FitMitTuro Fitness Podcast

EP 94 3 most effective ways to boost your metabolism and get out of weight loss plateau

Turo Virta

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Today´s solo session I am talking what is affecting to your metabolism and 3 most effective ways how to boost it.

I am talking how to know if you are actually in weight loss plateau and what options you have to get out of it. Because I know how frustruating it can feel when you are working so hard but seeing so little results.

If you want to hear increbile transformation stories from my clients who used principles I talked in this episode, please listen Silvia´s story (EP 49/22), Lukas Story (EP 8/21), Nerma´s Story (EP 34/22)

If you feel that you need a coach to help you at this point of your journey, you can apply to my Coaching by filling out the application HERE

So how to boost and how to fix your metabolism. And so this is something what I get asked very often. And the reason is that, that you could, many people, they are eating already very little calories and probably doing at the same time, a lot of workouts, but still feeling the PC. So less results often thinks that there is something wrong with metabolism, or their body, because the progress is not what it should be. And in this episode, I'm telling you why that the weight loss is getting harder older you are getting, and what could be the reasons that you are actually in a weight loss plateau. And what kind of signs there is for slow metabolism, and then ultimately how to get out of weight loss plateau. And then I'm also talking about secret how to actually optimize your metabolism for fat loss. So to get started, why that weight loss is getting harder as older you get, like, you probably already know that when we are getting older, we are starting to lose muscle mass. And that is starting around that age of

it's 30. And from there, you are losing every decade muscle mass, if you are not fighting against it, so how to fight against it, it's eating a lot of or high protein diet and doing some form of resistance training at the same time, if you are not doing these things, your muscle mass will go

down, you are losing muscle mass and at the same time as muscle is it needs most more energy than that. And if you think that why that's doing training, why every coach is and why I'm so passionate about it, it's it's simply that one bound like half kilos around muscle mass needs six to 10 calories more than one bound or 500 grams of fat in your body. So more muscle mass you have more calories you are burning when you are resting and that is something what is little bit boosting your metabolism and if you think that when we are getting older, then at the same time you are usually what where is this coming from that you are feeling that your metabolism is getting slower is that you are losing muscle mass, then you are probably getting a little bit less active than usually or done earlier. And at the same time women could have a menopause at the same time, it is making things even more challenging. And this is all this is kind of sum of all things is that your unit, it feels like that you are working so hard, but seeing so less results. And that's why in this training, I'm explaining you exactly what you need to do to actually boost your metabolism and, and where it is

what kind of steps you need to do to avoid that kind of weight loss plateaus and everything so so before I'm telling those most effective ways to boost your metabolism, what actually let's get started, what is actually made a policeman where it is coming from. So this is it's it's simply just how many calories your body needs and where it's coming from. It's coming from BMR BMI report is meaning passable metabolic rate and it's it's amount of your calories your body needs to keep your life like let's say that it's in that same situation that you would be laying down in a coma, your body needs still some energy, even you are not doing anything, it says you are still alive and your body needs still some calories to keep your life that blood is circulating. Lungs are working stuff like that. And this is your BMR and that is around 70% of total amount of calories. So let's say that if you have used some like for example, my calorie calculator, you get your maintenance calories, they are 2000 for example, 1400 calories you need, your body needs to keep you alive, it's around 70 Proceed, then rest it's around 15% is coming from need it's a non exercise

activity. So, basically all kinds of steps when you are walking are you using your hands when you are talking? What kind of face limb presence you are making? That is called need and this is not This has nothing to do with the exercise what do you think that you are going to work out and sweat for 30 minutes going for a run? This has nothing to do this need is just the normal activities you are doing you take the stairs and that is actually the it's 15,000 More or less than there is thermic effect of food and that is around then proceed what is thermic effect of food that is amount of your body needs energy to date system kind of keeping the body temperature up and that the

or what is highest? How do what is affecting that thermic effect of food, there are different foods, what are increasing the thermic effect of food, for example, that's why you probably have heard that protein is so important. And that is the protein is the highest as the highest thermic effect of food. So it means that, for example,

100 calories from protein, you're around 25 calories 25% of from protein is going to dermatologic the food to keep your body temperature high. So it means that from 100 calories from protein, your body actually needs already 25 For thermic effect of food, for carbs, it's five to 10. And for fat zero to three, if I know I don't have those numbers here, but you get the idea that it's that's why the protein, even if you eat let's say 100 calories from fats, or carbs, if you eat 100 calories from protein, your body is

