FitMitTuro Fitness Podcast

Cracking the Code of Productivity: Time Management Tips for Peak Performance with Dr. Mike Van Thielen

Turo Virta

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Join Turo Virta and Dr. Mike Van Thielen in an enlightening conversation on optimizing human performance through a holistic approach. In this episode, they delve into the fusion of conventional medicine with natural therapies, exploring the benefits of breathwork, hydration, and time management in achieving peak performance. Discover practical strategies for boosting dopamine levels naturally, overcoming distractions, and entering the flow state for enhanced productivity. From biohacking techniques to longevity practices, Turo and Dr. Van Thielen offer invaluable insights to help you upgrade your body, mind, and life.

Check Out Dr Mike´s Limitless Lab - 12 weeks to Maximum Performance through Self-Optimization HERE

Check Out Coaching options with Turo HERE

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Talk Soon,

- Turo

conversation flows. So we are definitely definitely if you have some topics I recently wanted to give you in the end like obviously in the beginning Arabic introduction who you are and then let's get into a setting that says for in the end if you have any, any links tips to provide I will ask you, let me please please feel free to share everything and then later on you can I can get photo links to show notes. So about before I start recording just about timewise How long have you are available to going maximum till about 930. So 60 minutes, all right, so then, then we keep it for sure under that if it's I tried to keep it usually around 45 minutes, so that's perfect. Yeah. So we'll see how conversation goes and, and everything but sounds good. So how just do I don't like too much usually to make like long, minute long introductions. So I give you just opportunity to tell you a little bit shortly about you who you are and then Then let's get into it. Conversation good. Yeah. All right. So Mike Van Halen is how I pronounce it. recording in progress. Hey, and welcome to fit Metro fitness Podcast. Today. I have amazing guest, Dr. Mike van Thielen and we are planning to talk about a little bit about productivity time management, peak performance and athleticism, dopamine brain function, but we'll see as always, we let our conversation flows and we'll see what is what we will end up talking but first, very welcome to my so Mike and if you don't mind, do a little bit introduction yourself who you are and what you're doing. Yeah, thanks for having me Turo. Yeah, everybody, here's an accent. So just like you I'm from Europe. Originally, I was born in Belgium, but I've been living in the United States. Basically, it came to United States in 97 as a physical therapist, but wanted to expand my knowledge and get more into quote unquote natural medicine. So I got a licensed acupuncture board certified in Chinese herbs, homeopathy, and the whole nine yards. But after a few, you know, almost 1000 patients, I would say I got pretty frustrated because, you know, yes, these therapies are less invasive or less harmful than what we call conventional medicine, meaning drugs, injections and surgeries, but I really didn't get the long lasting results I was hoping for either. So I had to go back to basics and look a little bit further. And that's when I decided to get my PhD in holistic nutrition, but also actually look at Mother Nature and see what animals in the wild do because I figured you know, Mother Nature has the truths about health. And by combining those two, I got very confident in helping anybody, not just with their medical conditions or diseases, but also, you know, in the area of anti aging, longevity, peak performance, and those types of things. You know, after death, I, you know, hit anti aging clinics and then I went into regenerative medicine, who was a CEO of a stem cell clinic in the United States from 2015 till COVID started and we treated many NFL players heavyweight boxing champions and the list goes on very successful and then during COVID are basically, you know, I had to ponder what really my calling or my purpose in life was, and I'm really passionate about education. So today I'm an international keynote speaker. I will be opening the biohacker Expo in Miami in two weeks with Gary Brecker and some other biohacking celebrities, and I do online courses and private mentorship. So, again, I have a few cancer patients pockets of patients, but I work also with entrepreneurs and professionals and top athletes and so today actually I'm considered a recognized expert in biohacking in jeopardy. So I really help people upgrade their body, their mind and their life objectively reversing their biological age and unleashing their superpowers. Wow, it's such a such an interesting topic and that's why I wanted to have you on my soul. So what is what is like when we talk like what I hear often talking about productivity and time management as it seems like I can now especially last couple years after COVID and all it was already kind of before but there is all people you know you want to accomplish so many things within a short time and and but you have only that 24 hours per day. Yeah. And you know, most of the people they know what they should be doing. They have some kind of plan, but then it often comes like so overwhelming that you don't you can't do everything and then you kind of have to prioritize what is what is more important. So how do you effectively manage your time and productivity to accomplish tasks more efficiently? Great question. We just basic got to look at two foundational steps. Right? Because, you know, I developed a five a result driven five step framework for peak performance or optimal performance and the two first steps is Foundation. And so the first one is purpose. We need to make sure we're living our purpose and we're passionate about what we're doing. If we're just working for somebody else or just making a paycheck. You know, you're never going to be the best you're going to be because there's that fire and passion liking, right? It's not something that you want. It's something that you kind of have to do. And then the second one is plan. We obviously need a strategic blueprint of how we're going to do things what we're going to accomplish when we're going to accomplish it. And break that plan down into small incremental steps, so that we can find fulfilment on a daily basis, but to address specifically that productivity, it has a lot to do with it right because we have many excuses, why we are not performing at our maximum potential. And so there's many of them, but one of them is time people say well if I only had more time because we are preoccupied by putting out fires all day long, and so we are unable to free up the time for the important things which is obviously you know, self development education, and, you know, focusing on our passion performances and our goals and our dreams, right. So time is usually you know, one of the biggest excuses and so the reason why we don't have time because we all have the same