was when work got really busy. And I felt like I had worked really hard to come up with this good routine of Pilates and being able to do your workouts. And it all felt quite easy to fit it in, because I figured out a good schedule. And then work got really busy. And I was working till eight or nine o'clock at night and was very worried that I was going to lose all the progress that I had made. And we talked and it was so helpful to just think, oh, okay, all I need to do is come up with a different routine for this period of time, like, I can be very black and white, and I want to come up with something and then if it works, I just want to stick with it, I don't want to have to change it. Because to change it means then maybe something won't work, you know, it just brings up the fear. And so it was so helpful, because you kind of gave me permission to just come up with a different routine that I could do for that period of time. And then trust that when that time got when I got through that that then I could adjust again like that none of it is forever, because somehow my brain always goes to that like this is forever. And the fact that I had your was working with you, and I actually had things I could do from home. So it's like if I stopped working at nine, I couldn't make it to a Pilates class, but I could do your workout. So then I felt really good. Like, oh, I am still able to do something or even if I couldn't do the whole workout, there were some nights where I was getting ready for bed. And then I would go grab the weights and just do a couple of arm breaths. And my husband would say I thought we were going to bed and I was like we are but I just need to do something so that I feel good about doing something today before I go to bed. And again that was like kind of your voice it was like even if it's like five minutes, then I could at least say Okay, I did something for five minutes even if it's right before I head on I'm supposed to be winding down. So I love it. It's exactly this like kind of consistency beats perfection. And if you are not able to be consistent or you can't give those kinds of promises that you make to yourself then you must access your expectations when I get and it doesn't matter like this is the hardest like I feel that many many so many people are struggling with this part and you have done it incredibly well like what you just said that you know even it was like just doing one exercise five minutes before going to bed then you know it's if you if your goal was to work out on that day and you know a lot of things happened and life got on the way and you couldn't do it but then you still prove yourself disappointed I tried also today so then if I can do the whole thing, tomorrow is another day but you are not because it would be obviously you are not going to get the most amazing results by working out five minutes but if you start to skip those things for yourself then next time becomes again easier. This was exactly the same thing but I actually did today I when we are recording this I had a literally I should work out 45 minutes but then things got on the way I couldn't do it and but I said I gotta go I gotta start I ended up doing 10 minutes. And then as they call it for a day so but of course I wanted to first my thought was to talk talk myself out of it that now it doesn't make any there's no point of doing 10 minutes like the title skip it. But then it's like no, I know that. If I don't do it now, most likely I don't do it tomorrow, and then I will miss a day. So in this way you are not missing a day even it's not the perfect but it's still becoming consistent keeping promises that you make yourself and then later On when time is better, it's so much easier to start adding things again or, or often. It's also also that when once you get started, then you are like one more, one more, and then you end up doing probably like a lot more than you originally wanted. So, so, just a little bit about your progress. Like what kind of results like you said, you have, you are in lowest rate where you have been so what kind of results you have seen within these three months. Yeah, first, let's talk about first first also physical results, like what what are kind of like miserable? Yeah, so I think the first thing I noticed, well, I mean, I've definitely felt stronger. So I remember when I first did the workout, some of them it was really hard, I couldn't even do them all the way or that kind of thing. So I've noticed that I definitely progressed with that. So I'm like stronger and able to do some of the exercises that I couldn't do at all in the beginning. And then physically you think are the first things I noticed for my legs, like that my legs really thinned out, especially like my upper legs. And I noticed it more with my profile. If I turned to the side, I was like, Oh, I'm my legs look trimmer. And then it was more my arm, my upper arms. So I've always been a little bit self conscious of my upper arms. And I noticed that they bend out. And then it's just like, every week or so I'll notice something different. So like most recently, it's my shoulders. I had a friend comment on my, on my shoulders, but then I was noticing like things think trimmer, all through here. My abs, like, I have like the side abs or whatever, like, and then this week, I've noticed like I hardly have any. I'm really slim through my ribs. So it's just like, every week or so I'll notice something a little bit different. And even simple things like the bath towel, like fits differently around me than it did in the beginning. And so yeah, like all of those kind of physical changes. And it's weird because I think it's easy to go into it, thinking it's gonna be like a radical change all at once. Like that one day, I'm gonna wake up and all my