FitMitTuro Fitness Podcast

EP 92 Losing fat without tracking all calories - my fat loss phase explained

May 04, 2023 Turo Virta
EP 92 Losing fat without tracking all calories - my fat loss phase explained
FitMitTuro Fitness Podcast
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FitMitTuro Fitness Podcast
EP 92 Losing fat without tracking all calories - my fat loss phase explained
May 04, 2023
Turo Virta

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Today´s FitMitTuro Fitness Podcast episode I am talking about my own Fat Loss Phase I recently started.
I tell you what made me to decide starting fat loss phase, how long I am going to do this and what I am exactly going to do.

I was asking from my Instagram followers how they would prefer me to do this and majority of the people wanted to see how to lose fat without tracking all calories accurately.

As you probably know, the only way to lose fat is a calorie deficit and there are so many ways how to do it. In this episode I explain why I decided to use strategies I am going to use like limiting my evening snacking and reduce my portion sizes.

I will explain how I will measure my progress and know that I am in a calorie deficit if I am not tracking everything accurately.

If you want to follow how things are going, I am sharing my journey in my IG Stories so make sure you follow me there and that you have put post notifications on.

Talk soon,


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Today´s FitMitTuro Fitness Podcast episode I am talking about my own Fat Loss Phase I recently started.
I tell you what made me to decide starting fat loss phase, how long I am going to do this and what I am exactly going to do.

I was asking from my Instagram followers how they would prefer me to do this and majority of the people wanted to see how to lose fat without tracking all calories accurately.

As you probably know, the only way to lose fat is a calorie deficit and there are so many ways how to do it. In this episode I explain why I decided to use strategies I am going to use like limiting my evening snacking and reduce my portion sizes.

I will explain how I will measure my progress and know that I am in a calorie deficit if I am not tracking everything accurately.

If you want to follow how things are going, I am sharing my journey in my IG Stories so make sure you follow me there and that you have put post notifications on.