amount of time and yet other people aren't accomplishing those things. And you're not is because you really got to be very clear on that purpose and have a plan if you know exactly what you want and when you want it. And then you break that down, let's say okay, I mean, we're talking about athleticism and athletes today to show parents Olympics are coming up. So let's say you want to win a gold medal, the next Olympic games so now you have a four and a half year plan. All right. I mean, that big dream could be scary, right? It's like overwhelming and that's why we need to break it down. Okay, we got four and a half years. So what are we going to, you know, year three where I want to be here to where I want to be next year where I want to be and break it down in months and weeks. And so what very small, incremental step do I have to take tomorrow towards that big goal that I can find fulfillment in tomorrow? And it's all those incremental steps that actually accumulate to you know, that gold medal or that will record whatever it may be. And so, if you're clear on your purpose, and then you have a plan, then it kind of becomes very easy to organize in Scripture day because most of us that don't have that purpose and that plan, you know, we are putting out fires and we are engaged in many projects. That really don't serve our personal dreams or goals. Because when people ask you to help, you know, I mean, we're social beings are short, I help. And so when I ask people what they're involved in what projects usually we can immediately omit or delete a few projects. So the key here is, we need to start saying no to certain projects that don't serve our purpose. And then we have people that say, Oh, I'm so busy, I don't have any time to, you know, work on self improvement and self optimization. And I always find a few hours every single day. So when people say that I just go through their day I said, Okay, what did you do yesterday? Let's walk through it from the morning till the evening and then obviously you'll find people watching TV, people just sitting in the couch doing nothing because they're tired and you know, so we can free up valuable time. At the same token, I had a top executive not too long ago, he says Mike, you know, with all due respect, I really work work, work, work, work, and I'm not you know, watching TV, I'm not wasting my time. And so I don't have to and I said, Okay, let's walk through your day. And so we figured out he had two meetings that day two meetings. Each meeting was scheduled for an hour each I said, Okay, you're a top executive. How come? You guys as a team on the meeting cannot make an executive decision on the topic within 15 minutes. Why does it have to be an hour? And so I said do yourself and everybody else a favor and start scheduling your meetings for 15 minutes. So again, even with this top executive, I freed up 90 minutes an hour and a half that day, and all I want to free up is one hour so we can start working on self optimization. So that's about productivity, freeing up time being focused and not wasting your time or things that don't don't serve your goals and your dreams, right? And then we also know that 80% of what you produce is done in 20% of the time, right? That's a statistic and it's pretty accurate. In other words, we are really not focused and we are just, even though we're working on a project, we may not be focused and we're distracted and we're taking phone calls, and we're suddenly on social media longer than we want to, and cetera, et cetera. So we really got to fix our focus. And we got to learn how to be what we call in flow state or in the zone on demand. And so there's a few things that we can do practical tips and strategies to implement. So we can be in the zone in flow state because that's where, again, that's where you produce, and that's where you can get things done. And when people realize that it's a different state of mind, and that's where you win and that's where you produce and you mastered the skill to turn that switch on and off. Then obviously we are productive, we are focused, and every time we productive and focused we are doing that regarding a project that serves our personal dreams and goals. So I think purpose plan and then again, being in the zone or a flow state are some key elements to make sure we don't waste any time during the day and we maximize the productivity you're talking about. Yeah, no, absolutely. I love those. I love to hear those because those are exactly what most people are planning like that then they are working like if you are working for somebody else, but especially if you are enterpreneur you have your own company or you do things that you can decide basically how you are structuring your day goes. Obviously you might need or you want to have that kind of free time or quality time. For example, if you want to spend time with your family or with your loved ones. You might still want to watch TV but it's there is a time for everything. So if you plan it ahead and not just that, you know you end up end up rotting and that's why I love to hear that those those insights like how to actually do it like and if you look really good studies, I think I feel it's not the most people that they don't take time to look how they are actually spending the time and what is what is very you are very you actually spend it because as you said it's so easy to get distracted. There is all kinds of notifications coming from your phone there are there are coming calls in messages, you start to reply for them. And then you are like kind of fire worker like trying to put that fire off from everywhere and then at at the same time you end up accomplishing so much less. So what is what kind of techniques techniques you use to like stream that will streamline that your workflow and if you have that your to do list in a list time like you mentioned, like making soda those meetings but is there anything else? What you what kind of techniques, techniques again based on your based on your foundation, which is your purpose and your plan, you need to play that brand down plan down. So you really need to be in control of your calendar and your agenda. And you cannot overlap to do items you need to learn that multitasking is a big mistake, right? So there are certain principles such as multitasking is a big mistake, that really gonna, you know, help you with that productivity, right. And so you really need to get in control of your agenda. Your agenda agenda needs to be organized. And so there's many things that I go over in my latest book, The Isaac method, unleashing your superpower, actually hundreds of tips on what you could do, right? Because ultimately no duty with top athletes to ultimately, you know, step five of my I have an online course called the limitless lap and it goes through those five key steps to get to maximum performance through self optimization. And step five is power routine. So once we put all elements in place, we need to see which elements works for you and customize those elements and put them into a power routine. So ideally, at the end of the day, your life is