clothes are just gonna fall off of me or be baggy, but it happens so incrementally and. And I do remember you saying that, like you can't control where you lose the weight. So it was like, even though maybe I wanted, I wanted my arms to maybe be the first thing that changed. Like, that's just not how it works, your body is going to change wherever it's going to when whenever it's going to, and just taking, I guess credit or being noticing any progress, rather than being focused on certain things. Because it's like, if you're just focused on one part, then you're going to miss the progress that you're making on other parts. So it was kind of helpful to hear that from you in the beginning. Because I think that's where it's easy to get tripped up if you have like very specific expectations. But that's where like, yeah, you talking about? You are good about knowing that that was gonna be maybe a thing. So then it's like something to watch for. So yeah, physically, that was a big thing. I think food was a big thing with the cravings was a huge thing that I noticed that first month, like kind of right away. So yeah, that's been another big change and just feeling I mean, I guess the other physical changes just feeling more confident and stronger. So even like with Pilates now, like things that used to be hard just aren't hard. And so, again, it happens so incrementally that it can be hard to recognize but then it's like, oh, wait, like a few months ago. I was hating this exercise and now it's like not a big deal. And so it just reflecting on that is helpful. Oh yeah. No, those are those kinds of day wins like a Obviously, you know, we can talk about like how much scaly rate you are losing or five, like, in your case, you don't have excessive amount of fat. So, so I know how much scaly weight you have lost within this time. Do you remember it? Just a few, I think about five pounds, which was actually what I wanted to lose. But I know that I've gained a lot of muscle. So yeah, part of me is like, I can't believe I'm not. Yeah, I can't believe I haven't lost more. And then it's like, but I know, my body composition has changed a lot. Yeah, and it's not, it's a very realistic, like, that was not even initial goal to get scale going down as much as possible. And it was just that basically, like you mentioned, when we started to work, like it was more gaining that confidence getting stronger, and especially those kind of emotional eating habits and trying to break those, those things, the way we saw them, causing is the ultimate reason why you had those problems with vacation, weight gain, and all that kind of stuff. So So those those were kind of goals and that you have done, you have worked so hard, and that I believe you have exceeded really, really what which were those goals, what you were aiming for. So make sure, but still in your latest library dog like I sent you, obviously, your before, after pictures, you were in the beginning, we were not related to diabetes, sending those pictures for some stranger, like and I say that that's totally up to you, but just make sure you make them. And now Now when you look your before after pictures, there is like I see big change within like a few days, it's only two and a half months, or less than three months. But you still you mentioned like that it was first thing. What do you what do you you've thought that you were feeling kind of need a bit down after seeing those before and after pictures. But then you were noticing those significant senses like what you just mentioned that feeling driven. climatically different. So what was your kind of what what do you think now about those, this old journey and those pictures? Yeah, I mean, I, I think that pictures also represent me stepping out of my comfort zone, which is even me doing this video like so I think that's what's kind of cool through this whole process is what, what parts feel more or less comfortable. So it's like, for me, I've always enjoyed exercise. So exercising isn't a big deal. But taking a picture of myself is uncomfortable, which might not be, but might not be something that somebody else is as uncomfortable with. And yeah, I mean, it's the silly thing of I don't know how to take a good selfie, you know, like a, like an influencer. So my background had all my clothes in it. And all you know, so that was like, the part that was almost more embarrassing was like, why wouldn't I have curated a better background? Or should I have had my husband take it instead of me trying to take it? And so it's silly, or it's interesting to notice what the mental obstacle is. And yeah, I think it's just really wild to have made so much progress. So I am very, very happy with the progress that I've made. Your last message really meant a lot to again, I think have like an outside person saying how much they notice it because I think it's easy for me to focus on what hasn't changed? Oh, yeah. So it takes practice to focus on what has and and to realize, for me, the most important thing is just how I feel. And I feel so different than I did. So that's almost what I see more in the pictures is like somebody that's more confident then then how I know I felt before so I think that's the part that I it's a little bit unexpected because it seems like the weight or some thing is what's important, but it really isn't that it's like how I feel. So, and it and it feels like, Yeah, I know, I know, it's been work. But it hasn't been that much work. It's really just the small things, like it's doing the food prep, it's, you know, making sure I have fresh, it's just, it is the small thing. So it's like the daily small things. And it's just about the habits rather than like these big, huge, big efforts, like you were able to do a program for me where I could use the few