Talk soon,



Hey, and welcome to this fit Metro fitness podcast. In today's episode, I'm talking about my own fat loss piece what I just started as I'm recording this couple of days ago, and when this podcast episode is coming out, it's been around week, and I'm in this training and in this episode, I'm explaining what I'm exactly going to do to lose fat within next four or five weeks. And it's, to be honest, it has been something that I have been procrastinating a lot as I feel great and I love to energy I have eating at the maintenance level. And I have been seeing amazing results and improvements in my strength training. So this is something what is always like also fat loss phases, they are hard and it's a it's a it's very hard to go to going from maintenance where I'm I believe I'm pretty good at at as I have been maintaining my scale rate for past years, more or less, without gaining losing. So I'm pretty good at it, but then losing that hat, that's the hardest part. And that's what I have been procrastinating a lot. So I love food, I love enjoying life feeling good energy and to be honest that that was faced it's not so much fun that I would enjoy doing it but now before summer, there is still a little bit time so I decided that I try to go for a fabulous face or at least for a four to five weeks there will be I will have some kind of planned trips weekend long weekend with my friends. So even that was the first thing was I was talking thinking of myself that there is this antecedent, but I'm going to show that you can actually hopefully make some progress. Even you are living your life enjoying life having social events as those things will always happen at some point in in life. And that there was a I made a poll actually my Instagram stories where I'm going to share everything what I'm doing, how things are going, what kind of progress I'm making, and I was asking there before I started this from my followers in Instagram that if I subsurface and, and if I should do it, like of course there are basically a couple of ways how you can lose fat and I was thinking that device would do it with tracking accurately or trying to do it without tracking everything accurately and and majority of the people wanted to see in my story so I thought that I even I don't and that's really in soy to material about my foods what I'm doing day by day because I feel like that my life is so boring it's it's a lot of work sitting in front of computer eating mostly healthy foods but but obviously enjoying also life and and I'm just not some food blogger who is enjoying enjoying the poster too much about my own foods as I'm maybe it's because of me because I don't enjoy seeing somebody else posting some food pictures. That's for me like right away that who cares. So that's, that's just my way of thinking. And that's why I haven't been posting but now if it's helping for someone, I'm more than happy to share at least something even I'm not going to post every single food what I'm going to eat, but but at least some kind of tips and ideas in my Instagram story. So the story so I hope you if you want to see how things are going what I'm doing, just make sure you follow me on my Instagram and check my stories I will post there daily, how am I escapees flag going to fluctuate that I know already now that it will go up it will go down now for example, first day I almost lost one kilo weight while while doing this, but I know that it's even it sounds great. It's not going to it's not any fat. It's just a lot of water weight probably during eating a lot less carbs and, and food in general than normally. And I'm curious to see how my energy levels how they are impacting and when when this challenge is going forward. So like I said, That was almost 90% of people wanted to see what kind of things I'm doing and and also majority like it was like a 70% of people wanted to see how to do it without tracking calories accurately. And that's what I thought also myself as I'm at the moment I'm not tracking I have done it. There's a big difference like when especially when I'm in in I'm not trying to lose fat. I'm trying to maintain my weight. I have done it in the past that long that I'm breathing Be aware of foods like how many calories they have, how much protein they have found. And I have found myself so lucky, what I have been able to use on most days or more, like I said to maintaining my weight. And that is basically just focusing on having having enough fiber or having enough protein. And when those two things are on sport, I have enough dose, I don't have cravings, my energy levels are great. And I'm seeing results in a workout. So this is what I'm doing on a daily basis, when I'm not trying to change my body composition, obviously, when it comes to then losing body fat, it's all about creating that calorie deficit. And there are different ways what I'm explaining how you can do it. And this is what was I'm going through my thought process, while I decided that what I'm actually going to do, and hopefully this is going to help you help you. Also, if you are thinking like that, should you be losing starting to lose fat. And and if you decide to do it then goes there is like so many possibilities, like the only all common thing, as you probably know is that you have to create that calorie deficit somehow. And, and but first where I get started, I don't start like that is just the common knowledge that you get calorie deficit. It's, it's, you have to have that otherwise, you are not going to lose any weight or weight you might lose but you are not going to lose any fat if you are not in a calorie deficit. And but first, when I get started, like as a fat loss, it's a face, it's not a lifestyle, like I know I have worked with people who have