scripted and just like you said, scripted is not a bad thing, right because control creates clarity and clarity omits all stress. When you're in control. There's no reason to worry. There's no reason to fear you know what's going to happen, you know what to expect, and you know where you're going in the right direction towards your goals and dreams. So that control is very powerful because it also takes all anxiety, stress, depression and worries away. And so that's why I really teach people how to get to a scripted life. And like you said, you know, the top entrepreneurs are the professionals that have it not scripted and then don't have a clear agenda. You know, they'll end up wanting to go do something fun with their family over the weekend. But then suddenly, you know, somebody calls in they gotta fly here or they got extra work. And so usually spending time with their loved ones is what gets you know, pushed down the side. But if you script your life and you're in control, then that part that important part of your life is also scripted. And then you know, there's nothing scheduled on Saturday and no meetings and there is no putting out fires because you're in control. And so scripting live is important, you know, for many of those reasons and creating those power routines, and that's what I do with customers is go through the five steps, and then end up with a customized power routine that the individual can count on each and every day to you know, be closer to their goals and dreams being productive being focused and not wasting any time. Yeah, I love those. So when we talk about peak performance and acquisition so as a as you are a medical professional working with athletes, what advice do you have for individuals looking to enhance their performance and become top athletes like is there what is what are your advices What do you have? Well, yeah, I mean, there's many aspects to it, but what I do is I have boxers I you know, entrepreneurs, I get, you know, all cancer athletes from different sports and obviously I'm not a coach in the sense that I'm not going to teach you how to box I have no clue. I'm not going to teach you how to run faster or swim faster, or do martial arts. I'm not, but the way I can make sure you obtain your maximum performance is through self optimization, right? So hopefully if you're high level you get a good coach you get a good strength training and, and those types of things. But I'm going to, I'm going to basically help you to self optimize, which means is I'm going to upgrade your body, your mindset and your life. Your life. We already talked about its productivity its focus, its purpose, it's goals. It's something that pulls you forward and drives you. We're going to instill that, you know in that power routine, but when I say upgrading the body, it's about utilizing 21st century biohacking technologies and strategies and even a I do actually objectively reverse your biological age, right is get your biology younger and stronger and more vibrant. And that will give anybody not just athletes but also entrepreneurs and artists and performance. You know, I mean, we all agree that our if our body and our mind is in better shape, we obviously is going to translate in better performance so my job as a mental coach is not to teach you your running technique or your you know sparring technique or your you know how to catch a ball as a wide receiver. I have no clue. What I'm going to do is I'm going to upgrade your body and your mindset. So that that will translate in you being able to, you know, get to your maximum performance or get to that next level and that next level and that next level, and I do that very distinctively. It's called the limitless lab. We'll put the link down, and our next one starting March the fourth fourth, but we continuously have, we continuously have these 12 week training sessions, where we walk people through those five steps which are purpose and plan which we can briefly discuss. That's the foundation, right without a solid foundation or without direction and without a plan. We don't know where we're going. So we're wasting our time, right? And then number three is the present moment because it's five P's. It's the P the P five formula. So its purpose and plan. The third one is present moments, because in the present moment in flow state in the zone, that's where we produce so we need to teach everybody on how they can be in control of that and get into the zone on demand. Like I want to be productive. Now how do I get into zone this is how I do it. So that's number three. Number four, is the power of upgrading the body and the mind and that's kind of the meat of the potatoes of my limitless lab, because that's actually utilizing all the stick biohacking technologies and strategies available today to upgrading that body and that mindset. So that's the most important part and we go over many foundational things that everybody can implement at no cost to really, you know, objectively start reversing that biological age. And the number five is I mentioned earlier is like now we're going to look at all those aspects and customize those. So we can create a power routine that that individual you can count on each and every day to continue to go to that next level next level next level. So those are kind of the key steps that many people you know, they skip a few steps and and things don't work, right? Because we always got many reasons we are not the best version of ourselves. We already talked about one time but there's many others. There's no accountability, no consistency. Again, lack of self optimization, the wrong mindset. Because if we doubt that we're going to reach our goals or dreams are there's any doubt in your mind at all that you're going to overcome a disease or be the best you can be then the universe has to option failure or success. If we're really upgrade to mind and be pulled forward. By the future and forget about the past. And we do things like visualization, manifestation breathwork and those types of things. And we incorporate that in a daily routine, then that mindset is going to be so powerful. It's not going to only control the body, but it's also going to be the blueprint to our failure or success. And so the ultimate goal is no doubt at all that you're going to reach your goals and dreams and then the universe only would have one option a big win, right? So that's what we do during you know the self optimization phase which is learning how to get in the zone on demand and using these, you know many innovative biohacking strategies, and then pick the ones that worked for you to mold them into a power routine. So that's how I help anybody athletes, cancer patients enterpreneurs to get to the best version of themselves. Would you mind sharing like this? I'm so curious to know like as I mentioned, I was last weekend with the with the women's size for the national team. And obviously we are our goal or women's goal is we have Olympics coming in two years from now and that is something I'm sure some of them are listening to this podcast too. So how to optimize what kind of Saturday's