small home weights that I have, and still have this progress without having to go get a huge brand new set of something or get a new gym membership. So like, that's the part that's really cool. It's like I could literally do these workouts while I'm watching a show on Netflix. So it feels totally manageable, because I'm getting to like, decompress, mentally, but do this workout, feel good about myself? And yeah, with the and then I see the pictures, and it's like, wow, that's pretty incredible that this I just wanted this outer layer of meat to come off and it is getting trimmed off, which is nice. Oh, yeah. And it is, it is the progress is amazing. I don't know if you ever, I'm not picking any race using using before after pictures. Because it's, it's, I feel it, it's for most people like, like you mentioned, you want to you see some Navy before after pictures online. But then whatever what you get is like unrealistic expectations. And then you know, it leads again, for that you are then when you think like that you are you have made excellent very good progress. And then but you feel kind of down because you compare yourself with some influencer or someone else who uses social media and you think that you know, I should be doing more when the reality is that you are doing great. And it's it's obviously things are warping, so you just keep, keep doing the small things, what you have been doing, and then maybe at some point, obviously progress will be slow down at some point. And then it's time to assess things, what you are doing, like maybe eating a little bit more into really like building that muscle where you could probably benefit to having a little bit more weights. And then it's all about accessing while you pocos it's not like I think I mentioned it like that I don't, I don't know your I know you're starting macros, like we are we are going to start but they probably are not going to be your finishing macros. So it's to get started with somewhere not maybe too complicated, because it's it's just an estimation, but it should be and then we will access after 30 days if there is needs. Or if you you feel or it's like that there is no progress enough like that either scale is not moving, you are not seeing results in your workouts, there is no difference in pictures, you are not losing in date measurements, like kind of those or you don't feel any different, right? So there are always those kinds of measurements which are like that you can look numbers, or you can see pictures, what is the difference? And then there is that kind of mental change, which is non confidence, which is actually even more important. So you mentioned in that initial voting application, that you were struggling with meal preparation and wanting to feel confident about to in your approach to nutrition. So how have you overcome these sentences? And what kind of studies have been the most effective in your your grading those your sustainable eating habits? Well, you were just talking about macros. And I think that was always something I wondered about if I was doing the right mix of macros, because like depending on what app I would look at, as far as calories and macros if I was always a little bit unclear of like, should I be eating more, should I be eating less and so it was helpful to have that starting point with you. And then it really worked for me. I mean, where we started, is where we are and it's worked really well with the amount of protein for me but Also the carbs because I think in the past, if I tried to do only protein, like, it just it wasn't, it was never the right. Mix. So, um, so that was helpful. And then. So for me, it's really been a, and then I needed to find certain foods that helped. And so it just so happened that I think like right before we met, I had been introduced to like a canned chicken, that was actually really tasty that has really been one of my go twos for meal prep. And so finding, finding simple things that worked that I enjoy eating, but I can also do in a variety of different ways has been really helpful. So it's, you know, a simple thing of getting different mixes of fresh vegetables, depending on what's in season that I actually enjoy. Using the chicken in different ways, combining it with different types of beans, I can either heat it up or eat it cold, depending on my mood, or the weather, and then finding some kind of more fun recipes that are still heavy with protein. So like I am somebody that has a sweet tooth. So finding people on Instagram that are that make, make tasty things, but are full of protein, like an edible cookie dough or a mug cake. And so finding that mix of simple things that don't take a lot of ingredients, and don't take a lot of don't take a lot of time, but that I can do in advance, and then have readily available because that's what works for me is to be able to do the prep. And then when it's time to eat, it takes like less than five minutes to like, pull it together. Because I'm just not somebody that enjoys spending a lot of time in the kitchen, and my daily life just tends to be busy. So it's, it's just helpful to have things that are a little bit more grab and go. Yeah, no, i Those are amazing, amazing tips. And it's really like, like you said, those small things ahead of time, the couple of minutes time, let's say on Sunday or Saturday or on weekend, to be prepared for the week in what is coming. So when you are when you know, at least your protein sources fits the blue sources, or you have maybe prepared them already. So then when that time is coming that you need to eat and you don't have you know that you probably don't have too much time or energy to cook hours. So it's it makes things so much easier. And obviously, it has worked very well for you, you have done an amazing job of doing