been kind of dieting or fat loss phase for years, some of them even decades, kind of trying to lose weight since they have been small children. And that this is something that was it's it's not a lifestyle, it's not a it's not meant to be something that you should be doing. longer period of time, like, obviously depends on things like that, how much fat you have to lose, and and how is your progress. There are many, many factors how long it should be. But I would say that in general, it should never be like I would say that 12 to 16 weeks or three to four months at max and in no at one time. And if it's any longer, it could it can be longer also, especially if you have a lot of weight and fat to lose. And you are seeing progress, everything is going well you can be you don't have energy levels operate, you are not feeling that you are restricting do maths. It's as the that goes, it's even even your goal is to lose more fat. But that is the hardest part what I'm what I'm talking about, you have to take at least some point, you have to take some diet breaks using maybe reverse dieting, or just some sort of maintenance periods that your metabolic reward that up because if you are longer period of time in, in a deficit, it will add up like us, our bodies are very good. It's adapting at everything what you're doing, like, if it's not, then if I explain it in a running, that's usually simpler to understand. But the principles are same for nutrition. And if you're running, let's say that you have never been running and you go first time to run, it's going to feel hard. Like let's say that you want to run for five kilometers. And you will need, let's say 30 minutes to run that for the very first time. Now, let's say let's say an hour, it's that more like if you have never been running, you're won't be able to make it for 30 minutes. But let's say that you need 60 minutes to make five kilometers. So you are doing it more often. Then for that same. It might feel hard in the beginning. But then when you are doing it if you always keep that aim to go for one hour four or five kilometers at while you do it, you are improving. So your body's adapting, you are getting better. And then it's not let's say that you need in the beginning, like how many calories you are needing, for example, that in the beginning you might need let's say 400 calories because it's really hard. But then as your body becomes more effective, you are needing if you are not either running for longer or going for faster, you will be needing less calories for that same amount so it becomes easier. And that and this is how your body's adapting for everything what you are doing and it's it's exactly the same thing with nutrition wise and amount of calories. So if you are longer period of time doing same things over and over again, either like if you want to maintain where you are, that's a great way to do it. But if you want to change something and improve also your body composition, lose fat build muscle, it's you have to be kind of smarter than your body and do things that your body naturally don't want to do. And that's the reason why you have to also in a dieting and fat loss phase, decide before like, this is something, what is actually really hard to decide how long is that you're going to be that fat loss phase. And for me, I was deciding that it's going to be around one month, I started it was on Wednesday, when I decided that it was just like, I was snapping my fingers on Tuesday had a thought about it. And then Wednesday, I was like, Okay, let's go, let's do this. And, and that is, that is something but that's I know it before. So regardless of results, like I'd say it's another good example, what I what I use now I had a client here who we were reverse dieting, he was in a situation that that he was eating very little calories, like his maintenance calories should be somewhere like 2800. And he was eating 1800 not getting results, anything. And so we fixed his metabolism, everything we started to raise his calories used to reverse dieting, raised his calories we cut to his maintenance, so he started to eat more, and raised his calories week by week and got his after a couple months working together got his maintenance, he didn't gain any weight, he started to see actually progress in workouts, improving strength, what he didn't see either for months, and after we got the he was increasing calories week by week and got his 2.2 1007 800 almost what was that there was calorie calculator was giving for maintenance. And there he was able to maintain his weight, we were staying there for a while. And then we were deciding for him if we are going to go for kind of dramatic mini cut for shorter periods of time. But this is something some kind of metal that I'm not. It's not something what I suggest to do for most people, but but for him his case was basically it will same thing for me that I had to decide if I want to go or like kind of more aggressive, shorter period of time, or if I want to go for longer. And he was he was like that, yeah, let's go, let's try the 1008 what he was eating earlier. And now we decided, okay, it's going to be the next two weeks and not longer after that, we are going to increase calories, no matter of results. And at first this was like that after a couple of days, he was coming and said that there is not much progress. And as the trust the process, keep going. And then end of the week two, he was like holy shit, there is such a huge difference, seeing in a tape measure and speaker scale rate going down everything, like what happened, like so fast, and it was like so happy, then he was like that he just want to lose more weight, and more fat. And then we were designed it is that no, this is a we decided that it's going to be