to get that flow. What do you were talking about like obviously for athletes, it's that one competition you have a game or you have a match or whatever is that when you need to get the people from Sunday beauty I just think about it varies like you play several games per season and or many like a team sport you play many, several many games per season and and it's kind of it's very challenging to get into that flow state where you are live and everything is going so would you mind sharing some tips how what you're using to get into that flow state? Yeah, well again, the the answer is it's not the same for everybody the elements the elements are the same for everybody, which are the five elements account a little talked about, but ultimately what we need to do is create a routine that that person can count on to be in the flow state whenever they want to. So you're talking about team sports. If you for example. Look at the NBA if you look at a Michael Jordan or even a Kobe Bryant, they never ever had a bad game. Of course they lost games. They they you know they lost basketball games, but they never had a bad game. You know, they lost it because of their teammates most likely but it's because they had a routine that they could count on each and every time and that routine may not work for anybody but the elements are the same. And the difference between those two players and the rest of the NBA players which also obviously are very athletic and talented people that make millions of dollars. You know when people see them play, they always say and I'm talking about spectators like oh, he had a bad game or he had an off day, you know, and so what does that mean? If you say this athlete had a bad day or an off day, does that mean that overnight their talents diminished? No. Does it mean that their physical capacities diminished No. Right? Are they their strength? Are their skills diminished? No. So what was difference? You know, the substance between the two ears was different. They were unable to get into the zone. So they were, you know, distracted. Why were they distracted? Well, maybe they got an argument with their significant other maybe something happened with the kids. Maybe there was a tabloid that call them a name. Maybe there's a financial situation, I don't know. But they were unable to get into that zone into that flow state. They were distracted and therefore the anticipate just a fraction of a second too late. They missed the ball. They missed a simple layup and cetera. But I think the most important part of that is that when you are in the zone, you only have the end in mind. A good example is like if Kobe Bryant would miss a simple layup. He would probably block the shot on the other side. Right. When you look at athletes that are not in the zone and they they miss a simple layup or the wide receiver the ball flips through their hands or a golfer they miss an easy path. Usually, that Miss carries over a few more plays or a few more holes. When you're in the zone that Miss doesn't carry over because you only have the end in mind with which is that when and that's the difference between you know a professional player and then MVP, and a millionaire and a billionaire. And it's a difference between just falling short of your goals and dreams and realizing your goals and dreams. And that's why that that getting into the zone and the skill to be in the present moment is so important. And you're asking me what are some of these tips right or some of these elements? Well, again, its purpose its plan is it's, you know, it's talking about the present moment and molding that power routine with those strategies and technologies, but they're a little bit different for everybody. Because, for example, you know, to get into a meditative state, there's many different ways right? You can do meditation, you can do breath work, you can visualization, you can do gratitude, journaling, whatever it is. And so for me personally, it's a good example like two decades ago. It's like, Hey, Mike, you got to start doing meditation, you're gonna perform much better and I tried to meditate a few classes. And it's like, I can't clear my mind because mine is going crazy, right? And there's so many things in my mind. And so I gave it an honest effort, but I didn't get any results. And if you don't get results, you do what you quit. Right? So but then, like two years ago, I really started to get into breath work and focusing on my breath. And because I was so focused on one thing, it got me into a meditative state because now it cleared my mind. And so breathwork is something that works very well for me. For other people. It's a manifest manifestation or visualization. So what I'm saying is, there are certain key things that we need to address and how we get to a certain state may be different for you than me. But my job as a coach mentor is, you know, going through those phases and customize that information and mold everything to in routine that you can count on each and every time. So the so to answer your question is we need to develop a powerful routine that gets you into the zone that you can count on each and every time, just like Michael Jordan, just like Kobe Bryant. No, I love it that the question is like, what is even working with the athletes it's often what causes the problems is that they are either like what why you are distracted by br scared like that you are not in that flow state is that very about best like like you said that if you miss a shot or you have had a history in a team sport that you have lost against that team earlier or that player earlier in individual sport or you have missed a shot earlier in that same situation. And if you start to think about that, what is your what is your past experiences have been or if you have if you're a business owner and you have tried something and it didn't work, and now if you go to you try it again and you think that it's not going to republics not gonna work this diameter, for sure. It will be it won't be but and then Right? Correct. Whatever you think it's right, because this is your blueprint and why it's so important with anybody even if you want to overcome cancer. If you're labeled with a disease consciously or unconsciously it's there. 