anything that in advance and and I think this is something what you want, if you have any dry like one new receipt per week, or one or two new receipts in a month, that's giving you so many new ideas to think that what it what it would be and how you would implement it in, in the future. So now what, what one thing what I always love to tell, like or love to ask is how you're going to celebrate your success because you if you if you are also kind of really hard on yourself, and, and you don't necessarily like to give credit for yourself. So it's everything is like, if you like let's say that you have done all you have un or four workouts, you end up doing three, you are not celebrating those three workouts what you did, but be kind of pissed off with yourself for that one what you missed. But now after these three months would have lost access, what you have had, how you are going to celebrate your progress and artwork within these past months. Well, this weekend, I'm actually going away. And I'm very excited about that. So it was funny because I had a workout scheduled for last night and part of me was tired. And I wanted to put it off. But I said Well, you know, I knew that I was going to be away for a few days and my next workout is scheduled for Sunday. So I was like well if I procrastinate then I'm going to end up having to on Sunday when I get back so I need to just do it so I did it. But yeah, it's like I'm it's kind of cool because I know this weekend I'm gonna just do as much or as little as I want with my friend and so I know we're gonna hike, but I think it'll be nice to just do easy ones and be outside and just get to connect and relax and just let go. And I think, yeah, reflect on the last few months, because it really has been a lot between work and, and this journey and just really reflecting on a lot of the progress I've made over this last year. Because I, my birthday is in April. And I think part of my goal was I really didn't want to go into another birthday with this stuff in my head, I wanted to sort it out this year. And feel like I was going into the next year. Just getting to be more focused on like fun and stuff that really fuels me instead of anything that kind of holds me back. And so I was even talking to my husband about it the other day of It's so crazy that now I'm really thinking about okay, what are the what are the things I really want to do? And what are the next things to kind of push me a little bit out of my comfort zone. And so even you know, I know, I've resisted doing any videos. But I was like, well, maybe that's really the next step is for me to find my voice and to do more of those. And I took this class, but I haven't done anything with it. And so I'm like, well, maybe I need to do something with it. So it's like, these are the things that we're I'm still letting fear get in my way. And so I think so, I mean, that's not really celebrating, but it's reflecting and kind of thinking, Okay, well, what do I want to do next that I can continue to feel good about myself? Because that's really where I don't want to let fear get in my way. And I think that's where I was letting that with some of the food and body stuff and feeling more confident now. It's like okay, well, what next So, so this weekend will be fun and relaxing. And then going into the new year I'll think about what what do I want to do for the next year? Yeah, no, I mean at the end these are these are books, I love that I like doing like because that is really like going if you really think like that success huge realize like you know, in those things what you are vague, what you know, you should probably be doing but you have been avoiding them and this is issue for you your goal is video or put yourself out more there like that you have to be your first step. So I think you have done an amazing job of doing it like videos or, or talking recording a podcast episode, whatever, like really anxious of doing and now we are kind of done and you have done an amazing job and it's it's not like uninstall this like that, that probably you will you will feel silly about if you if you are starting something new you have never done it you will probably be you will You really suck at it in the beginning but but it more more longer, more longer you do it better you will get it so it's all practicing. So then, like you mentioned that you are not quite sure about how it looks your next goals or what you want to do next. But what what you would say what you would say for your fitness like how you are going to plan to to implement that you're prioritizing that your health and well being for when moving forward. Yeah, I want to keep doing what I'm doing. So I mean, what I like is the variety so I like that I'm getting stronger in all the different parts of my body so I really just want to sustain that. I don't I don't have a specific goal of like being able to lift a certain amount of weight or anything like that. I think I just want to continue to try the different workouts because I'm just noticed that as soon as something feels I don't want to say easy but like I get used to it all it takes us switching it up a little bit to get humbled again and realize and there's something else to grow and develop so I really would just want to continue to think try different things so that I don't get bored I think that's my biggest fear is like I I don't want to it It's like this hard balance of I will definitely want to continue to do things. But I, my main goal is I want to be doing things that are sustainable so that in 10 years, I'm still still doing, like exercises that I feel good about, and that I'm not not pushing myself in a way that I'm going to injure myself or things like that. So I just want to continue to feel strong. And I should probably get more