reacting differently on those calories. So it's not the same 100 calories, even it's it's on the label but but it's a thermic effect of food, it makes a big difference. And that's why if you are eating high protein, it's increasing the thermic effect of food. And then the rest, it's around 5% We are coming to five to maybe depending how active you are, maybe some people are able to get it to 10% of your total calories, what you need is coming from exercise, what do you burn during exercise. So if you go on your treadmill, you go to run, it makes only 5% of total calories. So what most people are doing wrong, they are focusing on those increasing that 5000 calories when you if you be able to increase for example, your bmm Joe that you have more muscle mass, you are burning, while you are resting while you are sleeping, already more calories. So and it's not that it's not very rare that you could get your

basal metabolic rate, let's say to 300 calories higher. And, and what is also increasing when you have more muscle mass, you are most likely more active. So let's say that your basic things what you are not even thinking as an exercise, you're increasing them with to 300 calories per day, and

then get that it's it's like half an hour hour cardio every single day without actually doing it. So this is this is like in a long term. If you think that what is what is the most beneficial way, it's that, that having that strength during that strength training, and then focusing on those calories burned as little as possible as they literally they mean close to zero, if your goal is to lose body fat, improve your body composition, amount of calories you burned during exercise doesn't mean anything. So then it seems that what is what is what kind of things are affecting your metabolism. So it's obviously your genetics, then, then there is your aid. But actually there is an even pretty recent study that aids I used to believe that when you are getting older, it's getting lower, but actually that is not the truth. And there is actually recent studies are telling that are showing that your metabolism is not going slower basically at all, before you turn 60 Then it's going decreasing like a little bit every every year and every decade but until 68 UFC 60, that AIDS is not slowing down your metabolism. And then like we talked like I said earlier, it's your how much you rate and your how much lean body mass how much muscle mass you have, those are affecting off your total metabolic then obviously a diet it's basically that thermic effect of food what I already said, then obviously exercise your lifestyle. And now let's think that what kind of things you can affect. So you can't affect Unfortunately, your genetics, you can't even you would love to change your parents or genetics, you can't do it. You can't unfortunately change your eight so it is what it is and and that you can do. But that even even those things like that the what you what you can change is your lean body mass, you can change your effect your diet, you can effect your exercise and lifestyle. And, and those those are those are things like for for example for weight, more lean body mass, you have more energy you will burn

that diet that about the protein. So it's it's still when you hear when I see when I get new clients, almost 90% I would say of my clients who start to work with me are getting

Eat too little protein. So this is that's why the protein, it's almost one of the first steps where I focus on to add more protein. So it's increasing your dermatuff food, and that makes you feel fuller, helps you build that muscle mass. So that is the most important macronutrient. Before taking any carbs away, before reducing any fats, it's adding protein. And

that for exercise part, then what is the boost, if you want to boost your metabolism, long term, always short term solution is to burn as many calories as you can, as quickly as possible. But the long term solution is to make your body fat burning messy, which burns most calories while you are resting. And the key for that is that resistance training, like I already said, and then obviously, what you're going to fit is your lifestyle, and those that need. So, what kind of how many steps you are getting, what kind of how many crystals, like your activity levels, it matters lot more than how many calories you burn during your workout. So,

then, then,

what are 10 most effective ways to boost your metabolism. So number one is to add more muscle mass. So strength training your whole body and not only your problem. So and this is this is another very common problem, what I see is that especially women, they are focusing on their problems. And then they are draining like doing like app exercises. So they because they want to they are not happy with their belly, they might have obviously meant to meet you, I have some belly fat, what I would love to lose, but it's not. It's those epic societies don't actually help. So goes, if you think that you want to get more leaner apps, for example, how to or or Platt don't Bailey, how to call it. But if you didn't like the apps, they are like they are muscle like, like, let's say biceps, that it's easier to understand. If you train your biceps you strength training, you your muscle is growing, it's getting bigger, it's like not easy. But that's the that's the goal for why people are training biceps, for example. And it's exactly the same thing with up muscle and muscle is a muscle, what when you get stronger apps, it's growing. So I'm not getting the feeling that you get your beer belly by training apps, but it's not helping to reduce that belly fat. And when you want to get that built that muscle mass overall in your whole body, you should train your whole body. And not only that, that your problem zones, and that main focus should be always on your bigger muscles like glutes, back muscles, what what are where it's easier to add more muscle mass and lean that lean muscle mass if you train like a small muscles like a shoulders or something, it's not that you're not going to burn so many calories even you have massive shoulders, even that mask was that muscle is so small, that it's a lot easier when you are training mostly on those bigger muscles. So like I said that that one bound half kilo around muscle burns around six to 10 calories per day, one pound of fat burns to three calories a day. So you might think that it's not that big difference. But then there is like I said there's another benefits like that when you have more muscle mass you have more energy you have you are probably increasing your needs. You are more active you're using your hands and fit Faisal impressions, stuff like that when you have more muscle mass and and then that is that is that why how you are 10 burning more calories when you are resting. And

you'd like if you didn't steal that it doesn't sound so big difference. But let's say that you would have been bounced like four or five kilos more muscle illness, it alone burns 100 calories more every single day, while you are resting while you are watching Netflix or you are sleeping. And and when that muscle is growing that process when muscle is growing, it requires also some energy. So there is kind of that when you are strength training. It's that double effect what is then increasing your energy outtake or how many calories your body needs. And

then what kind of strategies like what I love to do strength training. You don't have to do it every single day. But if you do it two to three times Max maybe four times a week. It burns seem like a lot more fat than performing only cardio in your workouts. So