24/7 And if the doctor says you're going to die in six months, and you believe that guess what the doctor is gonna be right? But if you change your mindset, and you get rid of that negativity and of that labeling, and you're really going to focus on No, I'm going to be the cancer. I'm going to see my grandkids grow up. I'm going to continue to hike and travel and whatever it is that you want to do, and you're really going to focus on that all the time. And that's your blueprint, and that's exactly what's gonna happen and you're 100% Correct, that, you know, we've athletes, if they had what they call failures, that's a very bad word because they're not failures. They're lessons right? How come that did not work out as a business or how come I did not win that race? What went wrong? So that's a lesson so take that lesson into your next trial right and see how you how that cannot happen again, but then be pulled forward by the future visualize your victory visualize your goals, your dreams, and you know that's passed doesn't get not pass your mind. It's got to that's why that's why that specific mindset piece that would work for that athlete needs to be part of a daily power routine. It's something very small and doesn't have to be an hour of meditation or breath work. It can be two minutes, two minutes a day. But if you do it everyday, that becomes a habit. It becomes a routine. And it's gonna be so powerful because it's an incremental accumulation, that you're going to just get to that next level before you even realize it. Because people don't realize how the consistency and accountability of a power routine get you to that next level. That is it's it's really about those those habits and if you if you're watching and you are some of your habits and if you your habits, if there is something if you don't have reasons for what you want, it's most likely that there is your habits or what you thought was those your power routines or what you do every single day without even thinking there is something what you need to work on and and try to find ways that you make smarter decisions, more of like even there's almost no one is perfect all the time, but more consistent and more. More often you make smarter and better resistance. Chances are by that time is working for you and not against you. That's right. So I wanted to talk a little bit about dopamine and brain function. I study something but I know that you you in Sudoku, you are very good at it. So could you explain the role of dopamine dopamine in the brain and its impact on concentration, drive and motivates Yeah, so dopamine is your motivating hormone, but it's also your reward hormone because if your brain squirts a little bit of dopamine, it's it feels good. It's like getting a pat on the back. So unconsciously we look more for that right? And so I would say before social media and this is for the average person before social media, we as athletes are as performers. We were looking for things that would stimulate dopamine to get higher dopamine, better motivation and feel good. But today, I think most of us are in what I call or what we call a dopamine overload. There's too much dopamine, which then imbalances the five intelligence hormones, I call them the five intelligence hormones. So there's five hormones dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, serotonin and acetylcholine. And if those hormones are optimal, and in sync in balance, that's when we're in flow state. That's where we're into the zone, right? That's when we can focus and produce and that's when we can win. So when when we are in a dopamine overload, and those hormones are out of balance, and the result of that is brain fog. Procrastination, not being able to focus or the average attention span now with six seconds, are the latest reports right, and not being productive. And so it's a vicious cycle, right. And so with most of my clients, I don't have to tell them how to increase dopamine, but make them aware that they're probably in a dopamine overload. Because when we talk about sugary drinks and sugary food and fast food and energy drinks and sodas, it sugar and sugar gives a dopamine squirt, so we need to upgrade that diet number one. Number two social media now for sure. When somebody likes your comment or heart, your Instagram consciously or unconsciously, that's a squirt of dopamine, it feels good, and hence we're going to seek more of it. And that's why we suddenly spent a lot more time on social media than we even planned. So again, we need to get in control or regain control over that social media. But also, if we're in control of social media, and if we're upgrading our diet and we're conscious about the dopamine overload, and we can lower that dopamine then those hormones get in sync again, and that we don't have that brain fog. We are able to start a job and finish a project and get into that zone versus the brain frog and the procrastination. So that's where dopamine is very important to make sure that in most cases, we need to now lower it versus in the past. We wanted to kind of do whatever we could do to increase it but now we have social media and bad diets. It's quite the opposite. So what are what are other like practical ways to tap into the dopamine system do boast that either way like access the lower or likelihood that some other base how to get that dopamine if you like, if you don't, let's say that you eat mostly healthy and then you don't spend so much time on social media. But still, what are natural ways to get the dopamine? Well that's that's a very simple thing. It's a healthy diet, a certain precursors, like magnesium and curcumin and those types of things. So you can Google the precursors to dopamine. There are some high quality supplements that you can take, it's a healthy diet, it's rest, it's a deep delta sleep. So it's those types of things that will raise your dopamine and it's the opposite. Obviously, that's going to kinda, you know, keep keep the depletion going. So we need to find that balance and it's very individual right? Like you said, if you're already healthy, and you know, that in the end, you're not spending time on social media and you're in control of your life. You know, then you probably had a good level of dopamine. Yeah, yeah. So there's there's something what I do often with my clients like because it's, it's obviously we need that same kind of like obviously, you get it also from exercise that dopamine or if you go for a walk or or sunlight like you feel kind of you get that boost of dopamine and it's something like that to become aware also goes if you don't let's say that you have a busy day you don't have a you don't have a time to go for a walk or exercise or do anything like all use lip back. And then what is the Cbsb to get the dopamine posted some sugary food so when you are tempted to get that kind of that sort term when it's an obviously in the long term, it's doing more harm than it's doing good is the one of the base I love to tell it like the TV like, how is that thing going to make you feel in, let's say 12 hours from now. So if that food, what do what do you want to eat? And actually, I know correct me if I'm wrong, but there are studies that it's not actually about that food like it's the dopamine it's the bout to eat that food that you make it or it's that maybe that first bite but you don't need to finish that whole thing to maximize your dopamine it says that you allow yourself and do not say that I can't push them. Usually if you say that I can't. It's the time when you say that target that I'm gonna add to all that. And but just to add like more often how to actually get it like how it's going to make you feel in 12 hours is going to help you or not even it's a it's always very tempting to short term to correct because we conditioned right? It's like the dog of the buffalo dog right? So if we know it's gonna give us you know, a hit, then we get the hit before we actually do it right. Like the dog starts salivating before