flexible, because I am a really tight human being. So I guess that could be a goal is to do more stretching types of things. But yeah, I'm just really liking everything that I'm doing right now. So I don't see. I don't want to continue to like, go too crazy, because I don't know that I would be able to sustain that over a long period of time. But I'm liking all the variety right now. And it's really good. Yeah, no, it was this is this is like, if, if what you are whatever you are doing is getting boring. It's, I think you should change the routine what you're doing and this way, this way, like it's, I'm exactly the same, like I need to have something else. Like if I would do just, let's say strength training, because I know that there is some something what I need to do, I don't need to be doing it. But I need to implement it. Because it's ultimately that quote, makes me feel so much better, feeling fulfilled and feeling energized. And that is, but I don't like if I would do the same routine all the time. It's what I like to use, like chasing my objectives, like having a like a three month four month plan in advance and working on one thing, like maybe at some point, I focus on powerlifting, next time is just getting stronger. And then I love to do like focusing on maybe athletic performance. So doing totally, it's still strength training, it's totally different every time. And then like nowadays, what I have been doing myself for the past couple of years, and this has been the game changer. Like, if I look back, like that's how I have worked like what kind of work also, it's not only about like, just the making, making one two assessments, but simply changing that whole objective and, and the goal and and that is that is escaping, it's so interesting. So so this is maybe something to think about what you probably would like to do like or what you want to maybe implement at some point or in the future months, it is sensing like now obviously for you also, big thing was to go away from or not go away. But adding strength training, like really using those weights, which which obviously resulted great results. And then other thing is like that, then how to move forward like that. It's not only repeating same routine until it's working. It's a great thing. But then at some point, it's time to access things like Steve keeping that kind of weight training or strength training part of your routine, but chasing chasing it little bit up. Perfect. So that happens so fast. Is there a last ditch sport you would like to tell or advice what you'd like to tell someone who is just starting their fitness and recent journey what it would be? I think having a coach is really helpful because I think it's what I found was that there were some things that I felt more comfortable doing on my own, but I really did want or need a little bit of guidance. So you know, I am somebody that was trying to eat healthy for a long time. I am somebody that has always enjoyed working out. And it was helpful to have somebody objectively say but what about like the strength training thing because I was doing like a lot of hiking or Pilates but I wasn't doing the strength training even though I knew that I should because I didn't know what to do. And it just felt overwhelming. So I think it is helpful to connect with somebody and get the guidance because as for myself, I wanted to try to do everything perfectly. And that can just feel overwhelming. And so to connect with somebody that can almost help do it one piece at a time has just been a game changer. So and I would just say it's all about expectations and and being really clear on what your expectations are and checking in with that. So like, My expectations were to feel stronger. And then I would get disappointed that maybe my physical results weren't what I thought they should be. But then I had to remind myself, but my expectations were to feel stronger, and I do feel stronger. So I'm meeting my expectations. So it's like to not get distracted by other things as you move your way through the process. It's like checking in with what your original objective was. And my other objective was to not have food and body take up so much mental space, and it wasn't. And so it's like, I'm meeting my objective, even if I'm not ready to be a runway model. That was never my objective. So why am I worried about Yeah, being looking like an Instagram influencer? Like that was not my objective. So. So I think it's being really clear on what the, what's most important, and always reflecting on that is what's been most helpful. And then that's what, to me, keeps me going because I have seen progress in those areas. And I think if I got distracted by other things, like when I let myself get distracted by the pictures, not maybe not being what I thought they were going to be, then I got down for like a day or two. But if I check back in about my real objectives are, I feel totally energized, because I've made so much progress. And so it's staying tied to that keeps me engaged and wanting to continue to do it. Whereas if I think if I get focused on other things, then it's too easy to get distracted, and then maybe lose the momentum. So yeah, I think that's, that's what's been most helpful. Thank you so much bit for your time. And for your recording. If you want to share anything, what I can share, if you want to dissect your Instagram story, or handle or something where people can connect with you. Feel free to do it. And if not, I can edit the show notes. And yeah, mine is private and nothing too exciting to see at this point. So no, no, that's that's just I always want to give a possibility. If you don't want to do it. No, no problem. So thank you so much for doing your first podcast and interview and I hope to talk to you soon. Thank you