two weeks, if you want to continue, we can like if it has any energy levels, everything, we're still pretty good. But we decided to keep going but little bit more sustainable way like increased calories to around 500 deficit and, and he's eating now that was 2200 3300 or next couple of weeks and then we will see what is happening. But But these kinds of Crash diets, it's you have to decide before how long it's going to be and then stick with that plan. And not because it's so tempting always that you are seeing you start to see results. But the problem is that if you keep going for longer than you initially thought, then then you start to your energy levels are going so low and and you might everything might add up and it's not going to be you will end up then having some great expense eating stuff like that. But it's not the whole point that it's going to then make more harm than good. So, so keep those if you decided that that was what was my thought process also going through this that, that if I'm going to if I want to do it, like really like a short period of time, like let's say that, for example, my maintenance calories, they are around 3000. So I was thinking that if I would go, let's say minus 1000 calories for two weeks, I would be able to create on if I count it accurately, it would be like 14,000 calorie deficit within two weeks and unforeseen results. I will get if I stay let's say around minus 500 calories for four weeks. And it's going to be exactly the same amount at least on paper that obviously how your body is responding. That's a different story but more or less, it's it's going to be as it's it's it's a maths in the end. Obviously there are many many other factors that are affecting the all those numbers and but my thought process was that I'm not I I love my energy I love to work out, I want to see because I know that if I cut my calories super low, I'm going to be so hungry all the time, and only thinking about food, even, it's going to be a shorter period of time. But I thought that for me, I rather reduce a little bit, go for like a bit longer period of time, and more sustainable way. And then we will see how things are going. So this was my thought process when I was going going through this, and I decided for myself that it's going to be that four to five weeks maximum, and not longer than that. Then next lesson was that how I'm going to limit my calories. So there are obviously there are many ways like if you watch social media, you can there is what is pretty popular at the moment is time restrictive eating as this, it's a simple like you make rules for yourself that you are either skipping breakfast or not eating after 7pm or whatever. And these are also these are all helping but it doesn't only that, that you are limiting your eating times, it won't help because if you eat, then rest of the time, whatever you want, it doesn't mean that it's the simple way to reduce your total calorie intake. And that was for me, it was something for example, that time restricted eating even that is a pretty simple way to restrict your calories. It's, it wouldn't be I love my breakfast, I love eating in morning. And as I'm having some group workouts with my Pignataro family here in Italy, I'm pretty late at home, when I come home from work and I'm hungry, I'm starving at eight o'clock in the evening. So, so I need to have buy something to eat also a bit later. So that that was not really like an option for me. And, but if you're a person who is who doesn't enjoy, do much eating breakfast or late at night, it might be an option. But for me, it was not an option. Then other option like that you are trying to reduce something like if it's for someone is Soakers. Someone reducing carbs, somebody's trying to reduce fats or processed foods, those are always good ways for reducing the total calorie intake. But for me, I have done in the past I was I have had a couple of times I was told one month without any Sucre and I knew that if I'm going to that road again, the only thing was I remember those times, like obviously they were working they were bringing results but the only thing what I was thinking when I said that I can't have any sucrose, I was thinking that when I can have finally my chocolate or cake or, or something sweets, so that I have felt like I don't want to be in that situation again, that I'm thinking all the time what I'm when I'm allowed to do something, what feels like that, and then you know, feeling really bad if for some reason somebody's offering or there is some chocolate available and I can't have it, I don't have that option, or I'm breaking my own rules, though, then I would be guilt and shame about not keeping promises what I what I made for myself. So that was that was kind of my thing. And then I made I made as I know that for myself, I have I think I'm pretty much aware of my current habits and what I'm where my problem is, and if you if you really think I'm pretty sure you know also where the problem is. And that's that is that is not not usually the issue you know exactly like most of the people if especially if you have tracked your calories at some point, you know where the problem is. And if you never have tracked your calories, I highly recommend you to start doing it at least four make a promise for yourself to do it for a week or two. So you are educating yourself with the foods you are eating on a daily basis and on on what you love eating and so then you learn about your portion control how much different foods have how many calories they have and then next time you are already a lot more aware what you are going to eat and that you know that okay, if this is my breakfast, how many calories I have, how much protein it has, and then it's helping you to make that at