the meat comes because the bell rings. So as the same kind of thing for sure. But you make an interesting point because what we in the conventional world called call entered energy drinks are our boosters are those types of things you know, including coffee and Red Bull and those types of things. They're really not stimulants. They are not stimulants. They are all depressants they are labeled very wrongly, because what they do is they rob you from energy. They utilize energy in your body. So you feel you're getting that energy. So you feel a quick like, Oh, I feel great. But how do you feel after you know now you have an energy deficit and so now you feel depressed and then the only solution is to get more coffee to get more Red Bull and so it's a vicious cycle, but they are mislabeled. They are depressants, they are not stimulants. Now that's actually we had a conversation with with athletes last week and about oh, like caffeine and psychosis. If you look studies like caffeine, it has several studies and it's helped it helps you to boost your performance actually, but for the most people, the dose is what they are already using a few drinks already daily, couple of cups of coffee and if you now think that you drink just a coffee before your performance, it's actually not gonna you're not gonna feel any boost but if you are someone who doesn't drink or use caffeine at all and you did then got a distorted then obviously you're gonna feel that boost but then now how would you miss it like all those energy drinks and everything like that? Most people they are they are needing to use it then and as you said that our bodies they adapt very quickly and if you if you need to your buddy that you need that five cups of coffee per day and two energy drinks, for sure you are going to need it and if you don't take it you are going to be like addicts that you need it and how those companies are then responding. They are the doses what they put all caffeine and other stuff What do you find in energy drinks there are in uncertain us. We talked with the one that player from us that they have even some kind of dates even legal how much they are putting because it's it's the color increase the dosage of those kinds of posters that people are still feeling something but they are it's already getting held the dangers that those amounts of everything and, and the best way still like if you try to if you tried to be without without caffeine or without any of those posters, or at least limit your coffee in day and see how is that actually in short term you will probably feel like city but in a long term when you get used to it that you're actually boosting it's asleep. It's those healthier habits what actually boost the boost your overall well being. It's it's that's a that's a big kind of no decision to make for yourself. It sure is. And again, they're they're very short term boosts with long term negative effects, right and depressive state. So that's why like I said, you gotta go the natural way. And so we go over all the biohacking compounds and technologies and strategies in the course, where you really learn to, you know, increase your ATP production naturally. And so when you increase your energy factories, your mitochondria when you're able to optimize, you know, your your battery of your cells rivage NADPH and when you're able to do that the natural way then you have a foundation then you have a piece of machinery that can produce a lot more versus, you know, having a little car and putting that gas pedal all the way down. You can do that but only very short term, instead of developing a much better machine a much better car that only at a half the effort, you know, produces as much speed as that little car where you gotta go full bass down. So let you set it right it's short term versus long term. But if you want to have you know, long term effects, and if you want to become the best you can be then we got to put in the effort, the work and the common sense things that will upgrade your body objectively reverse your biological age and it's not difficult to do and those are all healthy habits. And it's not always a bad performance because those healthy habits that will increase your performance will also increase your longevity, you will live much longer and your quality of life will be much better at the same time. What kind of I'm just curious to know what kind of metrics like like, obviously with longevity, it's now it's so that's an interesting topic. As I said, it's also like something that I personally like, unfortunately, fortunately losing my dad only at the age of 70 and he lost his health already kind of early. It was like in his early 60s. And this is kind of for me, it's my reason why I'm doing what I'm doing and why I wake up I do work out why I try to eat mostly healthy and build those daily habits to be able to live longer, but not only to live longer, but also live healthy, I can be able to enjoy life for longer. So what kind of principles or what, what you are able to do, what kind of are your best tips to increase that longevity? Yeah, I always start with the seven foundations there in my book two because everybody can implement those and they don't have to cost much money and even if you are rich and even if you have money to buy a hyperbaric chamber, or buy a commercial grade hydrogen machine or a whole body photo bio modulation device, those things are out good. They cost money, but they're not necessary and they won't work great unless you put the foundations in place. And so I got seven foundations the number one is air, right, we breathe in 21% oxygen, but 99% of us don't know don't know how to breathe properly. You know, we breathe through the nose or we are what they call shallow chest breathers. And so the mouth is here to eat and talk. The nose is a device that was designed to breathe in and breathe out. So a normal breath and is a surprise to most people is five counts into the nose and six counts out through the nose. Now why through the nose is obviously a narrower passageway which drives the oxygen much deeper into the lower lobes of the lung and much deeper into our tissues and our cells because it's a narrow passageway also over here we have a cavity and that's where the air would pick up nitric oxide which is a dilator to get the nitric oxide in our body. So we are biologically designed to breathe in and out through the nose. But if we do the five, five counts in six counts out, and you get proficient with that, you only would take about 11 and a half breaths per minutes. Right now most people know five and a half breaths excuse me, so you only would take five and a half breaths per minute right now to the mouth breathing anywhere between 6020 22 times. So you would increase your efficiency by of breathing by 300%. Now that's us. Huge so breath work and breathing properly may be your number one bio hack. You know, arguably your number one bio hack because yes, we need oxygen. But we also everybody heard about oxidative stress because too much oxygen this one in Rust as it ages us it causes oxidative stress right? So if we can increase