Now, I hope you are understanding that, that how that strength training is helping, but even you are shrinking, it doesn't justify you to go and eat pizza and ice cream every single day. So, it doesn't make that big difference, but that in the long term, it makes a huge difference and that there are other health benefits like for that strength training, it's it's it should not be workouts or exercise should never be for fat loss, it should be always for strength reasons, increasing bone density, and then rather worrying like the kind of exercise is burning most calories. So, these are these are simply as the things think then next step, how to increase your metabolic miss that adding that protein, but that I already already talked and increasing need is kind of third point. So then how to know if you are if you are actually

your metabolism is low. And and if you are in a restless plateau. So how to first of all, how to know that if you are actually in a plateau. So most many, many people, they are thinking that I'm eating very healthy, very little, exercising a lot, but not making progress. But are you really tracking accurately because what often what I see is that from Monday to Thursday, usually it's that it's 1200 or whatever calories like very little calories healthy, and then we can cumson dentists like that now I have my cheat day or two days, and then it's like that you go out having some drinks, snacks a

little bit not tracking so accurately, and then all of a sudden, you know, there is no progress, and it's so easy to over consume those calories during the weekend. So if you are not, if you're not tracking accurately

that is the first step to be sure that you are actually tracking accurately and that you have been consistent at least for four weeks. So but if you are in situation pros, I know I have helped many people that they have been dragging accurately, longer time and still not not making progress in their workouts not seeing any weight loss fat loss progress. And, and that is that is

if you're not making progress, then your situation is that there is no other progress that you are not making, there is no difference in your pictures or there is no

meat deep difference in your tape measurement. So you are tracking many different ways, not only scale weight because you might not be losing scale weight but still make progress. And the most common problem is that people who are they are

making progress, but they don't realize that they make progress and that's why they end up quitting. So that's why it's so important to track your progress in in different ways. So many as possible. So, you are taking pictures, you are taking tape measurements, you are tracking your workout. So, you are in some form of progress you should be but if there is no then it means that you might be in a plateau. And then obviously consistency that you have been at least 80 pros and consistent with your calories with your workouts with your steps. And if all you have you can say that this I have done all these but there is still no progress. So when when this is called First of all plateau. And

then let's say that of course I have had I have worked with many many people who have been in a deficit for years for decades even. And and that is that is something would have probably caused that your metabolism have adapted. So there is no such a thing that your metabolism is broken, it's not broken, otherwise you would beat it, but it might have adapted and often if you Your situation is that you have been in a in let's say in a deficit for 12 to 16 weeks or longer. So three to four months in a deficit. And suddenly you are not making progress anymore because usually people when they start going for a calorie deficit trying to lose weight they might see in the beginning some progress but then same things what worked earlier, were not working anymore and there is a couple of things how to why this is happening. First of all if you have lost some weight, you have to check your calories again how many calories Have you have you tested because if you wait less, your calorie, calories what you your body needs they are going lower, so you should be reducing your calories also while you are losing weight. So same amount of calories

You might be deficit in the beginning, but after a couple of months, it might be your new maintenance. And that's the reason and