least you know what it means how many calories are and then the other story different stories that what you are actually going to do with that information. So some days you know you just want to enjoy something even you know how many calories it has, but that's at least the first step that you know what how many calories and that is what is kind of helping me also even though I'm not tracking accurately at the moment, calories but I know pretty much boards what I'm eating on a regular basis that how many calories they have, and that is helping to make those decisions a lot easier. So guys, but obviously most accurately how to do it, especially if you're trying to change Your body composition is that you are tracking accurately everything we are putting into your mouth and then you are learning and knowing exactly how many calories you're eating and then it's all about consistency and then staying and staying on on track. So so so the my my main problem what I what I know that if I want to lose fat I need to reduce my snacking. So I'm I'm I love snacking I love we have so good to go I love chocolate I love cakes and sweets and even I'm not I'm not eating a lot of them but I often and especially evening when while watching TV or Netflix or something i snack some we have here some delicious that are less or that kind of stuff. What I love snacking even I'm not actually hungry. And that I know that if I if I want to if I want to get some make some paddlers progress, I need to I need to restrict those, at least in some way. So this was this was and the other other problem that I have is that I love food I love eating I'm not a picky eater, so I eat kind of everything and I eat a lot of it. So that is that is my other issue even it's mostly healthy but it's it's the two months and this is something what is I'm really bad at leaving something behind so this is something what what is coming from my childhood like my mom always told me that you know, you have to finish everything you can't leave something behind and that you don't want to waste food and stuff like that and it's still following me it's funny thing is following me like 30 years 35 years after being self being now 41 But still struggling with those how your parents like obviously my mom didn't mean anything bad as that that was the way our She was educated at the time, but still having this problems kind of feeling guilt when not finishing something and eating way too fast as like my wife is saying that sometimes it looks like that you think that there's you will never get food again. And this was something what I would I know that if I'm able to limit those two things like that nighttime snacking and eating a little bit slower more mindful, I'm pretty sure that I'm going to have a big success. And these are I was thinking going through that what kind of fruits because I don't want to make some completely that I'm not allowed to do eat suckers or eat after 7pm and then you know you are five after seven eating something that plucked me and then you think that you ruined everything so I made a couple of rules for myself I know that they are not going to work every single time especially goes that eating faster it's a learning process takes a lot time. And I was I was I made a basically checklist for myself for that mindful eating that how I'm what I'm trying to practice on every meal and I know that I'm going to fail like very first day. I had a basically three meals and one of them I forgot to do it. I didn't remember do it even it was pressing still in my mind. But I understood after a while I was way too fast now. So what it what means mindful eating it means if you don't know what are what I wrote, obviously your rules can be totally different. What I'm doing every time is that I'm making sure that I had a glass of water before I start to eat. So why this is helping me it's helping to feeling that give you a little bit fullness make sure that you are actually hydrated and there is already something in your stomach. Then what I'm when I'm deciding to eat that I'm I'm asking my question, am I actually hungry? Or if I'm just bored and this is it's really hard to understand it takes some time that goes you know if you are especially at night watching TV for me it's not that I'm really hungry. It says that you know you are bored you are feeling comfortable watching TV and it's something you have something you put something into your mouth but I think if I would just put something in my mouth I wouldn't mind what it is. And then kind of third thing is is that I'm always unhappy what I decided to eat so sometimes you know you are eating something and then you are after like I feel like it's holy moly was a test they did I really needed and so I make I asked that question that am I going to be happy if I eat and then it was just at a conference So with one of my coaching clients and, and that was earlier, like her situation was, is that she's going to go for holiday next week. And she has been struggling with yo yo dieting for her life for many, many years. And, and she said that earlier, she would do that there's he would basically say would not eat anything like restrict about everything, so that she can earn that right to be in holiday and eat bit more there. So she's thinking that that would be a great strategy. And he said that yesterday, she's going now on two days to vacation holiday, and, and he was screaming for pizza. And then he was doing that and see what Okay, that's he's actually hungry. And, and then then he made a decision that okay, I'm going to have a pizza and, and then see how two pizzas he was hungry. She was craving for pizza, she had a pizza. And now she felt so good about it that that was earlier. So you could never ever allow herself to eat