the efficiency of breathing by 300% It would be great. So how to utilize that oxygen that we breathe in is probably one of the number one bio hacks as suggest today doesn't cost anything to go on YouTube or anywhere else and learn how to breathe properly. The best app that I recommend currently sculpted the breath source you can download it for free because all the breath masters in the world are on that one single app the breath source. So that's number one learn to use that oxygen and of course you know fresh air versus endorser, recirculated air spending more time outdoors and those types of things. And then we have the technologies like Hyperbaric Oxygen 100% Oxygen ozone therapies, and all those types of things but they are not necessary because they won't work as good if you don't know what to do with the oxygen. So foundational learn to breathe number one number two water right? Of course we need to hydrate because our body is a plumbing system we are a circulatory system. With the lymphatic system which is part of our immune system. And so we need to hydrate think about you know, pipes and plumbing. The water needs to run through because we need to prevent stagnation stagnation equals disease. So we need to hydrate so we need to drink enough water and nothing else. And so you mentioned coffee before so coffee not only coffee is very acidic so it dries you out it dehydrate you for one cup of coffee we probably need to drink five to 10 glasses of water to just neutralize the acidity. So we really got to look at hydration and only drinking water if you really want to be healthy. And then hopefully in Europe, it's much better. I love the water in Italy by the way, especially when you walk around even in a city like Rome, you just can go on the fountains and get clean water in United States. And I believe the second country is New Zealand they even put fluoride which is a neurotoxin in the drinking water. So based on where you live, you need to know what's in your drinking water. You need to have a system that cleans out the toxicities out of that water right and I personally infused my water with hydrogen gas. That's another topic because hydrogen is one of the top bio hacks today that has amazing effects on athletic performance and health. But that's another whole story but plenty of water. Clean water make sure you don't drink Collette and fluoride and chlorine and stuff with it. So that's number two. Number three. You mentioned it already too are lights. All right, we need some lights we need to get outside because light stimulates all biological, physiological and nutritional processes. The best. Your best example or analogy that I use is look at all the animals in the rainforest. around the equator when there's a lot of sun. Those animals are strong and vibrant and colorful. Versus animals that don't see sunlight. extreme example a mole. Right? Who do you want to be the blind mole or the vibrant Tiger, right? And that's just Sunlight. Sunlight stimulates everything. So we need to spend more time outside and if you can't, there's the technologies we got all counsel light therapies but nothing matches the light of the sun. Now don't confuse light with heat laying on the beach when it's too hot. That will just exhaust you that is not some light so that's number three number four movement. I didn't say exercise because if you're a top athletes are you exercise or you go to the gym one hour each day that does not necessarily mean you are healthy because if you go to the gym one hour a day, each and every day but you sit the rest of the day at your desk because you're selling insurance, for example that's not healthy, right? So it's about movement because just like with weather, we're a plumbing system, we need to prevent stagnation. So we need to constantly move whether that's walking or dancing or being outside or kayaking, or whatever it is or if you do have a sedentary job to get a high frequency vibration platform or a mini trampoline. I don't care but you cannot sit still because it's stagnation. Stagnation is disease we need to move. So we need to drink that water we need to move that's how things you know get to the cells the oxygen the nutrients and everything else. Right. So movement is important right there. What do we get the opposite of movement rest. All right. So that's number five for rest. We need to be able to get in a deep delta sleep. And so that's where your evening routine comes in. I help people design a routine where they can fall asleep into a deep delta sleep and sleep long enough because that's when our body does Swat, repair, regenerate, recuperate, renew, and if we don't get into the deep delta sleep, it's like a supermarket right? If they don't restock the shelves two days later that you gotta close the store. Nobody can buy anything, right. And so it's the same with the human body we need to replenish and renew and repair. And that happens only during the delta sleep. So it's crucial for optimal performance for health that we get that deep built asleep and that we feel rested in the morning. So we need to do whatever it is not take, not take a medication to sleep, but we need to get into a routine. A few examples for the listeners. Number one, you don't eat three, four or five hours before you go to bed. Because digestion takes many hours and we don't want to go to sleep while our body is still digesting food, because it's still working so we don't get into that deep delta sleep. Also, for example, part of my power routine I do a one minute visualization. Why do I do that? Because I mentioned earlier my mind always goes like Oh, I gotta do this. I gotta do this. I can't forget this, those types of things. So your mind is going many people when they go to bed they're worrying about the next day. But what if you implement a one minute visualization before you go to bed? So now I'm running through the next 24 hours in my head, I'm going okay, I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna go there and at each point of contact or make the right decision. And so now go to the next 24 hours now, I don't have to worry about tomorrow because I just went through it in my mind, right? So there's many things that we can do to get a deep delta sleep. Number six, there are seven foundations, upgrading the diet, upgrading the nutrition, the things that we take in. Now quickly, there's only one cause of all disease. It's called toxemia toxemia means literally means toxins in the blood right? But in a little bit more detail. What it means is that as part of daily living part of our metabolism, we obviously produce waste toxins. But in a healthy organisms those toxins are removed from our body, to the kidneys, the the bowels, the skin, etc. So no harm is done. However, when we are exposed to far more toxins are taking FAR more toxins than our body possibly can eliminate. Then we have an accumulation of toxins in the blood and the body and that's what we call toxemia toxemia does two things. It creates free radicals. And it causes a state of emergency which in conventional medicine we call systemic inflammation. Even in conventional