But how then how to get them out of it like losing strategy in a long term is that you are trying to cut 500 calories, lose another five to 10 pounds, or two to five kilos. And then trying to burn more calories cut even more ghost in the Western is always that how low you can go. Because you can't, there is going to be end at some point that if you are starting with 1600 calories working very well, then you are going to cut it 4000 4002, then you are 1000. And ultimately, it's going to be so low that your energy levels are so low. And it's not it's an endless road. So that's why you have probably heard that you have to take some kind of diet breaks, and raise your calories for maintenance for a shorter period of time for a short period of time and then go back to deficit. So this is kind of long term thinking that I hear all the time trying to do same things, our bodies are very good at adapting. And it is it's how it's easy to explain is that if you if you've got nutritionists more or less same than exercise, so if you think that, let's take an example for running, so if you let's say that you haven't been running for years, and you want to go for a run and run five kilometres, and you might need in the beginning, you might need an hour. And it's still it's hard, it's very effective workout for you. But then you do it more often. You do it every once in a while. But if you always keep the same speed, same length, so you go for you aim for one, five kilometers for one hour, your body becomes more effective, your body's adapting what you are telling to your body to do. And that is then after a year running two to three times per week, that five kilometers in one hour. It's easy, it doesn't you don't burn that many calories than you burn very first time. And it's same thing with nutrition. So if you keep doing the same things over and over again, month after month, it's not your body's going to adapt. And and then to get out of this like how to get out of running plateau, if you would call it running plateau that you don't burn as the same amount of calories with that five kilometer run for an hour than earlier how you are going to change it. So either you run for longer, or you run faster. And with the nutrition is that you actually call for opposite direction and you start actually eating more feeding your body more, because then that your body is if you are consistently giving low energy, it's a first of all, it's a big stress for your body calorie deficit always a huge stress factor for your body and goes there is missing energy, and your body would need to survive and to perform it best at the base level, your body would need more energy. And if you never give that energy, it's a big stress and your body will be our bodies are made to survive, not to drive and lose fat. So you have to be kind of smarter than your body. And this is the mental struggle when you have especially if you're in a situation that you have still some weight and fat to lose but and you are not your own you have had some progress. And then mentally you have to go for opposite direction and thinking that what is what is what I'm going to do is that I need to actually start eating more adding my calories closer to maintenance or to your maintenance. And this is where most people panic. They are like no no, i There's no way I'm going to eat more. But this is what I love to use is called reverse dieting. And that is that you are adding adding calories week by week. So let's say that you are in situation you are eating 1200 calories, you are not losing weight, your maintenance should be let's say 2000 And what I would say that you start adding calories 100 150 calories per week. Then do that for a week, week after at another 150 calories up to a point that yours you are getting to your maintenance calories are close to that. And then when you find when you start to when you know that it's it's too much is that when your average scale weight gain it's more than pound or more than half kilo on average per week, then it's going to be too much and then it's time to stop then it's time to stay and not go but don't panic if it's going to if you are when you are starting this thing. It's going to you often you gain weight within first let's say 1014 days you are gaining

Some scale weight, which is totally normal, as you're feeding your body, you're giving more energy to your body, but then that scale rate is going, going away. And that is that is that is the reason. That is the reason why most people when they start eating more, they are seeing that scale is going up. And that's the that's the time when they panic that they're like, No way, I'm not going to eat more because I'm getting fat to gain and that that is the biggest fear what they have. And this is this is the way that you probably what I recommend, is that this time work with some persons with some boats or, or someone who knows what is going to happen though there is also a person who is answering your questions, because you will have so many insecurities questions at this time, is this normal? Is this okay? What is happening? So that is, if you're doing it alone, it's you have to be really trusting the process and keep going no matter what.

And that's, that can be very, very challenging.

Then, if you if you're interested to learn, I have a couple good podcast episodes, I think my Fitbit podcast episode number 49 with Silvia number eight, if I don't remember right with Lucas

are telling their experiences what happened during their reverse dieting. And they were both able to raise their calories almost by 1000 calories. And while actually not gaining any weight, or actually even losing weight, starting to make progress while eating more. So these are just good experiences good stories from my clients, what you if you are in that kind of situation that you should be starting eating more, listen to those episodes, as they might help you a lot.

Then how then do actually

start to optimizing that metabolic magazine, this is a strategy to get your calories up. And then when you have found basically the highest point you stayed there for. It's not only for a week or two, you might you have to stay there for longer. I will say that at least month two, it might take even longer, depending on how long you have been in deficit for this. What is kind of your relationship with food, maybe at this point, like, for example with Silvia See, originally, she wanted to lose fat, but then when see, we got her to her maintenance. She was like that way, I feel so great. I feel so good my workouts, I have never felt that good in my workouts that I don't want to go to deficit I want to be here, I want to feel this way and make progress in my workouts than trying to lose that fat. So your goals might say is during that time when you do it and you feel that your energy levels and everything is going so much better. So

these things what, what else, what else is mattering is that that just if you are starting to fabulous face or something is that don't try to starve yourself. Because if you are under feeding your body, like on regular basis, like dieting for months, years or even decades, like I said, your metabolism will adapt to those lower your calorie intake and go steady. So it's a real thing. And

that is like starving yourself trying to go find the fastest possible way human can lose body fat, it's not the best way it's in the long term, you do more harm than good for your body. Even you might be tempting them to see quick results, you feel like that I need to lose fat now fast. But the fastest way to lose fat is not to try to

show it's the fastest way because it's usually the most sure way, how you are going to gain it also back later on. So that's why take your time.

And look at those sustainable methods. Because that is the in the long term fastest way how to get your results. So even you feel in the beginning that it's going to it should be faster. But then you'd like to do that same thing. If you're able to maintain your results, and you make progress throughout the year in after six to 12 months, you are in a lot better place than you are trying to search the fastest way to make progress within a month or two. So

this was I think, the quickest, fastest way and how to get out of weight loss plateau, how to boost your metabolism. I hope it was helpful and thank you for listening, and I'll talk to you soon again