two days before going for vacation, when you know that it's not gonna be on her nutrition is probably not going to be optimal. But allowing herself to eat that pizza when she actually wanted that it was not that she was hungry. She was feeling that she wanted to have it even she knows that it's still, you know, inside of her more or less calories, it's not something that she can't have. And that is that mindset. Shift. What do you make in your head that, and I'm sure that when she's going to holiday, so you don't have that kind of cravings that give me everything, I'm going to finish and eat all pizzas and burgers, as I haven't been eating for a week. Now that I'm now I finally deserve to be here and eat everything I want. So that urge Don't be there anymore. If she feels like she wants to have some drinks in soy foods in soy vacation, so you can have it and she knows that how to do it actually moderation without then feeling guilty after that, you know, following that restriction before and most likely it would happen after also. And now you have learned that when she's going to vacation, she's going to enjoy everything, what she wants, just being a decent this mindful eating tips. And then after that you don't need to restrict anything. So it's just going back on track as you don't make too much progress within one week. But you are not losing it. Either. One week. So this is something what I also like to use for myself that I'm actually happy with the decision like that I if I'm not sure I think it at least for a little bit if I really want it and if the answer is yes, I'm happy with it also after, then I go for it. Then the other big thing is that I'm sitting, so eating without any distractions. So this is something that you know, I don't want to watch my phone, delineation or anything or eat when I'm standing as that, I have to admit I'm guilty. Also, sometimes eating when on a go bind off. And then you know, it's it has to be fast, it has to go fast. But when you take the time that you are actually sitting even it's it's a small snack, you are sitting, eating, trying to enjoy, actually how the food is tasting, it makes it so much more enjoyable, and you are eating a bit less. And not that fast that you know, you just don't even realize that you ate something and then you get that feeling of fullness, maybe 1520 minutes after and then you're like, well, I need to add it. So and then other thing related for this is that I tried to stop eating when I start to feel food, like I'm pretty sure you have heard like it's a process and what it should be full. So how do you know if it's 75 or 80. That's, that's almost impossible to know. But when you usually if I think that they eat, I still think that I'm still hungry, I need to eat more. But now when I start to feel a little bit, a little bit full, I kind of stopped myself. And now it's enough and then I need to wait for 15 minutes. And if I'm still hungry after 15 minutes, I'm allowed to eat more, but not kind of eat at once eating too fast, too much. And this is something what I know that I will be struggling a lot within next weeks. But this is what I aim for. To stop and use this kind of rule for myself that if I if it's still if I'm still hungry, then I eat more but first I need to wait. And the other thing is that what I what I tried to practice at every meal is that I put my foot down and take a sip of water after it's mouthful. So it gives me time. It takes that process of eating a bit longer. And that gives me that feeling of fullness hopefully a bit earlier, as I'm having a water, they can lead a bit longer time to chew actually food and not just swallowing it down from my throat without even tasting it just getting my stomach full as fast as possible. So these are, these are kind of strategies for that mindful eating what I'm practicing and like I said, it's going to be, it's not going to be nowhere near perfect. And I know that I will forget it many, many times. But I have decided that no matter what if I need five, even if it's a whole day, a couple of days, when I'm going to forget it, it's always that next meal is going to be next chance to get back on track. And that's what I'm going to follow. So and then for for snacking. It's, it's, it's like I said, I kind of was thinking like that, no sweets, no snacking, like, that would be the easiest way. But I know that I want to have something. And so then I was thinking that what kind of fruit I would make for myself that I can I feel that it's, it's somehow limiting my snacking, but at the same time giving me freedom to eat was what I mean. So if I want to have some piece of chocolate piece of cake or something after dinner, or my trolleys, or or whatever I decide to eat, I made a rule that I'm going to limit my snacking after dinner. 450 calories. So how do I know what is 150 calories if I'm not dragging. So that's the point that at least photos even I'm not tracking all my main meals. I know for calories like that 150 calories. That's not it's not too little, if I was doing that if I go 400 But 100 is so little, that I know that it's going to be going to be able to stick with that plan. But with 150 I feel that for me, it's it's kind of sustainable, it gives enough freedom, but it's not going overboard as my maintenance. Like I said, if my calorie deficit calories are 2500 It's giving me still enough freedom to do it in a way some just sustainable way. And for example, yesterday I had a protein pudding with 150 calories 200 grams of pudding 20 grams of protein altogether. And other options what I know that I will be eating a lot my favorite foods my favorite snacks while I'm if I'm still hungry, especially at night, it's going to be some kind of read you could read certainly if I have some low or zero