medicine, they now agree that systemic inflammation is the cause of over 90% of all disease. So I always say there's only one cause of all disease. It's toxemia. So what do we need to do to avoid any and all diseases we need to keep toxemia in check, they are radically very simple. We need to do whatever we can to mitigate or to reduce the intake or exposure of toxins from where man made foods man made drinks over the counter prescription medications, household products, cleaning products, the cosmetic products we put on our skin and electromagnetic frequencies and radiations Wi Fi, these cell phones, fluorescent light bulbs, all those types of things are toxic to our body. So we need to do whatever we can to lower this and then do what simultaneously increase the nutrients that do what fight free radicals fight free radical damage, fight systemic inflammation, and repair our DNA. And if we simply can tip that balance, we are bulletproof to any virus, bacteria or disease of the 21st century. So we need to upgrade our diet, keeping that toxemia in mind. And last but not least we talked about already. We need to upgrade our mindset because our mind controls our body. Our mind controls health and disease. Our mind is the blueprint to our future, our success, our failure. So the mindset is step number seven, and if we utilize and start implementing those seven foundational steps on a daily basis, okay, then we have a great foundation and the differences by doing those simple things on a daily basis as part of a routine makes extreme strides. forward when it comes to health and performance. Oh yeah. Thank you so much. Those are like it's a very, like most people know those things. It says that then that implementation that's how you are actually able to able to put them into your life and and even if you can't do everything every single day that then working on that as consistent as you can and trying to improve how it goes and that's why people need coaches and mentors like you want you want that because we make them accountable. Right? Yeah, yeah, no some kind of some kind of accountability you need. Or if you are not someone like obviously some people are like that they are so efficient that they are doing them like no matter what they are you have the determination. Maybe you have had codes in in a best and you know how to work those things and you don't need like I ultimately, my goal is I suppose is to be that coach that people who work with me that they don't need me. And you know what I mean after I after I if I help them in 12 weeks develop their own routine once they start implementing see the benefits. They're really only just gonna stick with their routine that they can count on. Yeah, that's exactly and that is that is what is the difference is with the clothes that they make you they are that good coat is that they don't You don't need to have a boat all the time. Like obviously some people need it like they access that kind of type that you need all the time to have coach to toys reminding you do those basic things over and over again. Perfect, that went fast. So thank you so much, Mike for sharing your wisdom. So where people can contact you where people can find you what is the best place place to fine tune? Yeah, I'm not a big social media guy because I keep my dopamine under control. Right but I have a website you can find everything. It's called biohacking. and at biohacking, a limited company, you have all my books, you have my mentorship programs, you can schedule a 20 minute call for free to just talk to me to see if I can help you out. We currently have the limitless Lab, which is that 12 week program, it's virtual from all over the world you can join so check out the details of the limitless lab because that's exactly what we're gonna do is what we talked about today is get to your maximum performance to self optimization. So it's a 12 week course that we have. There's the events, my my keynote speaking pitches there in case you are somebody that organizes events and wants me to come and talk about things. So everything's in one place biohacking. Perfect. Thank you so much for coming, and hope to talk to you. Thanks for having me. recording stopped. Awesome. All right. Thank you so much. That was I think it was very, very valuable. Thank you so much for sharing it. I really enjoyed learning from you. And what about those links? Should I ask from Your assistant? No, I really don't even know them. They they kind of they kind of pay me a small fee to talk about the dopamine and their product. So you can put there you can put a link in there for your people to try to try that focus plus, which is a natural product that helps with focus. It's the website would be try smart Would you mind sending me an email, no. email, email, like, let me put because from now on, I think you and I probably should think about creating we probably could create some Win Win situations if you know what I mean. Yeah, so I'm going to put my email my personal email here so you can bypass the company that put us together. That's my personal email. I'll put my phone number there also. Is it you male or female? No, it's why mail it so it's got it? It is correct. Correct. Okay. So you can bypass them even when this interview comes out? Send it to me, I'll share it with, you know, on my platforms. And, yeah, let's think about how we can somehow work together helping more people. And also make a little bit of money right. Yeah, absolutely. I know what this what kind of lighting second what is you have a you mentioned what do you Oh, I do I do. Yeah, for example, this limitless lab, so check it out on the website. You go to my website, click on limitless lab, read. It's only one page read through it. If you recommend that or if you see if you know people that that would benefit from it. Or you have athletes or you say you have a team and you want a discount. You can always talk to me but you would get 20% or $400 for each referral. So you do people a favor, and you can get paid on to we have a Costa Rica retreat coming up in August. So there's many things on the website. If you have somebody that has cancer or Parkinson's or an athlete that needs my expertise, if you refer them you get 20% So there is an affiliate page too. So you know and if I can do something for you to help you let me know. So I'm saying we can help each other out. If you have a website, email it to me I'll check out what you have or what services you have. I can promote some of your things and vice versa, help people and make money right. So we can absolutely just keep doing this. Yeah, no, no, I plan to publish this episode, either this week or next week. So I have always every Thursday it might be next week, but I will definitely put so your website is I what I found. It's the NVT Correct? Yes. All right, so that I can share in the links and I will send you an email, email with everything and links what I do and stuff what to do. So we can try to find out some ways to how to support each other's and obviously, that's good patters. Alright, thanks for your time. If they touch base that's the end that's