fat option, it's like a 60 calories per 100 grams with 10 grams of protein. So it's helping me to give that even more protein and I can have lots of it. And if I put there for example, strawberries, what I love, and at this time here in Italy, they are fresh, they are really tasty. So So strawberries, they have around 30 calories per 100 grams. So if I want to have 150 calories, I can have 150 grams of Greek yogurt, 90 calories, 200 grams of strawberry so I have kind of half kilo of food what I can put into my stomach to feel fuller with some protein in it and some paper from from strawberries, which are making me feel cooler with relatively less calories. Obviously, if I have if I want to have a piece of chocolate or or like yesterday when I started my journey, my lovely neighbor old woman was coming like it was after one hour I announced my dad was FaceTime going to start and sees coming in knocking on the door and asking that she has just made a phrase Apple buy it's still warm. There's three pieces of it and if I want to have it and which light at home is it my I think I got my mouth there was already some kind of all customers that taste how it is like you can imagine first freshly baked apple pie. So delicious. What I love eating and of course I took it and then I said what I'm going to do with that and then I obviously I don't know exactly how many calories does the after click Google shirts I was looking at okay, it's one piece was around 80 grams and apple pie my what I found 240 calories. So I think it's about 270 I don't remember but I was counting that it's more or less 200 calories, every piece of that apple pie. So I was like okay, under 50 calories. It's half of that small piece. What I can half or three quarters, but I was like okay, I at least the very first day I was tasting it a little bit like, but not I was at okay I can't now in a very first day, I can't break my own rules that I even if temptation was there, and possibility was there, but I need to keep my promises what I made for myself. So this was, this is like my what I had like 150 calories, it gives freedom if I'm really hungry, after dinner still, it gives me if I decide if I choose to eat something, what I enjoy, there is a lot of calories, I can, I can have a lot of amount of food if I want. But at the same time, I can have something what I enjoy eating, if it's a, if it's a chocolate, if it's a cookies, if it's apparently, so there is just it's just amounts are going to be so much smaller. But what I in general, what I love, especially during this kind of this kind of challenge is what I do, I love using all kinds of protein products like protein bars, instead of chocolate protein pudding, instead of some sweets, as they are relatively low in calories, they have some protein in it, obviously, they are not never going to be saying that if you eat some chicken breast or some other whole food to protein source, but it's for sure a better option, especially for trying to lose fat than some regular one. So this is how I do my snagging game. And in addition, what I what I for my protein as my protein goal, I know that I want to get my weight is around 90 kilos at the moment. And I want to get minimum 150 grams of protein per day as it helps me feeling fuller. Maintaining my muscle mass when I'm trying to lose fat. So that 150 grams per day and how I'm going to do it our was I my breakfast is everyday, kind of same. So I'm eating 250 grams of Greek yogurt with some with some fluids. So usually I have banana, some other seasonal fruits, and then I put a scoop of protein powder. So I have around 50 grams of protein for my breakfast that's every single day. And what I'm only what I'm tasting is those fluids, they are not or sometimes there are some varies depending things i That's a wide variety, but pretty cool to school, and, and propane, natural protein powder without any days, those are my protein sources for breakfast. And then as a snack, after breakfast before lunch, I'm going to have another snack with at least 20 grams of protein. So it's going to be usually some oddities or another protein shake with some actually some taste, it's my love using the leads and vegan proteins what I'm drinking and they are tasting amazing. I love personally, both what I'm using. And that is it's giving me 70 grams of protein before my my lunch. So this is something another rule what I what I made for myself is that it's helping me to eat less at lunch and stay fuller for longer. And you help me to get that protein all per day. So those are those are my rules what I made for myself and and we'll see then how results are going in addition, I'm going to get 10,000 steps as I'm but I'm already that's kind of not even feeling so hard for me as I was looking my tracking apps, my average activities have been it's around 14 15,000 steps, I think last month was even 16,000 steps per day. So I'm really active walking a lot every single day making at least 30 minute walking in addition for everything so so that is been like we can see longer hikes or activity levels, they have never been my issue. If you are not getting your steps in that is what I always recommend it's easiest simplest way to do get a little bit more activity and increasing that need, how many calories you aren't eating. And then in addition, I'm currently what I'm doing is surgery time strength training per week. So swing training, that's I'm going to continue with that. And those are kind of my my goals, what I'm going to do during this, this, this and that then other than a very common question that I get often is that how you know if you are not tracking accurately how you know that you are actually in a calorie deficit. So what I what I made in the beginning and what I recommend for you always as how to measure your progress. So I obviously I'm dealing my scale rate I'm using but I'm not thinking I don't focus too much on those daily values. Instead of I measure myself every day every morning after being in a toilet, taking my weight or logging it in And I think after every week, I take only my average rate. And this is I don't care about it's going, like I said, first day, last one kilo maybe next day gaining two. So you never know how that scale rate is going. What is interesting me is that average rate per week, as that trend should be going down in a longer period of time, and those type Daily Values, they mean close to zero, or they mean, zero, doesn't those doesn't matter for fat loss. Then I took also tape measurements, so I have my syrup inferences from my belly button, and hips, arms, legs, so I know that if something is changing, if my body's changing aside, you know, you probably you're not going to feel it, you're you're not seeing difference on the scale, but you are going to then see it in in some other way that you are losing actually body fat. As if your waist is getting smaller, you're losing your inches or centimeters in some other areas, it's a sign that you are losing body fat, even scaling might not be moving, then I do also pictures of myself. So I really is against some white wall. And it says, For me, it's my underwear. So as clothes, clothes, underwear are great. And that is what I'm what I'm going to take them also future. So you have at least some kind of more ways to measure your progress and not just focusing on that scale weight, as even it's it's important, but learning to understand that it's it's only on average. And that trend in longer period of time, it should be going down. And if it's not going, if there is some other ways, you see your progress, it's just that they are just signs that you are doing everything correctly, and you don't need to change anything goes what is often happening. What I see a lot from people is that they are they are actually making progress. You know, you might be losing date measurements, you see difference in your pictures, but you still go scale rate is not moving what is very common. And and you think that you're not making any progress, then you think that what is the point and then people end up quitting, even they are they were actually making progress. Or then other than what very common is that what kind of expectations you have. So you see in social media that some people they are losing 10 kilos in a month or something and then you think that if you are getting mats, or when the fastest loser who is losing, you're not even close to that you are losing one kilo or two kilo weights is a great fat loss progress, then you think that it's way too slow. And you are trying to kind of speed up the process. And that is leading that it's leaving or using unsustainable methods. And it always ended up that you end up quitting. And that's why when you have realistic expectations, so what is for fat loss, for example, it's two kilos, if you are minus 500 deficit on average per month, it could be that you lose weight in first month, you might lose four or five kilos. And then for next month, you maintain your lost weight. And you are still in a very good average fabulous progress. So this is something what you have to keep in mind that it's not it should not be do maths. It's not be faster and weight loss, fat loss. Those are two different things. So how then, I know that I'm actually in a deficit if I'm not tracking my calories, so for me, very good way to know it. It's that I feel a little bit hunger late at night when I'm going to bed so that I'm not completely full. It's not that I'm starving, but that my stomach is a little bit growling. Like yesterday, I was probably a little bit overdoing it as I was already at night, I woke up when my stomach was growling. And I was like, oh shit now maybe it was a bit too less. But obviously it was the first day and this will this will probably change during the time so like you don't need to feel hungry especially if you are eating foods. Like I said, if you if I would have my 150 calories. If I would get 200 grams of low fat Greek yogurt and 300 grams strawberries. I'm pretty sure my stomach wouldn't be growling. So it's it doesn't it doesn't mean but I know that in most cases we're not going to pit I'm not going to be totally full. So it's that kind of little feeling in my stomach that it's it's it's a little hunger but not not any starving. So you don't need to start to know that you are actually in a calorie deficit but that kind of little real little crawling in your belly and you know that this now or as a as a fact now you are in a deficit. Obviously, if you have been doing this deaf eating and dieting thing for longer your hunger hormones might be A little bit out of balance and you might not have these hunger feelings anymore but for me as I haven't been doing this lately, or for a long time, I know for a fact that this is this is going to be assignment for calorie deficits. So I hope this was helpful if you are interested to know what I'm doing everyday how my progress is calling, check out my Instagram stories as I'm sharing all these things and answering all your questions. If you have any questions, just feel free to DM me on Instagram. And obviously if you need any help with the implementation part grading plan for you, the having somebody to keep you accountable. You can always apply for my coaching, there are links in my social media profiles, and then it's stealing obligation I will contact you and then we will set if we are good fits good match to work together and but that was what my plans are and and hopefully it was helpful. So thank you for listening and talk to you soon.